Holy Ghost VS Holy Spirit: What Is the Main Difference?

As one of the church’s spiritual leaders, I am responsible for spearheading Bible study meetings. During our last meeting, we focused on an excerpt from Matthew 1:18, where we read about Mary conceiving by the Holy Spirit. One of the members wished to know whether there was a difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost. I took it upon myself to investigate the Difference between Holy Ghost vs. Holy Spirit. Let’s see if there is a difference.

The Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit are the same thing. Both refer to the third person of the Trinity. You will find Holy Ghost in older Bible versions, such as the King James Version, and the Holy Spirit in newer versions, such as the Good News Bible. There is no theological difference between the two terms. The only difference is as a result of the constantly evolving English language.

This article will investigate whether there is a difference between Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit. We will also identify Bible versions that use the Holy Spirit and those that use Holy Ghost. Read on to learn these and much more.

Holy Ghost vs. Holy Spirit: Differences in Definition

Holy Ghost VS Holy Spirit
Holy Ghost vs. Holy Spirit. Image source: Pixabay

The Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are defined as the third person in the Trinity. The Trinity is believed to have existed before creation and is equal. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit/Ghost. However, you will find that some Bible versions use Holy Ghost while others use Holy Spirit. Both expressions refer to the same individual and bear no theological differences. The existing differences occur as a result of translation.

Which Bible Versions Use the ‘Holy Ghost?’

The Kings James Bible Version uses the Holy Ghost ninety times. However, the Holy Spirit does appear four times in the scriptures. Two committees did the translation of the Greek version. The two groups translated the words hagion pneuma differently. One of the committees went for Holy Spirit, while the other went for Holy Ghost. Both refer to the same person.

Which Bible Translation Uses the ‘Holy Spirit?’

Holy Ghost VS Holy Spirit - What Is the Main Difference?
Bible Translation. Image source: Pixabay

Modern Bible versions, such as the Good News Bible, use the ‘Holy Spirit to refer to the third person in the Holy Trinity. These new versions have adopted modern English, where Spirit replaces Ghost. Today, you will unlikely encounter conflicting texts in which Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit have been used interchangeably. Measures have been put in place to harmonize the texts, and now Holy Spirit is universal to modern texts.

Is the Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost the Same Thing?

Yes, the Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost are the same thing. Both refer to the third person in the Holy Trinity. The reason the different names exist results from the evolution of the English language. In the past, Ghost and Spirit could be used interchangeably. However, today this is not the case anymore. Modern versions have embraced the ‘Holy Spirit’ to bring uniformity within our scriptures.

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