As a theologian, I have always been fascinated and curious about why facial cheeks twitch. That is because I have heard a lot of myths and beliefs about cheeks twitching.
To clear my doubts and feed my curiosity, I decided to conduct research on the reasons and meanings of cheeks twitching.
For my research, I visited a public library where I read many books and texts about the myths and superstitions surrounding cheek twitching.
The three-week research helped me make informed conclusions and deductions about the phenomena. Recently, in the local community college where I teach theology, there was a heated debate in my class on whether there was any truth to the many beliefs about cheeks twitching.
The class discussion was about religion and superstitions. Some students argued that the beliefs about cheeks twitching could be true and could be explained.
In contrast, others said there was nothing extraordinary about why cheeks twitch, saying the reasons were purely medical.
The students asked me, as the lecturer, to help settle the argument. Armed with the findings and conclusions of my earlier research, I knew I was the right man to bring the debate to an end. So, what is the meaning of cheeks twitching?
While the Bible does not expressly explain the meaning of cheeks twitching, some people believe it is a sign of good luck when the left cheek twitches and a bad omen for the right one. Others believe the left cheek twitching represents bad luck, while it is a good sign when the right one twitches.
I invite you to join me in this article as I discuss the spiritual meanings of the cheeks twitching, the proper medical explanation, the perceived messages, the related myths and beliefs, and much more. Keep reading for more information.
Medical causes for twitching cheeks?

Medically called a Hemifacial spasm, twitching cheeks is the involuntary movement of facial muscles. It usually begins with the eyelids before moving onto the cheeks.
It primarily affects one side of the face, although very rarely, both sides can have the problem.
Mainly, twitching cheeks are not caused by anything, which means there may be no medical explanation for your cheek twitching.
However, on rare occasions, the phenomena can be explained medically. The following are the known medical causes of twitching cheeks:
- Compressed facial nerve. When a blood vessel is displaced or hardened, it may come into contact with the nerve that gives the face muscle movement. The contact leads to the nerve being compressed hence malfunctioning, causing involuntary muscle movement in the face.
- Facial nerve trauma. When the facial nerve is injured, it may sometimes be damaged. The nerve will then likely grow back defectively. A defective facial nerve will also likely malfunction, which might cause twitching of the facial cheeks.
- Bell’s palsy. It is the temporary weakening of the facial muscles on one side. Although the weakness may disappear, the patient will keep experiencing facial twitching for a long time.
- Tumors. Although rare, malignant tumors near the neck can cause cheek twitching since they put pressure on the facial nerve.
- Other diseases. Other conditions and diseases may also cause cheek twitching; for example, abnormal swelling of blood vessels near the face (aneurysms) and spinal cord or brain disease (multiple sclerosis).
Spiritual messages of right and left cheek twitching
Many people consider the twitching of the right and left cheek to be a spiritual message. Examples of such messages are:
- Upcoming good news. Some people believe that when either the right or left cheek twitches, it is a sign that you will soon receive good news. It is believed that your life is about to enter into a period of prosperity. Although it is rear, both cheeks can sometimes twitch simultaneously. When this happens, it is believed that you will receive multiple good news. It is also considered a sign of good personal or professional results.
- A sign of bad news. In some cultures, the left or right cheek twitching is thought to be a sign that you wil soon receive bad news. It is also believed that when both cheeks twitch at the same time, it is a sign that you will be the recipient of a lot of bad news. It can also be used to indicate that your life will soon enter a rough patch.
- Love and affection. Some believe that when either the left or right cheeks twitch, that is a sign that love and affection are coming your way. It is also thought to indicate improved relationships, either personally or professionally.
- A better future. In some communities, the twitching of the left or the right cheek may be an indication that your life is about to enter a prosperous period. It has also been thought to mean that financial abundance is coming your way. Some still think it means you will find enough strength in yourself to overcome any challenges you face.
- Improved spiritual life. Some believe that the twitching of the cheeks represents entering into an improved spiritual state. They believe it means you will find a way to deal with whatever has been bothering you lately. It can also be a sign that you are getting wiser and smarter in what you do.
- Your guardian angel is close. In some cultures, when your cheeks twitch, it is believed to signal that your guardian angel is nearby and protecting you. They believe that at this time, no evil will be able to harm you or those close to you.
- Your wishes will be fulfilled. In some communities, the cheeks twitching is perceived to mean that all your wishes will be fulfilled. Those who believe in prayers say it may be a sign that your prayers will be answered.
- Improved health. Some people believe that when your cheeks twitch, it may be a sign that your health is improving. Health here is assumed to mean physical, emotional, psychological, or even financial. They believe that your overall life will have a general improvement.
Superstitions about right cheek twitching
The following are the superstitions surrounding the twitching of the tight cheek:
- A good omen. Some people believe that when your right cheek twitches, it is a sign that your lucky star is shining once again. Some say it implies you will get closer to your loved ones, while others believe you will experience monetary gains. Overall, it is thought to be a sign that things will get better for you.
- Someone is affectionately thinking about you. In some cultures, when the right cheek twitches, it is believed to mean that someone very dear to you is thinking about you. They say it means a loved one or a close relative wishes to see you, and they wish you were there with them. They say it can also signify that your emotional connections and feelings are getting deeper with those close to you.
- Bearer of good news and joy. To some people, when the right cheek twitches, it is assumed to be a sign that extremely wonderful news is coming to you. They believe this to be a way of telling you that the good news you have been expecting, either in your private or professional life, is on the way.
- Unexpected money is coming. Some believe that when the right cheek twitches, especially around the nose, that could indicate that unexpected money is coming to you. They also think it means you should be ready to exploit any opportunities with financial rewards.
Superstitions about left cheek twitching
The following are some examples of the beliefs and superstitions about the left cheek twitching:
- Problems in your emotional relationships. For some people, the left cheek twitching is believed to mean that your personal life, like love and relationships, is about to encounter some difficulties. For those seeking love, it is believed that you will probably fail. These people believe that the body can mirror and show our emotional state and feelings.
- Someone is thinking and talking about you. Some people believe that when the left cheek twitches, then that is a sign someone is negatively thinking and talking about you. They think that it is a sign of others backbiting you. They also believe those talking behind your back are people close to you.
- You are about to feel overwhelmed, hence cry. To some people, a twitch on the left cheek is believed to indicate that you are about to be emotionally overwhelmed and will likely cry. The said emotions are thought to be either happiness or sadness.
- A baby is coming. In some cultures, when a lady’s cheek twitches, it is believed to predict pregnancy. These people believe the lady whose left cheek is twitching is already pregnant or about to become pregnant.
- Financial loss. Some believe that a twitch in the left cheek is a sign that you are about to suffer financial losses. For investors and business people, this is believed to mean that you will lose a considerable amount of money.
Superstitions and myths about cheek twitching in different cultures

Different cultures have different myths and superstitions regarding the twitching of cheeks. The following are some examples:
According to some African cultures, the twitching of cheeks, especially in the left cheek, is believed to show someone envious of others.
The person is thought to have feelings of underachievement compared to those around them, leading to jealousy and envy. It can also be used to show that not everyone is happy about your achievements, even those close to you.
According to the Hindu culture in India, cheek twitching is considered gender-sensitive. They believe that the left side of the face represents the moon, which they take to mean women.
Also, they think the right side of the face represents the sun, which to them means men. When the left cheek for men twitch, this is believed to be a sign that the man will experience good fortune in matters of relationships, love, and finance.
In contrast, when a woman’s left cheek twitches, that is taken as a sign of bad fortune in love and relationships.
For the Japanese, a twitch of the left cheek is believed to represent good fortune in personal life, relationships, and professionally.
It is because of a deep-rooted belief that when the left cheek twitches, a good spirit enters your body. It is thought that the Japanese have carried this myth along through many generations.
Is it a good sign when my cheeks start twitching?
While some people believe the twitching of your cheeks is a good sign, some say it is a bad omen. To those who believe in this phenomenon, it depends on your beliefs and which cheek is twitching.
According to your beliefs, there are many good signs and assumed messages that you can take to be the reason your cheeks are twitching.
For example, it may be that your luck is about to get better, your wishes are about to be answered, your relationships are improving, your financial situation is about to improve, etc. From these, your cheeks twitching will likely be a good sign.
What should I do spiritually when my cheek start twitching?
Many people have different interpretations, perceived meanings, and believed messages accompanying natural phenomena. Regarding your cheeks twitching, whether or not to believe it has a deeper spiritual meaning depends on you and your beliefs.
You should know that those who believe in these practices will interpret them according to their understanding, either favorably or not. When your cheeks twitch, you are the one to decide if it has any spiritual meaning, if it is natural, or if it should be investigated medically.
However, before you dismiss the spiritual meaning theory, you should understand that there are people who have held such beliefs for many generations. There should be some reason as to why they do it.
But remember that these are just beliefs, and they should not sway your decisions, nor should they be used to influence your day-to-day living. Remember that, as Psalm 62:5 says, all your hope and trust should be in God alone.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.