Since I became a Christian, I have discovered that so many people take sin casually. This saddens me since the word of God reminds me that sin is serious and committing it can lead to eternal condemnation. Therefore, I decided to preach about sin during our last Sunday service to enlighten the congregation about its consequences. One of the questions I got from Christians was, “How many times is sin mentioned in the Bible?”
The Bible does not give an exact number of times sin is mentioned. However, theologians speculate that sin is mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. The count is slightly different depending on the version of the Bible.
In this article, I invite you to join me as we delve into the topic of sin. Keep reading to find out what the Bible says about sin and much more!
What is sin according to the Bible?
According to 1st John 3:4, sin is breaking the law of God. This Bible verse suggests that sin is lawlessness. The passage implies that anyone who sins goes against the will of God.
The Bible also mentions that sin is rebelling against God (Joshua 1:18). This passage also gives the consequence of sin since it implies that anyone that does not obey God shall be put to death.
The Bible also mentions that sin is failing to do what you know is right (James 4:17) Biblical scholars believe that God has a standard of perfection that he has given us. When we sin, we miss the mark.
Sin is also likened to going astray in Isaiah 53:6. Additionally, the Bible also mentions that putting your own will against that of God is sinning or trespassing (Ephesians 2:1).
Where does sin appear first in the Bible?

Biblical scholars have contradicting views on this since some imply that sin first appears in Genesis 3. In contrast, others suggest that the word sin first appears in Genesis 4:7. Genesis 3 is referred to as the original sin, or the fall though the word sin does not appear in this passage.
This passage is about how Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden. Though God warned against eating the forbidden fruit, they disobeyed his command. The original sin is believed to have brought death into the world.
On the other hand, the word sin first appears in Genesis 4:7, which is about God’s warning to Cain. Cain was angry with God since He preferred his brother’s animal sacrifice to his offering of vegetables. In this verse, God told Cain that if he did right, he would be accepted, but if he did wrong, sin lay at his door. Cain was so jealous of his brother Abel that he murdered him. He, therefore, committed sin against God.
How many sins are there in the New Testament?
Biblical scholars do not agree on the exact number of sins in the New Testament. While some imply that sin is mentioned 105 times in the New Testament, others speculate that it is mentioned 124 times. The number is a bit different since the Bible was written in different versions. Additionally, some theologians group certain sins under one category, such as the seven deadly sins. This also contributes to the difference in the number of sins mentioned in the New Testament.
Some of the sins believed to be mentioned in the New Testament include adultery, backbiting, anger, boasting, bitterness and covetousness, and the 7 deadly sins. On the other hand, the seven deadly sins are believed to include wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust, pride, and envy.
Is all sin equal in the New Testament?

Christians have contradicting opinions on this. Some believe that all sin is equal in the New Testament since Romans 3:23 suggests that all sin is falling short of the glory of God. They also argue that in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus mentioned two sins considered big, adultery and murder, and equated them with sins considered small, lustful thoughts and anger. (Matthew 5: 27-28, Matthew 5:21-22). Theologians argue that Jesus’s words, based on these scriptures, implied that all sin is equal.
Others are on the contrary opinion since they argue God views sins differently and punishments for sin will differ based on its severity. Though all Biblical scholars agree that all sin keeps people from heaven, some speculate that some sin, like sexual sin, has worse consequences than others. This is because 1st Corinthians 6:18 implies that all other sins that humans commit are outside the body, but anyone that sins sexually commits sin against their own body.
Bible Verses about Sin
1 John 5:17 defines what sin is since it speculates that if you do wrong against God’s eyes, then you have sinned.
Genesis 13:13 also mentions sin. This passage describes how Sodom and Gomorrah went against God’s commands and engaged in all kinds of sins.
Sin is also mentioned in Exodus 20:20. In this verse, Moses tells the people of God not to be afraid. It suggests that the fear of God can keep one from sinning.
Romans 5:12 mentions that due to the sin that Adam and Eve committed, everyone on earth is born with sin.
Amos 2:6-7 talks about judgment upon the Israelites for their sins. The Lord said that he would not overlook their sins.
What are the different categories of sin in the Bible?
Though the Bible does not directly describe the different categories of sins, theologians believe that sins can be classified into the following.
Voluntary sins/ Mortal sins: These are believed to be deliberate sins. When you know that something is wrong in God’s eyes but still do it, you are committing a voluntary sin. Some examples of such sins include stealing and murder.
Involuntary sins/ venial sins: They speculate that these types of sins are the ones we commit out of ignoring God’s law or being weak in the flesh. These sins are believed to be not deliberate. Examples of involuntary sin include the sin of partiality or favoritism (James 2:1) and the sin of jealousy (James 3:14).
Original sin: Some Biblical scholars suggest that the original sin falls under its category since it refers to the corrupt nature of the human race. This is the sin that Adam and Eve committed against God.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.