I have heard the word “discipline” from my parents, in educational institutions, at work, and even in church. I came across this term again yesterday while watching a program about the foundation of Christianity. I drifted off for a moment, pondering how many times discipline is mentioned in the Bible.
According to Connect Us, the word “discipline” appears sixty times in the Bible. The word “discipline” can be found in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It has been mentioned more times than this or even less, as we cannot point out for sure the exact times the word is mentioned in various Bible versions.
In this article, I will dive in deep on this topic to find out more and share the knowledge and information I have gathered about discipline according to the Bible, what the Bible says about discipline and the characteristics of biblical discipline. Continue reading this article for answers to these and more questions.
What is discipline according to the Bible?
As described by some biblical texts, discipline comprises straightforward routines and activities that support the growth and fortification of our relationship with God. They include practices like praise and worship, Bible study, obedience, fasting, confession, and repentance. In other Bible verses, the word is used to describe a father instructing his children or training them in righteousness. In this context, God is referring to disciplining his children, which fosters strong faith and a closer relationship between mankind and his Creator.
What does the Bible say about discipline?

According to Hebrews 12:7–11 in the Bible, discipline is crucial to a believer’s lifestyle because it fosters a deep sense of faith and divinity. The Bible teaches that we may only rightfully refer to ourselves as God’s offspring by practicing discipline. The Bible also suggests that although punishment for sin or wrongdoing may appear unpleasant and terrible, it is a good thing because it eventually leads to peace, holiness, and righteousness.
Following in the steps of Jesus and conducting one’s life as He conducted himself while on earth believed to represent discipline. The Bible exhorts us as Christians to practice discipline and to welcome being disciplined, as this is not punishment but a means of distilling fundamental Christian values that serve the much higher goal of battling sin, which hinders the relationship between God and humanity.
Characteristics of Biblical Discipline
Discipline is the ability to do the right thing regardless of the circumstances. Doing good and doing right even when no one is looking is the best definition of discipline. Some of the qualities of Biblical discipline are as follows:
shows deep affection
Biblical discipline is associated with feelings of love since being disciplined for doing wrong is characterized as an act of love. As stated in the Bible, discipline is not punishment but a symbol of love in that one is protected from sin and leads to a good path that will help establish values and virtues that will last a lifetime. Biblical discipline comprises loving deeds toward God and others.
Discourages Sin
Biblical discipline is recommended to foster great faith, resulting in a stronger bond between believers and God. Biblical discipline entails being disciplined for wrongdoing to develop the discipline required to do right and avoid wrong. However, a lack of discipline or being disciplined represents disobedience, which leads to bad behaviors and evil thoughts, which always lead to sin.
Encourage Obedience
As suggested in the Bible verse 1 Sam 15:22, Obedience is preferable to sacrifice. The first step toward discipline and righteousness is obedience. Biblical discipline is the ability to do what is proper at all times, which includes obedience because one cannot be disciplined unless they are also obedient. You must first obey the regulations, then practice living by the law because biblical discipline primarily entails limitless obedience to God’s word and following in Christ’s footsteps.
Contains a gift
In life, we learn that to attain what we desire, we have to work hard for it. With this, biblical discipline also does not come easily, as the Bible compares getting biblical discipline to a father disciplining his children. Although it seems painful, its outcome is a great gift in that the children will learn right from wrong and develop great Christian values and virtues that will serve them throughout their life experiences. Biblical discipline involves short-term pain for long-term gain.
Enables Learning
Biblical discipline is a never-ending process of teaching discipline and learning how-to live-in discipline as a result of obeying and following what we have been taught and applying it in our everyday lives. Learning and teaching are eternal, as we acquire discipline and pass it down from elders to children to maintain the world calm and orderly, as the good always outshines the evil, and Biblical discipline is the heart of good.
Examples of discipline in the Bible

Hebrews 12:11
This verse teaches us that being disciplined at first is difficult and appears to be a punishment, but that there is a long-term gain that comes from the short-term agony, which includes developing moral ideals and Christian qualities.
Proverbs 12:1
Discipline involves learning and gaining more information on how to rightfully deal with the challenges that we face daily. Here we learn to love, appreciate, and embrace discipline as it protects us from ignorance.
Proverbs 13:24
Disciplining your children as a parent is one of the most important aspects of life. We use pain to instill invaluable life lessons in our children, and from this, we learn that disciplining our children is a good thing as it shows that we have a deep affection for them, demonstrating this by disciplining them enough to make them lead righteous and peaceful lives in the future.
1 Corinthians 9:27
This verse teaches us to discipline our bodies to accomplish what is required, even when we do not feel like it. We also develop self-control since we are in charge of ourselves and accountable for our actions. We cannot be qualified to set positive examples for the younger generation if we lack discipline and self-control.
Revelation 3:19
Discipline is associated here with God’s love for humans since for mankind to accept and learn from their mistakes, they must be disciplined. Christians realize that God must chastise them for them to gain discipline, which leads to repentance, humility, and a stronger faith.
Proverbs 3:11-12
We are God’s children, and He adores us, but if we sin, it is only fitting that we be disciplined by God, our everlasting parent. We learn to support punishment and condemnation for wrongdoings performed with or without our knowledge because there are consequences for every action we take. We should be punished for every sin if we want to live virtuous lives.
Titus 1:8
What is highlighted here is an example of a decent child of God. This verse emphasizes Christian values by encouraging Christians to do good and love good, to be welcoming and hospitable, to have self-control and discipline, and to live upright and divine Christian lives. Also, we try to be polite and loving to everyone we meet.
Ephesians 6:4
Parents and guardians are encouraged to educate their children in biblical discipline and to teach them God’s word. Children are innocent, and parents should gently guide them and strive to understand and relate to them peacefully but also not be overly indulgent and penalize every case of wrongdoing and indiscipline so that the children learn and exercise discipline.
Hebrews 12:5-6
This Bible scripture teaches us that we can only be considered God’s children if we accept God’s punishment. We grow to appreciate God disciplining and condemning us for activities that do not satisfy Him because it demonstrates how much He loves and cares for us. We also learn to accept our faults and change our habits.
Proverbs 19:18
This bible verse teaches us that as parents and guardians, we have the responsibility given to us by God to discipline our children when they are young for them to dwell on good and right, which will aid them in making wise choices and leading the Christian way of life full of Christian morals and virtues, which will keep them from sin, which leads to death.
How to get disciplined as a Christian?

Christians can obtain discipline by taking the first step of obedience and being obedient. We can learn to be disciplined by obeying God’s word, the elderly, and those in power, as discipline entails following instructions over and over without questioning or failing to follow what is given. Only through obedience will we learn how to receive correction.
Confession and repentance
Christians receive discipline through confession because they are disciplined enough to accept responsibility for their actions and the consequences of their ideas. This results in self-discipline and self-control. Christians develop the discipline required to accept their mistakes and confront their consequences head-on, not repeating them but seeking a better way to avoid repeating them.
Prayer and worship
Christians might pray to God for the ability to possess the gift of discipline. Through God’s guidance and help, Christians learn to have discipline, and through worship and fellowship, Christians learn more about how to obtain and practice discipline by reading God’s word, which is His instruction to us that we must follow and obey.
What are the benefits of self-discipline as a Christian?
Building Faith
Self-discipline Simple habits and activities that help us build, grow, and strengthen our faith in Christ lead to tremendous faith. Obedience, prayer, Bible study, meditation, fasting, confession, repentance, praise, and worship are examples. This enables believers to live a godly life.
Christians can live a pious life full of goodness, kindness, positivism, and blessings because God is pleased with self-disciplined Christians who reflect the spirit of God in themselves and their everyday activities. Christians learn to accept responsibility for their choices and the consequences of their actions, which leads them to face everyday obstacles head-on, repent, and become better people.
Furthermore, when we practice self-discipline, we pursue a holy life that honors God, who created us in his image, redeemed us through his gospel, and gave us the Holy Spirit to live within us as our helper and guide. Self-discipline represents the presence of God’s spirit within us, bringing God’s blessings, love, and protection to self-disciplined Christians since they have a strong relationship with God and are regarded as God’s children.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.