I used to pay little attention to what happened in my dreams, as I thought it was natural to dream different things. However, this changed recently when a friend told me he had been drowning in his dreams for days and felt like there was a biblical meaning behind it.
I then became interested in knowing more about any biblical meaning behind someone drowning in their dream and if there were any other meanings linked to the topic.
I decided to conduct extensive research and read different spiritual books. As a theologian, I consulted various theology professors to understand the biblical meaning of drowning in different scenarios.
Last week, in an online forum, we talked about dreams when one of the members asked about the biblical meaning of someone drowning in a dream.
Another member also wanted to know the symbolic meanings of drowning in dreams. Having done extensive research and consultations, I took the opportunity to explain my findings.
So, here is the biblical meaning of someone drowning in a dream.
Although no direct scripture addresses dreams about someone drowning, a few bible verses address the topic of drowning that bible scholars have linked to this dream. For instance, some scholars suggest that dreaming about someone drowning may mean that one is struggling with sin and needs to repent before it’s too late. King David cries out in Psalms 38:4 how his sins have become a burden that is too heavy to bear and is drowning in them.
So, join me until the end as I explore more about this topic. I will discuss the symbolic meaning of drowning in dreams, the spiritual meaning of someone drowning in a dream, biblical meanings of someone drowning in a dream and what you should do when you keep dreaming about someone drowning in a dream, among other interesting topics.
What is the symbolic meaning of drowning in dreams?

As a symbol of change and transformation
Some individuals believe that drowning in dreams may symbolize change and transformation. Those who believe in this suggest that changes may happen in your life, and adjusting to them may take time.
They further suggest that these dreams may make you feel hopeless, hence the dream of drowning.
As a symbol of hopelessness,
Some speculate that dreaming about drowning may symbolize hopelessness in someone’s life. They suggest that when a person is hopeless, they do not have control over what is happening around them, a feeling that a drowning person always has.
As a symbol of overwhelm
Other people also suggest that drowning in dreams may symbolize you being overwhelmed in life. It is implied that one may be overwhelmed too much by different things, including responsibilities or jobs, and do not know what to do anymore.
They suggest that this feeling may lead to a drowning dream, as your mind is not relaxed when sleeping.
As a symbol of a struggle
It is also believed that dreaming about drowning may symbolize struggling in life. People who support this idea suggest that you are likely to have this dream if you have some struggles in your life, such as struggling to find a job or achieving a certain dream.
Most people also imply that having this dream could mean that something in your life is harder than it should be.
As a symbol of fear
According to some, dreaming about drowning may be a symbol of fear. They suggest that you may be at a point in your life where you have the fear of what might happen or not.
They further speculate that this dream may result from some things in your life that you cannot control, building this intense fear in you.
The spiritual meaning of someone drowning in a dream
Put your emotions in check
Some people suggest that dreaming about someone drowning could mean that you are not genuine with your emotions and try so hard to suppress some of them.
Those who believe in this suggest that this dream means that you should put your emotions in check and allow yourself to feel both positive and negative emotions.
You are struggling with your identity.
According to some people, dreaming of someone drowning indicates that you are struggling with your identity and who you are as an individual.
These people suggest that you may experience this dream when you are no longer happy with what you are or are trying to find one thing that aligns with yourself.
You are dealing with your traumas.
It is also believed that having a dream about someone drowning in a dream may mean that it is time to face and deal with your past traumas that may be contributing to the emotional state that you are in.
Spiritual awakening
For some, having a dream about someone drowning could be interpreted as a phase of spiritual awakening and transformation.
People who believe this imply that when you experience this dream, it may mean that you are being spiritually enlightened and need to be uncomfortable for a moment for the great process.
Other people also believe that having this dream could be a sign of warning from the spiritual world of the danger that may beget you. They further suggest that one should be cautious within their surroundings if they experience this dream.
Five biblical meanings of someone drowning in a dream

Some scholars suggest that one biblical meaning of someone drowning in a dream may result from sorrow. They suggest that one may have this dream if they feel that all is not going well in their life, especially if they wronged someone else and are yet to be forgiven.
2 Corinthians 2:7 shows us how a person can be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow, if they did something wrong, and feels like they cannot be forgiven.
This scripture encourages us to forgive this kind of person so that they may not feel too overwhelmed, which may lead to dreams like drowning.
The Bible also reveals that one may dream about drowning if they are full of sins. The author of Psalms 38:4 laments how he is drowning in the flood of his sins because they have become a burden to him and too heavy to bear.
Some people believe that when a Christian has this dream, God is calling them to repentance.
The Bible also reveals that someone drowning in a dream may fall into temptations soon. 1 Timothy 6:9 reveals how those who want to be rich will fall into temptations, while others into hurtful and foolish lusts, which will cause them to drown in destruction.
This scripture shows us how material wealth or the desire to have more worldly possessions can lead one into temptations, eventually leading one to drown or end up destructing oneself from the Kingdom of God.
Other individuals believe that when a Christian has this dream, God is calling them for their purpose in his kingdom.
Some scholars also suggest that a dream about someone drowning means that one needs to pay attention to the love around them and appreciate those who love them.
Scholars further suggest that this dream may remind a person not to be carried away with the busy world and instead spend more time with their loved ones and show love to them.
Song of Songs 8:7 states that not any amount of water can quench love, nor can floods drown it, meaning that love surpasses all, making it the most important thing.
Trust in God
The Bible also reveals that dreaming about someone drowning means that you must fully trust God to not fall into any dangers that may result from not believing in God.
We see how the Israelites crossed the Red Sea because they trusted God, and he parted the sea, making them a way to cross it.
On the other hand, the Egyptians did not believe in the powers of God but their own, and they ended up drowning, as seen in Hebrews 11:29.
Common scenarios of someone drowning in a dream and their meanings
The biblical meaning of being unable to rescue someone who is drowning
Some scholars suggest that dreaming of being unable to rescue someone who is drowning may be a sign that you need to make peace with the fact that you cannot control other people’s decisions, and it is sometimes better to let them do what they want.
Scholars suggest that you may have this dream, especially if you are too compassionate and blame yourself if someone does not follow your advice on certain matters.
These scholars suggest that the best thing to do in this scenario is to know the difference between being foolish and being compassionate.
The biblical meaning of someone surviving drowning
Several scholars suggest that having a dream about someone surviving drowning means that you have a sense of protection over you and that nothing is worrying you.
Other scholars also suggest that having this dream indicates that you have a gift in your life to help others.
Some scholars also suggest that having a dream of someone surviving drowning may mean that you are a victor over every challenging situation that has been in your life.
They suggest that this may include bad debts or relationship issues. They further suggest that this dream indicates your life is improving.
The biblical meaning of someone being saved from drowning
Scholars suggest that if you dream about someone being saved from drowning, it means that you are going through a very difficult phase in your life and want those close to you to come to your rescue.
Other scholars also suggest that if you experience this dream, then it means that you should reach out for help, as it is okay to ask for a shoulder to lean on.
Other scholars also believe that dreaming of someone being saved from drowning means you should talk to your close friends and family and share whatever may be bothering you.
They also suggest that if you have this dream as a Christian, then you should pray and ask God for wisdom and guidance. James 1:5 encourages us to ask for wisdom from God if we do not have it, as he is always ready to give it to us.
Some scholars also believe that having a dream of someone being saved from drowning may mean God is giving you a second chance to redeem yourself. They also imply that this may be a sign that God will lift you up from any difficult situation you are currently in.
The biblical meaning of saving someone from drowning
According to bible scholars, when you dream of saving someone from drowning, it could mean that you love to protect those that are around you, and you should not feel ashamed about it.
Some individuals also suggest that dreaming of saving someone from drowning could indicate that there is someone close to you who may need your help and that you should not hesitate to help them.
The biblical meaning of drowning someone
For some Bible scholars, having a dream of drowning someone means you have anger issues you need to fix. They also suggest that you may have bad feelings towards others, which is not a good thing for a believer. Proverbs 12:16 reveals that the anger of a fool is known at once.
According to other scholars, dreaming of drowning someone may mean you have trouble controlling your actions and thoughts and need to work on them.
These scholars suggest that if you have this dream, it may be a sign that God wants you to change, as your wrath may lead you to get into trouble.
Common places of drowning in a dream and their meanings

Someone drowning in a lake
Some suggest that having a dream about someone drowning in a lake could be a sign that you must let go of your old behavior and focus on what brings you happiness.
They also suggest that this is a sign for you to figure out what you want in life and your dreams and go for them.
Someone drowning in mud
Some individuals suggest that dreaming of someone drowning in mud means you are overwhelmed or tied down by your negative emotions and can’t seem to grow.
Others also suggest that having this dream could suggest that you are currently stuck in your life and do not know how to get past it.
Someone drowning in a sea
It is suggested that when you dream about someone drowning in a sea, it means you are too anxious about your future, unsettling you.
People also suggest that having this dream could mean you are scared of the future and need to be patient, slow down, and hope everything will fall into place. God reminds us in Jeremiah 29:11 that he knows the plans he has for us, plans to give us a future and hope.
Someone drowning in a river
Some people believe that dreaming about someone drowning in a river means that you are not paying too much attention to your emotions and should learn how to manage them.
Others also believe that dreaming about someone drowning in a river is a sign that you need to address your struggles or any concerns you have before it is too late.
What should I do when I keep dreaming about someone drowning?
Some people suggest that when you keep dreaming about someone drowning, you should pay attention to your spiritual journey, as you might be going through a spiritual awakening.
Others also suggest that if you keep dreaming about someone drowning them, you should pay attention to those around you, as you may be prone to danger.
As believers, we know that God uses dreams to pass important messages to us, just like he did with several people in the Bible. Dreaming about someone drowning could indicate that you are deep into sin and need to repent.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.