Does Heaven get dark? (what the Bible says?)

As a devout Christian and theologian, I am interested in Heaven and what it will be like. I was intrigued by this topic back in theology school when I heard someone say there is no night in Heaven. I decided to conduct more research on this topic and visited a Church where I talked to numerous spiritual leaders to learn more about this. I also spent a lot of time going through Bible verses on Heaven. Last week, in my online Bible Forum, we talked about Heaven, and someone asked whether Heaven is ever dark. Another one was curious to know why there is no darkness in Heaven if God created darkness. Having conducted comprehensive research and read the Bible, I had all the right answers at my fingertips. So, does Heaven get dark?

No. According to Revelation 22:5 and Revelation 21:25, Heaven does not get dark. These verses tell us that darkness does not exist in Heaven because God’s presence and glory provide sufficient light that dispels darkness.

In this article, I invite you to join me as we look at whether Heaven gets dark. Keep reading to find out whether there will be no more sunsets on the new Earth, what outer darkness in Matthew 22:13 means, and much more!

Does the Bible promise that there will be no night in Heaven?

Yes. Revelation 22:5 tells us that Heaven is a place that is free from darkness. It says that since there will be no night, we will not need the sun or a lamp to provide light. The Bible further says that Heaven will not have darkness since God will be our light.

This message is also repeated in Revelation 21:23, which says that the city of God will not need any sun or moon to shine on it since God gives it light. The Bible also promises that there will be no night in Heaven in Revelation 21:25.

Will There Be No More Sunsets on the New Earth?

Does Heaven get dark?
Will There Be No More Sunsets on the New Earth? Image source: Pixabay

Revelation 21:1 reveals that the first Heaven and the first Earth will pass away completely, and there will be a new Earth. However, the Bible does not directly state that the New Earth will not have sunsets. Due to this, theologians have different views. Some suggest that there will be no more sunsets on Earth since 2nd Peter 3:10 says that the Heaven shall be set on fire and the heavenly bodies shall burn and melt.

Others imply that there is a possibility of sunsets on the New Earth based on Isaiah 66:22-23. These verses mention the creation of the new Heaven and the new Earth, but also say that from new moon to new moon, every believer worships before God.

Why would there not be darkness in Heaven if God created darkness?

The Bible tells us that God created darkness so that there would be a distinction between night and day (Isaiah 45:7). However, we mentioned that the Holy Scripture also says that there will be no darkness in Heaven because God will be the source of light.

Christians believe God’s presence will provide so much light that darkness will be eternally dispelled. Though Christians believe that God has so much light, they speculate that we will be able to see him face to face without going blind.

Will the sun really be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, according to Joel 2:31?

This should not be taken literally since, in Joel’s prediction, he was talking about the change in appearance of the sun and the moon. Most theologians suggest that the verse means that the light from the sun will be blocked and the moon will appear red before the Lord’s second coming.

They further argue that the sun turns dark during the solar eclipse, and the moon turns red during the lunar eclipse. Therefore, theologians suggest that the second coming of Jesus is likely to occur during an eclipse. However, these are simply speculations since the Bible further says that nobody knows the time or the hour when Jesus will come back (Matthew 24:35-37).

What is the outer darkness in Matthew 22:13?

Does Heaven get dark? 
What is the outer darkness in Matthew 22:13? Image source: Pixabay

In this passage, Jesus gave a parable of the wedding feast and mentioned a person who entered the feast uninvited. He then said that the master of the wedding feast commanded his servants to cast him into the outer darkness. The phrase outer darkness in this phrase is used to describe a condition of sorrow and loss.

According to Bible scholars, the outer darkness is a contrast of the brightly lit celebration that was attended by those invited. They interpret the feast as Heaven and the outer darkness as hell, a place of eternal punishment.

Some also suggest that outer darkness is a place of separation from God based on Matthew 8:12. This verse says that some will be thrown into the outer darkness. It will be a place of gnashing of teeth and weeping. On the other hand, they suggest that the wedding banquet represents the second coming of Jesus.

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