As two of the biggest Protestant Christian denominations in all of Christianity’s history, Lutheran and Baptist churches have a lot in common, but also several beliefs that differentiate them. Many are unaware of how different the beliefs are, hence this Baptist vs. Lutheran comprehensive comparison.
While the Lutherans and the Baptists agree that the Scripture was verbally inspired, the Lutherans believe in the word of God and follow the Scripture’s teachings. In contrast, the Baptists follow John Calvin’s belief where they place human reasoning along with the words of the Scripture. The two denominations also differ in their beliefs regarding Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and Conversion.
But several other belief systems and doctrines differentiate these two denominations. So, keep reading for a deeper understanding of the differences between Lutherans and Baptists.
What is the difference between Lutheran and Baptist?
History of the Lutheran and Baptists
While Lutheranism traces its origins and Christian religion interpretation to the 16th-century teachings by Martin Luther and, subsequently, the movements arising from Martin Luther’s reforms, the Baptist Church, on the other hand, is one of the largest branches of the Protestant denominations dating back to the 17th century. It was created by the English-speaking protestant movements from the European continent, and it has roots in Puritanism, an offshoot of Congregationalism.
Unlike Lutherans, that form one group, there are two groups of Baptists – General and Particular Baptists. Particular Baptists adhere to a doctrine on specific atonement and believe Christ died on the cross for a specific elect. So, this group of Baptists was primarily influenced by Calvinist beliefs. Conversely, the General Baptists believe in general atonement of sins and that Jesus died on the cross for all humankind, not just the elect.
Take on the Roles of God and Humans
The most significant difference between the Lutherans and Baptists lies in how these two churches believe when asked what God does for humankind and what people do for God. With the Lutherans believing that the Lord’s Supper, Baptism, and conversion are all things that are written, taught, and spread by the Gospel and that these could be things done for man by God, the Baptists hold a completely different belief. For Baptists, any human is seen to be doing something great for God whenever they accept salvation (and believe that Christ is Savior). Baptists also believe that man chooses Baptism to show their obedience and memorialize Christ’s death (also out a Death of the Redeemer) when they choose to partake in the Lord’s Supper or the Holy Communion.
Beliefs – Martin Luther’s Teachings vs. The Bible
The Lutherans follow traditional beliefs primarily rooted in Biblical interpretation by the infamous German Reformer Martin Luther, who lived between 1483 and 1546. Martin Luther’s teachings, his writings and preaching about the Scripture, and his take on God, the world, and its people are all crucial cornerstones for Lutheran Theology.
This means that the Lutherans believe in the Bible’s centered authority, salvation through Grace and Faith in Christ, the existence of the Holy Trinity (representing the belief that God exists as three forms in one), and that all human beings are born with sin. Lutherans also believe Christ will return to earth at an unknown time to save humankind.
These are the beliefs that hold the Liberal Church firmly. Though denominations like the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod believe that some of the Lutheran beliefs are too liberal, the Church’s traditional beliefs remain unchanged.
Baptists, on the other hand, believe firmly in the Bible’s authority, the Trinity, the Deity of Jesus Christ, and Christ’s second coming. But they hold differing beliefs depending on the type of Baptists they are since some belief in Miraculous gifts, but others don’t. Some Baptists are Amillennialists, meaning they believe in the symbolic passage describing the current Church’s age. Others are Premilennials who believe that a 1000-year period in the future follows Christ’s second coming.
Views on Baptism
Lutherans believe believers must be baptized in water rather than through or of the Holy Spirit. They also believe that Baptism can be administered to adults and infants and that the practice is a saving for the work of God. However, Lutherans don’t believe that salvation is tied to Baptism – instead, Lutheran teachings believe Baptism is a way through which God establishes Faith – Titus 3:5.
On the other hand, Baptists believe Baptism is an essential doctrine for the Church, and all believers must be fully immersed in water to be deemed baptized. All Baptists must be fully immersed in water unless there exist extenuating circumstances. For Baptists, full immersion is crucial because they believe it’s suggested in the Bible in Matthew 3:16. They also follow this procedure because they believe that complete water immersion accurately portrays the imagery that identifies Baptism with Christ’s death and resurrection – Romans 6:3-5.
The Lord’s Supper
While most Christian denominations believe in the importance of the Eucharist, Mass, or the Lord’s Supper, Lutheran teachings differ, and Lutherans are taught that both the Body and the Blood of Christ are present in the ‘In, With, and Under’ the elements as suggested in Matthew 26:26-29. Note that other protestants, including Baptists, believe that the elements don’t change and that bread and cup are only memorial.
However, Lutherans call it the Sacrament, while Baptists prefer ordinance.
Church’s Leadership
The other main difference between the Lutheran and Baptist churches lies in their government structure. The Baptist church runs on a highly democratic church structure featuring congregational-led churches rather than being led by a bishop or the presbytery. Pastors and other church leaders, and elders lead them. On the other hand, the Lutheran Church has a slightly different structure from the churches in Scandinavia, Germany, and the United States, which are run by Bishops. Sweden is an exception that doesn’t run on apostolic succession. Primate and metropolitan bishops for the Lutheran Church are called archbishops.
Separation of Church and State
Most Christian denominations clearly separate Church and State, with the Lutheran Church recognizing the Church and state as vital organs instituted by God. In contrast, the Baptist Church rejects the state’s involvement in its affairs, especially regarding the Church’s leadership.
The Lutheran Church, however, understands and acknowledges the relationship between the State and God by stating that God’s rule is in two main ways – He rules the City of Man and the City of God. This distinction is believed to have been made by St. Augustine. Later, Martin Luther’s teachings included how God governs the world in two main ways – through orders of creation, for instance, through governments or marriage, through which God desires all humankind to live in harmony all around the world. The second way that Gif governs is through the Gospel and his Words, which apply to the world through Christianity and Faith in Jesus Christ. Additionally, Lutherans believe that these two realms are interdependent.
What is the theological comparison between Lutherans and Baptists?
Lutheranism represents one of the main branches of Christianity, which recognizes Martin Luther’s teachings from which the Church got its name. The name for the Church, Lutheran, was coined by Luther’s opponents who suggested that Martin Luther preached Lutheranism.
Notably, Martin Luther wrote 95 theses, all in 1517. Through his publications, he attempted to convince the public to accept and follow his work in a bid to change the practices of the Roman Catholic Church and the Papacy. His main qualm was the amount of corruption in the Church. In his Crusades, he gained a significant following, and the Lutheran Church was born, forming one of the main branches of the Protestant Church. During this time, Martin Luther’s main goal was for a church that adopted Christianity under the belief that Christianity was all about Faith. He also preached that believers would only gain freedom from their sins if God showed them, Grace. He also preached about the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ; the body of Christ is represented by Bread and Wine shared during the Last Supper, all pillars of Lutheranism.
Ultimately, Lutheranism and also the teachings of the reformers can only be summarized in these three ways:
Grace Alone (Sola Gratia) – this Lutheran teaching reinforces their belief that God loves all humanity, regardless of their sinfulness and rebellion, even when humanity doesn’t deserve God’s Love. So, God sent His son Jesus Christ to bring love to all deemed unlovable and salvation to the ungodly.
Salvation Alone (Sola Scripture) – This Lutheran teaching focuses on God’s infallible and Inerrant Word through which His Laws and the Gospel on Salvation are taught. This is regarded as the norm and primary rule for all Christian Doctrines.
Faith Alone (Sola Fide) – Under this belief, they believe that Christ paid for and earned forgiveness and eternal life for all through his death and suffering.
Baptist Church Belief
On the other hand, the Baptist church was founded in 1609, with the General Baptists coming before the Particular Baptists. The General Baptists date back to 1608, after the Lincolnshire Separatists sought asylum in Holland following their persecution in England. One of these groups settled in Amsterdam and was led by John Smyth as the church minister. He is one of the Baptist leaders who contended against Baptism for infants. In 1609, he published his views on the Church and Baptism in The Character of the Beast. He also baptized himself and 36 others, forming the first Baptist Church.
It’s worth noting that aside from the fervent belief in immersion in water for actual Baptism and forgiveness of sins, Baptists also believe in Biblical Authority, often referred to as the People of the Book. Baptists believe that the authority behind their practices and Faith is the Bible.
Priesthood for all believers
While the Lutheran Church believes in mediators like priests and clergy, besides Jesus Christ, Baptists believe that there can be no mediators between God and the believers. It, therefore, means that according to the Baptists, clergy and priests are unnecessary to confess sins. Note that Protestants commonly use the term priesthood for all believers to convey the message of Jesus Christ as the only High Priest for all humankind, specifically Baptist believers. They believe this was suggested in Hebrews 4:14, which implied that human mediators are unnecessary for confessing sins. So, Baptists believe that while church leaders like pastors help believers grow in Faith by sharing and teaching about relevant spiritual gifts, they aren’t necessarily bridges to reach God, as Lutherans and other Christians believe.
Ministry and Missions
In Lutheranism, missions are essential for the Church’s growth. These missions are direct evangelism and mostly service-oriented, so Lutherans often demonstrate ministry by building schools and providing medical care.
Historically, Baptists are known to support missions and have developed and even trained numerous missionaries, often from the local churches, for years. As a result, their missions have led to several parachurch organizations formed to ensure the spread of the Gospel – which is the primary mission of the Baptist Church.
Individualized Gospel response
According to Lutherans, believers receive salvation through Faith and believe infants aren’t sinful and can be saved/ baptized. On the other hand, baptists strongly believe in the importance of every believer having an individual response to Jesus Christ and the Gospel, noting that the invitation is personal and every individual needs to decide to follow Christ. On the same note, they believe that the sins of a child aren’t forgiven just because those of the parents are.
Speaking in Tongues
With many Lutheran Churches regarded as cessationists in matters relating to miraculous gifts, speaking in tongues isn’t a traditional part of Lutheran Christianity since they ceased having this practice. However, it was part of the Church in the past. But it’s pretty rare today.
On the other hand, speaking in tongues is acceptable in Baptist churches, but it’s not commonplace. However, the Baptist churches may allow and even encourage speaking in tongues.
What is the doctrine comparison between Lutheran and Baptist?
Even though the Baptist Church doesn’t subscribe to a body of doctrines or other credential statements, their belief systems and liturgical rites differ from those of the Lutherans in how they view the Bible teachings on the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.
While the Lutherans regard the Lord’s Supper and Baptism as sacraments that have been instituted divinely as the representation of God in physical form, forming the heart of the Lutheran Faith, Baptists hold different beliefs. First, Baptists don’t deem Baptism to be a form of Grace delivered to man from God through the Holy Spirit, who works to create and strengthen Faith. As a result, they reject the idea of infant baptism and sprinkling water as Baptism. As mentioned above, Baptists believe believers must be wholly immersed in water for Baptism.
On the other hand, Lutheran believers baptize members by sprinkling water on their heads and baptizing both adults and infants.
So, while Lutherans consider the theological doctrines around the Sacramental union as the heart of their services and ideologies, the Baptists think of the doctrines as being more pragmatic, observational, and commemorative.
Lord’s Supper
Regarding the Lord’s Supper, the difference between these denominations lies in how they comprehend the Lord’s Supper. While Lutherans consider the Lord’s Supper a critical sacrament that portrays the body and the blood of Christ through Bread and Wine shared for the forgiveness of humanity’s sins, Lutherans believe that the Last Supper is nothing more than another commemorative meal shared by believers.
Another difference between these churches is the importance of free will, specifically, its role in conversion. Baptists believe that humans choose salvation or conversion by ‘free will,’ so they preach that Faith in Jesus Christ is attained only when someone chooses to be saved rather than through Faith.
On the other hand, the Lutheran Church believes that Faith (salvation) is one of the biggest gifts granted to humankind by God. They believe that Faith is a gift that symbolizes the Grace of God. Therefore, the Lutheran Church doesn’t think of Faith as something that humankind has access to merely from ‘free will’ – it is an essential gift to humans through the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Grace through the Sacraments and the Word of God.
Rejected Practices from the Catholic Church
While Lutheranism only considered the rejection of some practices from the Roman Catholic Church, Baptists rejected the authority of the Roman Catholic Church in its entirety.
Which came first between Lutheran and Baptist?
The Lutheran Church came first in 1519, with German Cities and Principalities adopting Lutheranism in 1520.
The Baptist church came in 1609 after the first Minister John Smyth baptized himself before baptizing 36 others forming the Baptist Church.
What do Baptists think of Lutherans?
These churches have largely divergent beliefs, but they all agree that the Holy Spirit inspired the Scripture.
Today, however, these denominations bear very little resemblance to the traditional or founding churches; churches consider Lutherans a bit more conservative in their worship, say through music and education. The Baptist church is much more l, liberal with modern music used alongside hymns during church services. Lutheranism worship through music still involves hymns, some of which are as old as the Church, as Martin Luther wrote in 1529. Baptist church education is offered in more diverse spaces than Lutheran teaching.
Can Baptists attend Lutheran churches?
While Baptists may attend Lutheran churches, it’s worth noting that their different doctrines and beliefs may make it hard for them to understand how the Lutheran Church runs.
For the most part, however, it depends on the national jurisdiction or synod of the Church. In North America – ELCC and ELCA, Baptists who profess and understand the Eucharistic Real Presence of Christ and the Ecumenical creed are welcome. It is worth noting that most of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) churches have a unique form of holy communion where they offer the Eucharist to only adults, even if the adults haven’t received any catechetical instructions – the only qualification is that they should be baptized and also must believe in God’s Real Presence.
That said, the fact that Baptists identify as non-sacramental and non-creedal means that any form of intercommunion is non-existent between Baptists and Lutherans.
Keep in mind that Lutherans are historically known for atrocities and persecution of Anabaptists and Mennonites that took place during the Reformation period. The Lutherans have issued an apology in the last decade, but there’s no doubt that Lutherans may not be as welcome by Baptists.
Which one has more denominations between, Baptists and Lutherans?
The Baptist Church has more than the Lutheran Church, with more than 10 main denominations again Lutheran Church’s 5 significant denominations.
Top Baptist Church Denominations include the Southern Baptist Convention, National Baptist Convention, NMBCA, Baptist General Conference of Texas, American Baptist Churches of America, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Progressive National Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches, CW Baptist General Conference, and the Conservative Baptist Association.
Main Lutheran Denominations include Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Lutheran-Church Missouri Synod, Lutheran Congregations in Missouri for Christ, and the North American Lutheran Church. These churches fall into the two main groups in the Lutheran Church – General Lutheran Church (GLC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS).
Comparison of Lutherans and Baptists
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.