Baptist vs. Assemblies of God: are they different?

The Baptist church and Assemblies of God church have a standard connection; they are both Christian and protestant churches. However, they have some differences that people want to know to join a church of their choice or for educational purposes. So what is the difference; between Baptist vs. Assemblies of God churches?

The two churches have many differences, but the most significant one is about the Holy Spirit and His gifts. The Baptist church believes that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs once a member is converted and that some gifts, like speaking in tongues, are not viable in the contemporary world. On the contrary, the Assemblies of God churches hold that gifts like speaking in tongues are viable and that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit happens only after conversion and is evident while speaking in tongues.

So, what is the difference between Baptists and Assemblies of God? What are the similarities between Baptists and Assemblies of God? What is the comparison between Baptist and Assemblies of God beliefs, theology, and practices? Which came first between the Baptist and Assemblies of God? Which is the most popular denomination between the Baptist and Assemblies of God? Read on to find out.

What is the difference between Baptists and Assemblies of God?

Different origins

The Baptist church originates from the 17th century from Puritan and Anabaptist churches in England. During the 17th century, the Baptist church was called Separatists or Congregationalists. They believed that each member should be accountable for their Baptism and Congressional membership. On the other hand, the Assembly of God was formed in 1914. It resulted from Pentecostal pastors having a strong push that the gift of the Holy Spirit of speaking in tongues was evidence that it was conducting a baptism on the believers.

Different founders

Also, the two churches have different founders and contributors. John Smith and Roger Williams were the early contributors to the Baptist church. On the other hand, the Assembly of God had three key contributors: William Joseph Seymour, Charles Fox Parham, and Agnes Ozman.

Different stands on social issues

Also, the churches have different theological perceptions and stand on the theological and social views of the world. The initial Baptist traditions teach conservativeness while approaching matters like sexuality, gender, same-sex marriage, etc. However, some Baptist churches are modernizing and becoming liberal and open about matters like same-sex marriage and gender issues, among other controversial social matters. On the other hand, the Assembly of God is purely conservative and evangelical. However, they differ from other Christian churches because they allow women to be pastors. The fact that the Assembly of God church allows women to be pastors has made Christians term them as liberal because that is essentially incorporating gender equality in the church, which is more progressive than a conservative church would have approached the issue.


Also, the two churches differ in how they handle disputes, leading to split-ups. The Baptist church has been among the most divided Protestant churches with many denominations because they disagree on certain theological matters. Some Baptist denominations are liberal, while others are conservative. Also, some denominations are Arminian, while some are Calvinist. On the other hand, the Assembly of God church has been among the churches that have to maintain solidarity despite internal differences—they solve them amicably.

They are organized differently.

In terms of organization, the Baptist Church has denominational and network leaders. The leaders guide the church and support the church. However, the church members who form a congregation are the final say. On the other hand, Assemblies of God churches follow the Presbyterian organization where elders matter a lot. Individual churches govern themselves.

Their names have different origins.

Also, the origin of their names varies. The Baptist church has its origin of the name from its belief in Baptism. They believe that for a believer to be baptized, they should be old enough to profess Christianity. Therefore they cannot Baptize infants above all; they have traditions about Baptism that reflect their name. On the other hand, the Assemblies of God churches get their name from the coming together of individual churches to praise and worship God.

Baptist vs. Assemblies of God: are they different?
What are the similarities between Baptists and Assemblies of God? See below

What are the similarities between Baptists and Assemblies of God?

They are both protestant churches.

Both churches are protestants that believe in protestant beliefs, the belief about salvation by the grace of God and through faith. They refute the idea that doing works of kindness can save a Christian. Additionally, both churches do not subscribe to the papacy and the pope’s authority alongside the Eucharist of Catholics.

They both believe in the Holy Spirit.

Baptist churches and Assemblies of God believe in the Holy Trinity; God exists in three forms.

They have similar beliefs about Jesus Christ.

Baptists and Assemblies of God believe that Jesus Christ comes second in the Holy Trinity. He is 100% human and 100% God. Jesus was born a virgin and lived on earth as God. He preached the gospel, was betrayed, crucified, died, and was resurrected. His resurrection is a win for Christians, and His crucifixion was a sacrifice for the sinful human race.

They have similar beliefs about the Holy Spirit.

Both churches believe that the Holy Spirit comes third in the Holy Trinity. The spirit grants believers gifts necessary for the church’s edification. He applies the salvation that God had intended for the human race, which Jesus Christ fulfilled. The Holy Spirit is the helper that Jesus sent to believers.

They both preach the doctrine of the original sin.

Both churches believe in the doctrine of the original sin. Man disobeyed God, and they became sinful, which means all generations of Adam and Eve were born sinners.

Both Churches Baptize using Water.

Both churches embrace water baptism. The water Baptism is for members who have accepted salvation and Jesus as their personal savior.

They have similar ordinances.

Both churches have two Baptisms and Holy Communion. There is water baptism and Holy Spirit type of Baptism.

What is the comparison between Baptist and Assemblies of God beliefs, theology, and practices?

Assemblies of God church and the Baptist church are both protestant Christian churches, but they hold comparatively different beliefs, theology, and practices. Let’s get into their possible differences;

They have different general theological perspectives.

The Baptist church has two specific theological perspectives. As mentioned above, the Baptist church is among the churches that have many divisions in the protestant Christian branch resulting in the idea that there are Calvinistic Baptists and Arminian Baptists. The Arminian Baptists often refer to themselves as free-will Baptists. What is more interesting is that there is a group of Baptists that are neither Arminian nor Calvinistic. However, most Baptists reject Pentecostal theology. On the other hand, the Assemblies of God churches are strictly Arminian, and their backbone is Pentecostal theology.

They have different specific theologies about Baptism.

The initial tradition of Baptism church teaches that Baptism through the Holy Spirit occurs after a person has converted to Christianity. However, contemporary Baptist members and churches can use Pentecostal theology regarding Baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is not that it occurs when members speak in tongues. On the contrary, the Assemblies of God churches believe that Baptism in the Holy Spirit only occurs after conversion and is evident when the believer speaks in tongues.

They have different Beliefs about the Bible’s authority.

Baptism churches have different beliefs about the Bible. The conservative Baptism church believes that the Bible has no errors and does not mislead; hence it is their outright authority. The Baptist churches are liberal and progressive; They believe their inspiration comes from modern social convictions suggesting controversial perceptions of the Bible. On the other hand, the Assemblies of God have church rules about the Bible that demand that members believe in the Bible because it was inspired by God and is fully authoritative, does not have errors, and therefore cannot mislead them.

They have different beliefs about the second coming of Christ.

Although both churches believe in the second coming of Christ, Baptist churches do not have strict demands of belief about it regarding the period. Members can believe in Premillennial, Amillenial, or post-millennial, provided they believe in the second coming of Christ. On the contrary, the Assemblies of God church strictly believes in the premillennial coming of Christ. Quote.

They have different beliefs about the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Baptist church holds that some spiritual gifts were only for the first church. For instance, they do not believe in speaking in tongues. However, since there are so many divisions in the church, some believe in the gift of speaking in tongues; on the other hand, all Assemblies of God Churches believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible are viable today. They believe in the speaking of tongues.

Staying saved

Baptists’ churches believe that once someone has been saved, they can never lose their salvation. On the contrary, the Assemblies of God churches preach that one can turn away from their salvation depending on how one lives.

Baptist vs. Assemblies of God
Which came first between the Baptist and Assemblies of God? See below

Which came first between the Baptist and Assemblies of God?

The Baptist church came first before the Assemblies of God. The early origins of the Baptist Church can be traced to the 16th century. During the post-reformation era, its first congregation was formed in 1609. On the other hand, the Assemblies of God churches trace their origin to 1914 when ministers organized it.

Which is the most popular denomination between the Baptist and Assemblies of God?

The assemblies of God are the most popular even though they came later than the Baptist church. There are 12000 churches under the Assemblies of God denomination. In the US, approximately 3 million members attend the Assemblies of God churches. In the world, the approximation is about 67 million people attending the churches under the Assemblies of God denomination. On the other hand, the Baptist church comes fifth in terms of population. It has about 40 million members worldwide. It is almost in every country.


Introduction and history; Baptist churches


Assemblies of God Vs. Baptist; what is the difference?

Baptist Vs. Assemblies of God


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