Last week during our bible study, something strange happened, which prompted me to discuss the topic I will be discussing today. One church member walked out on us after being asked a question that might have been sensitive. She walked out angrily, and I had to follow her to know why the question triggered her Anger. This made me research more on Anger when I got home, and the main topic was, “How many times is anger mentioned in the bible?”
Anger has been mentioned in the Bible 230 times in New King James Version (NKJV, 269 times in English Standard Version (ESV), and 268 times in the New International Version (NIV). This means that the word anger has been mentioned over 200 times across all bible versions. Instances in which Anger is mentioned in the Bible are in Exodus 22:24, where God reveals that his Anger will arouse and his sword will kill whoever will take advantage of the fatherless. Joshua 23:16 also records Joshua advising the leaders of Israel not to violate the covenant of the Lord, as his Anger will burn against them, and they will perish if they do so.
I invite you to walk with me to the end of this article as I delve more into this topic. I will discuss the definition of Anger according to the Bible, what it says about it, and ten verses about Anger. I will also explain the consequences of Anger in the Bible, among other topics.
What is Anger according to the Bible?
According to Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, the Bible defines Anger as a strong emotional reaction that results from displeasure. The Anger can then lead to punishment or revenge. Anger can also be described as a God-given expression of displeasure. In the Bible, we see that God is angered in certain instances. With this, Anger can be considered a righteous act or reaction (righteous indignation) or can be regarded as a deadly sin if taken or acted in a wrong way.
What does the Bible say about Anger?
The Bible suggests that even Jesus got angry. In Mark 3:1-5 Jesus gets angered by the Pharisees and the teachers of law when he knows what they would say about him healing a man with a shriveled hand on Sabbath. Angered by their stubborn hearts, Jesus commanded the man to stretch out his hand, and he was healed. Jesus was angered in this scripture because of the pretense of the Pharisees. They knew what was right, yet they stuck to the law of not doing any work on a Sabbath day.
The Bible also encourages Christians not to commit any sin in their Anger and that they should try and let their Anger go before the sun goes down, as recorded in Ephesians 4:26. Anger is an emotion that, when not handled appropriately, can lead to one committing a dangerous sin that may include murder.
The Bible also suggests that there is a kind of Anger that is righteous. Righteous Anger can be defined as anything that will also anger God. For instance, if one is angry towards certain acts that are against God’s commands, like worshipping an idol or adultery, then it can pass as righteous Anger. A perfect example of righteous Anger is that of Jesus when he angrily drove out people doing business in the house of God in Jerusalem.
The Bible also implies that the Anger of God only lasts for a time, while his favor lasts forever. This is suggested in Psalms 30:5 through a song David dedicates to the temple.
The first mention of Anger in the Bible
The first mention of Anger in the Bible appears in Genesis 4 in the story of Cain and Abel. Cain and Abel were the first two sons of Adam and Eve. Cain worked on soil, while Abel worked with livestock. One time, they both brought offerings to God, and He was pleased with Abel’s offering as he had selected the fattest flocks.
This made Cain very angry at his brother. God then questions him on why he is angry and informs him that his sacrifice will also be accepted if he brings the best harvest to him. Cain ended up killing his brother out of jealousy and was cursed by God.
Anger in this scripture resulted from jealousy or pride, as Cain might have thought that his offering would be automatically accepted before the Lord as the first son. Cain then acts out of Anger, which leads him to commit murder.
Examples of Anger in the Bible (Bible verses about Anger)
Romans 2:8 explains that wrath and Anger will fall on self-seeking people who follow evil by rejecting the truth.
Proverbs 27:4 mentions that Anger is cruel while fury is overwhelming.
1 Corinthians 13:5 says that love is not easily angered.
Proverbs 30:33 says that stirring Anger can lead to strife.
Ephesians 4:31 encourages us to get rid of all the rage, bitterness, Anger, and any other form of malice.
Proverbs 21:14 implores that a gift given in secret may soothe one’s Anger.
Psalms 37:8 encourages us to refrain from Anger and turn from wrath, as it may lead us to do evil.
Proverbs 15:1 explains that a gentle answer can turn away wrath, while a harsh word can stir Anger.
James 1:19-20 encourages us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to Anger. This scripture suggests that human Anger does not produce the kind of righteousness God desires.
Proverbs 29:8 says that a mocker can stir up a city, but the wise one turns away Anger.
Proverbs 22:24 discourages against making friends with hot-tempered people and associating with those that are angered easily.
Consequences of Anger in the Bible
Anger can lead to sin. This is seen in Ephesians 4:26-27 as Apostle Paul encourages his church members to avoid getting angered, as they can fall into sin. He further encourages them not to give the devil a chance in their lives by going to sleep while still hungry.
Another consequence of Anger in the Bible is violence. Proverbs 15:18 explains that a hot-tempered person can cause conflicts, which may end up in violence if not contained.
Anger can also lead one to become a fool, as suggested in Proverbs 29:11. This scripture says that only a fool vents out in rage instead of staying calm like a wise person.
Anger can also strain our relationship with God, as human Anger never produces the righteousness that God desires. This is why James 1:19-20 encourages us to listen quickly and be slow to Anger.
How do you control Anger according to the Bible
Acknowledging that you are angry
You can control your Anger by first acknowledging the fact that you are angry. This can help you to manage it from leading you into sin, as the Bible suggests.
Deciding to forgive whoever angered you
Forgiveness may be hard most of the time, but the best way to control your Anger is by forgiving the person who angered you. This will stop you from planning or revenge on them, which can lead to something worse. Matthew 6:12 encourages us to forgive those who do wrong to us.
Seeking God’s guidance on how to deal with Anger
Matthew 7:7 suggests that we can ask God for anything, and he will grant us. With this, you can control your Anger by asking God to take it away and feel your heart and mind with peace.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.