Salt is the most abundant mineral in the world. It can be found in oceans around the world as well as lakes and salt beds worldwide. In biblical times, it held a significant place in people’s lives and was even used as a payment for Roman soldiers. When I joined the ministry, I noticed the word salt being used more often in the church, which got me thinking, how many times is salt mentioned in the Bible?
Salt has been mentioned numerous times in the Bible; to be exact, it has appeared forty times in the scripture. In all these instances, salt has been used in various settings. One of the most common is to symbolize a covenant between God and man, as is seen in the book of 2 Chronicles 13:5, where the Bible suggests that God made a covenant with God, which was sealed by salt.
In this article, I will look at how salt was used in the Bible and the significance it had in people’s lives. I will also look at how salt is used today, apart from being just a condiment. Read on to find out more.
What does the Bible say about salt?
Salt is significant throughout the Bible and used in different contexts to mean various things. One of the most common meanings of salt in the Bible was that salt was used to signify the covenant between man and God.
The Bible explains in Leviticus 2:13 that the people of Israel should have included salt as part of their offering. Also, salt was quite an expensive commodity during biblical times. God required that all sacrifices made to Him cost something since He wants us to offer Him things that carry significant meaning in our lives and not just things we can easily do without.
The book of 2 Chronicles 13:5 elaborates that God also had a salt covenant between him and King David, whereas the Bible says that God gave King David and the people of Israel the kingdom through a salt covenant. Salt was also used largely to preserve and purify. In biblical times, societies used salt to preserve food and in religious ceremonies to purify offerings.
Bible verses about salt
Leviticus 2:13- this verse explains how God wants the people of Israel to make the offering to Him. The Bible mentions that God asks them not to exclude salt offerings when bringing offerings to Him.
Colossians 4:6– in this verse, Apostle Paul explains that our words should always be sweet and pleasant to listen to. That’s why he says our words should be seasoned with salt.
Matthew 5:13– in this verse, Jesus is metaphorically asking his disciples to be the salt of the world. They may be the purity the world needs and should preserve good morals just as salt is used to preserve the goodness of food.
Ezekiel 43:24– God is also telling his people to include salt in the offerings they bring to him, for it is a sign of a covenant.
Job 6:6– in this verse, Job asks if tasteless food can be eaten without salt. From this, we can conclude that people in the Bible used salt as a flavoring to improve food taste.
What does it mean that we are the salt of the earth?
The meaning of “be the salt of the earth” isn’t clearly stated in the Bible. The phrase is used metaphorically by Jesus when he addresses his disciples. Since there is no explanation for this, we can draw the meaning of these words by looking at the physical attributes of salt and how it has been used in previous passages in the Bible.
First, salt is often used as a flavoring in many different things worldwide. We know that people in the Bible added salt to their food to enhance the flavor. Salt is a subtle yet very important part of every meal. When added, it elevates the meal’s flavor significantly, but when it is not added, the meal is significantly underwhelming. From this can assume that Jesus wanted his disciple’s presence felt wherever they went.
Secondly, salt was used as a preservative for different foods since they didn’t have the luxury of refrigerators back then. From this, we can assume that Jesus also wanted his disciples to preserve the good morals in the world from the evil that might corrupt them.
Finally, salt was largely used as an offering to God to symbolize a covenant between man and God. We can assume that Jesus wanted his disciples to give themselves fully in the service of God. To give their lives as a living offering to God by spreading His word and portraying good morals.
How was salt used in the Bible?
Salt in the Bible was used for different reasons, but the most recent ways were as a covenant between man and God and to purify things.
In the book of Numbers 18:19, the Bible explains that all the offerings that were brought to Him should have salt to symbolize an everlasting covenant of salt for the people of Israel and their children. However, this is not the only instance.
Salt was also used to purify and preserve things in the Bible. This is evident in the book of 2 Kings 2:19-22, where the Bible narrates that Prophet Elisha used salt to purify the water of a spring that caused a lot of death, illness, and bareness to the people drinking its water.
What does the Bible say about salt for protection?
There is no verse or passage in the Bible that associates salt with protection. Salt has only been used in a couple of ways throughout the Bible and has never once been used as a form of protection. It has only been used as a form of preservative to prevent food from going bad and as a form of purification.
Is it biblical to cleanse your home with salt?
Using salt to cleanse your home is not biblical, as this can be seen as a form of idolatry. Although some doctrines practice using salt for purification, the Bible does not say salt should be used to cleanse your home. Salt in the Bible has been used as a sign of purification, such as when Elisha used it to purify the waters of a spring. Although being used as a sign of purification, the Bible does not say salt should be used to cleanse our homes.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.