The Mennonites are a group of people that believe in God and are a part of the Anabaptist denomination. Like any other Christian denomination, the Mennonites strongly believe that Jesus Christ died for their sin and is their savior. For this reason, it would be automatic that the Mennonites would celebrate Christmas to make the birth of Jesus Christ. However, “do Mennonites celebrate Christmas?”
Mennonites celebrate Christmas just like any other Christian denomination. The only difference in their celebration is that the Mennonites do not treat this day as extravagant as other Christian families; they value simplicity. They mainly spend this day reflecting on what the birth of Jesus means to their faith rather than holding exquisite parties to celebrate and be merry.
So, do Mennonites believe that Jesus was born in December? What does Mennonites’ Christmas look like? How do Mennonites celebrate Christmas? Do Mennonites decorate Christmas trees? Read on to learn the answer to these questions and more.
Do Mennonites believe that Jesus was born in December?
Mennonites believe that Jesus Christ was born in December, so they join other Christians on the 25th of December to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The Mennonites believe that God is the universal creator of everything, and he sent his only son Jesus Christ on earth to die for their sins. This way, they celebrate Christmas to appreciate the significance that baby Jesus will bring into their lives.
Apart from their belief that Jesus was born in December, the Mennonites have other beliefs that can be related by most Christians not in their denomination.
For instance, the Mennonites do believe in the Trinity. This group of people strongly believes that there is the father, the son, and the holy spirit. The Mennonites also strongly believe in spreading the word of God to help build the Kingdom of God.
Just like Jesus commanded his disciples to go out and spread the word of God, the Mennonites spent their lives preaching about salvation and recruiting interested members into their religious setting.
The other two celebrations that the Mennonites also believe in are Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The Mennonites both spend these special days in church praising and worshipping as they reflect on what it means to them as Christians. They mostly adore Easter Sunday more than these other celebrations, as it is the day Jesus Christ defeated death and rose again.
What does Mennonite Christmas look like?
Christmas for the Mennonites is a very simple celebration and does not require them to go out of their way to make it a success with worldly things. Christmas day for Mennonites is when Jesus Christ was born, so they dedicate this day to him, not to themselves. On this day, Mennonites will wake up and head to church for the day’s sermon. They will then return home and have a meal with their friends and families as they thank God. They will also sing many Christmas carols to set the mood for the day. Lastly, some Mennonite families can give each other gifts. This act is optional for Mennonites and more reserved for them to not engage in it.
How do Mennonites celebrate Christmas?
Below are activities that Mennonites engage in to celebrate Christmas;
Attending a church service
The first thing that the Mennonites do to celebrate their Christmas is by going to church, for that’s day service. No sermon is preached on this day other than the importance of Jesus’ birth in their lives. During this time, their leader will casually narrate the story around the birth of Jesus and then give its importance or lessons they can learn from it. They then spend some time reflecting on this day as they give thanks to Go by praises or worship.
Enjoy a meal with family and friends.
After attending a church service, the Mennonites will head back home, get together with their family and friends, and share a meal. Since they believe in kindness, people will bring a different dish from their home, and food will be cooked at a central place, one of their members’ houses. Examples of the food Mennonites eat on Christmas day includes vegetables, mashed potatoes, and a roasted Turkey or Chicken.
The Mennonites can watch a Christmas television program as they eat or sing Christmas carols. An interesting thing about the Mennonites is that they cannot play commercial Christmas songs on television or radio. So you will find women mostly singing certain Christmas carols to keep the day memorable and active.
Exchange gifts between their loved ones
The last way Mennonites celebrate Christmas is by giving each other gifts as a form of appreciation or love. You should note that this is not an essential activity in Mennonites’ homes, so not all of them will have this session. If they do not gift each other, parents usually give their children a piece of citrus fruit to conclude this special day.
Do Mennonites decorate Christmas trees?
Most of the Mennonites, deeply rooted in their religion, do not have Christmas trees. However, the less traditional members of this group will have Christmas trees in their homes but will only decorate them moderately as other families do. The Mennonites also do not wrap gifts and put them under the Christmas tree. They try to keep Christmas day simple and focus more on its spiritual meaning rather than materialistic celebration.
Additionally, the Mennonites do not believe that Father Christmas, Santa Claus exists. They also do not engage in shopping sprees or parties during this day. To them, a Christmas celebration is simply the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Holiday traditions and the plain communities
How the Amish celebrate Christmas
Anabaptist Christians celebrate Christmas around the world
Mennonites don’t buy into the ‘cultural shopping craze.’
For Mennonites, Christmas is still a matter of simple gifts.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.