As a theologian, I ensure I am well-equipped with the word before handling any “controversial” topic. Recently, while researching about salvation, I came across a question of whether being a good person is enough to guarantee one the Kingdom of God. Despite the scripture being clear that salvation is not by our works, some people still hold on to the belief that all you have to do to enter heaven is be a good person. This led me to research more about this topic. I visited nearby churches and consulted with various religious leaders to get more input. Last week, a member of an online group I opened to enlighten people about salvation asked me this very same question, if being good is enough to get one to heaven? Other members were interested in getting to the bottom of this controversial topic. Because I had done extensive research, I was in a position to answer them satisfactorily. So, can you go to heaven just by being a good person?
According to the scripture, being a good person is not enough for one to inherit the kingdom of God. Getting into heaven is a matter of faith and salvation and not just being a good person (Ephesians 2:8-9). Jesus notes that he is the way, the truth, and the light; therefore, going to God involves more than being a good person; you also have to believe in Christ.
So, join me as I discuss more about what God says about being a good person. I’ll also address whether God cares if you are good and don’t believe in him, why being a good person is not enough to get one to heaven, and whether all good people go to heaven. Keep reading to learn more.
What does God say about being a good person?
God is clear through the Bible that our good deeds or being a good person cannot get one salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 teaches that we have been saved by the grace of God through faith; it is not by our works, so no one of us can boast. Furthermore, the Bible teaches that not even one man on earth is without sin. Romans 3:23 says that we have all sinned against God. Ecclesiastes 7:20 reinforces and notes that there is no man on earth who is righteous and does not sin. Therefore, though sometimes we might see ourselves as good people, we need the grace of God. It is only by his grace that we can enter heaven.
Does God care if you are good but don’t believe in Him?
To answer this question, we have to look at God’s desire for humanity. John 3:16 is clear that He sent his only son to die for us so that we may not perish but have eternal life. 2 Peter 3:9 clearly states that He is a patient God who wants us to come to repentance and not perish. Therefore, this points towards the fact that God cares; it’s His wish for us to repent and not justify ourselves by our “righteous” deeds.
Why is being a good person not enough to get you to heaven?
According to biblical teachings, being a good person is not enough to get one to heaven. In Mathew 19:16-26 when the rich young ruler approached Jesus and asked him what more good he could do so as to inherit the Kingdom of God, Jesus answered him to sell his possessions and follow him. Keep in mind that this man had kept all the commandments as per the Law of Moses, but still, that was not enough.
Just like this young rich ruler, most people who term themselves as good are in a state of self-righteousness. As mentioned earlier, Ephesians 2:8-9 notes that Salvation is not by our works so that none can boast, but is by the grace of God. Therefore, being good is not all it takes to inherit the Kingdom of God; you also need to believe and accept our Lord Jesus Christ in your life.
Do all good people go to heaven?
According to biblical teachings, not all good people will see heaven because eternal life is not on a merit basis but rather by the grace of God. The way to heaven is not by being good. Jesus is clear in the book of John 14:6 that he is the life and truth, and only through him can we inherit the kingdom of God.
Those who go to heaven are not “good people”. They are sinners who placed their faith in Jesus Christ. The scripture makes it clear that salvation is the key to heaven. Acts 16:31 urges us to believe in Jesus Christ, and we will be saved. It is important to reinforce that salvation is through grace and not on a merit basis (Romans 11:6).
How good do you have to be to go to heaven?
According to John 3:16, the scripture is clear that those who believe in Jesus Christ will have eternal life, but those who reject him will perish. Therefore, you do not have to achieve an extent of goodness so as to inherit the Kingdom of God; you just have to believe in Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:13 clearly teaches that we can be sure we will have eternal life if we believe in the name of Jesus. Therefore, our works of righteousness do not weigh on if we will enter heaven; what does is our faith in God and Jesus Christ.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.