How many times is Wine mentioned in the Bible (what does the Bible say about Wine)?

Before I decided to give my life to Christ, I was sunk into alcoholism after some traumatic incident. I then turned a new leaf and started to live by God’s word. I have since become a better person and an excellent counselor to those battling alcoholism. Wine is actively mentioned in the Bible, and it is a topic that I love discussing with the group that I counsel. Last week, one member wanted to know, “How many times is wine mentioned in the bible?”

Wine is mentioned in the Bible over 200 times. When you read the New International Version (NIV), you will find that Wine has been mentioned in the Bible 240 times, with 202 in the Old Testament. There are 38 mentions being in the New Testament. Among the bible verses that mention Wine include Genesis 49:11, when Jacob was speaking blessings on his son Judah, Daniel 1:8, when Daniel refused to drink Wine while in Babylon, and Matthew 27:34, when Jesus was offered Wine during his crucifixion.

So, join me to the end as I explore more about this topic. I will discuss the first mention of Wine in the Bible, the kind of Wine Jesus would drink, and a few bible verses about it. I will also discuss a biblical view on drinking alcohol or Wine, among other topics.

Is There Wine in the Bible?

There is Wine in the Bible, as there are over two hundred scriptures about it. Wine was among the most important drinks in the Bible, as scholars suggest there was not enough clean water during those days. This made people resort to drinking more Wine than water.

Wine also played a significant role in the lives of the Jewish. It was used as a drink offering, as suggested in Leviticus 23:13, and as a provision from God, as seen in Deuteronomy 7:13. Wine was also used in essential celebrations like weddings, as suggested in John 2:1-11. The Bible also uses Wine to represent the new covenant that Jesus brought on earth. Jesus uses the Mosaic Law to refer to Wine and his new teachings about the kingdom of God as new Wine.

What Wine Would Jesus Drink?

what does the Bible say about Wine?
What Wine Would Jesus Drink? Image source: Pixabay

Walt Huber, a religious scholar and author of “How Did God Do it?” suggests that Jesus would drink the kind of Wine that every other Jew was allowed to drink. As mentioned earlier, Wine played a significant role in Jewish culture, as it was present at ceremonies and even at alters.

To know precisely the kind of Wine Jesus would drink, we must know how Wine was prepared in the Jewish culture. The winemaking process involved several procedures. First, the men and boys would harvest the ripest grapes they could find. They would then tread on them with their bare feet to avoid crushing the seeds. The juice was then collected into a vat, put into different containers, and left to ferment for at least three days. The juice would later be transferred to special types of jars for storage purposes.

From the explanation above, you can hint at the kind of Wine that Jesus would have drunk. He drank a type of Wine made from fermented grape juice, not plain grape juice, as some people suggest.

Where was Wine first mentioned in the Bible?

The first mention of Wine is recorded in Genesis 9:20-28. In this scripture, Noah plants a vineyard right after the floods. After it had grown, he harvests a few grapes and prepares Wine which he gladly enjoys. He, however, gets drunk from it and ends up naked inside his tent. His youngest son Ham, laughs at him when he sees him, but his two oldest sons, Shem and Japheth, cover him with a garment. When he wakes up, Noah curses his son Ham’s son, Canaan, while he blesses his sons Shem and Japheth.

What type of Wine did they drink in the Bible?

It is suggested that the people in the Bible most likely drank Wine from fermented grape juice, as that is the only fruit they could use to make their Wine. The Old Testament records Noah drinking his Wine from his vineyard. Jesus also gives the parable of the tenants concerning the vineyards and winepress to insinuate that Wine was made from the fruits of the vineyard. To summarize, we can say that the people in the Bible drank Wine freshly made from ripe grapes, which were pressed to produce juice which was then fermented to increase its quality.

Bible verses about Wine

1 Samuel 1:24 records Hannah taking a wine jar alongside other things to the house of God in Shiloh during Samuel’s dedication.

Deuteronomy 12:17 also records instructions that the Israelites were given regarding the land that God had given them. The scripture suggests that the Israelites were forbidden from drinking new Wine from their town, as they were to drink it in the presence of God.

Ruth 2:14 also records Boaz giving Ruth some bread and Wine after she was done working in the field.

Titus 2:3 records Apostle Paul addressing the church. He encourages the church leaders to teach their older women what is good and teach them not to be addicted to too much Wine.

Romans 14:21 encourages Christians not to eat meat or drink Wine that may cause their brothers or sisters to fall.

What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol or Wine?

How many times is Wine mentioned in the Bible?
Drinking Wine. Image source: Pixabay

The Bible has much to say about Wine, providing several scriptures on the positive and negative effects of consuming alcohol or Wine. The Bible suggests in Psalms 104:14-15 that God gave us Wine to melt our hearts, meaning that Wine can be used as a source of happiness to human beings.

The Bible also suggests that Wine can be used for medicinal purposes. In 1 Timothy 5:23, Apostle Paul encourages Timothy to stop consuming water only and try using a little wine. This is because Timothy had been suffering from frequent illnesses, and Paul might have suggested that Wine would stop them.

The Bible also warns against too much consumption of alcohol and Wine. The author of Ephesians 5:18 warns the people from drinking too much Wine as it might lead them to immodesty. He instead encourages them to be filled with the Holy Spirit from God.

The Bible also talks about the negative effects of taking too much Wine, as it suggests that whoever loves too much Wine will never be rich, as recorded in Proverbs 21:17. Proverbs 31:6 also suggests that it is better to leave the beer to the ones that are perishing, and Wine for those who are in anguish.

What is the difference between old & new Wine?

When based on a literal definition, the difference between new and old Wine is based on the level of fermentation. Wine is considered old when fermented for too long and can no longer stretch. On the other hand, new Wine is considered to be freshly made and is yet to go through the fermentation process.

In the Bible, Jesus gave a deep meaning of the difference between new and old Wine after being questioned on his fasting and those of his disciples. In Mark 2:18-22, the Pharisees question Jesus why he and his disciples were not fasting, while John and his disciples fasted. In his response, Jesus explains to them that no one pours new wine into old wineskins, as the new Wine will end up bursting the skins opening, and the Wine and wineskins will be ruined.

Jesus used this parable to give the difference between old and new Wine, likening the old Wine to the Mosaic teachings and laws while the new Wine to the gospel about the kingdom of God. The Pharisees had focused their minds and deeds on the old teachings while forgetting what mattered before the lord. When Jesus came to earth, he did away with most of the baseless Mosaic laws and teachings that did not preach about the kingdom of God. The new Wine is the message of hope in Christ and his second coming.

Is Wine today Different than in Bible Times

Wine today is different from the one in the bible times. In the modern day, different additives are added to the Wine to make it stronger. Modern Wine is also not diluted, compared to the bible wine, which would sometimes be diluted with water to make it suitable for women and children to consume. Wine in the bible times was also different from the modern one as it was prepared through natural fermentation, unlike today’s Wine, where the manufacturers use the fermentation process that breaks down the sugars into ethyl alcohol.

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