As a theologian, I have always been interested in some harmless congenital conditions people have. While studying theology, my roommate had a small hole in her ear, which she always thought was a congenital abnormality, but I felt otherwise.
It made me have a special interest in learning more about the hole. I decided to conduct more research to learn about the preauricular sinus, including its spiritual, mythical, and biblical meanings.
During my research, I browsed the internet to find related content, read different mythologists’ books, and even consulted professional theologians and church leaders to get all the details I wanted.
Recently, I was teaching a certain online forum about preauricular sinus, and the participants were very curious. Some wanted to know the myths and superstitions about the hole in the ear, while others wanted to know its spiritual meaning.
Having done extensive research on this topic, I was ready to answer all of their questions. Let’s start with the questions I found very enchanting, “what is the spiritual meaning of a hole in the ear?”
Though the Bible does not mention the spiritual meaning of a hole in the ear, many believe it indicates divine favor. They argue that it shows those with this mark attract good luck and fortune wherever they go. This does not mean getting rich or getting whatever they want without working for it. People believe it means they get the fruits of their hard work easily because they have divine favor; hence not an iota of your effort is wasted. People trust those with a hole in their ear have divine whispering through the extra hole, telling them what to do and how to do it.
Join me in this article as I delve into the topic of the Preauricular sinus. We will learn its spiritual meaning, Biblical meaning, the myths and superstitions about it, and more, so read until the end.
Spiritual meaning of a hole in the ear
There are different spiritual meanings of a hole in the ear that vary depending on different cultures. Some cultures believe the spiritual meaning of their members having a hole in the ear is they have special spiritual gifts.
They are considered to have the gift of wisdom. People believe that those with holes in their ears are always wise, and their advice always works out.
They are considered to be wise beyond their years because they seem to make the right decisions in everything they do. In these communities, those with a hole in their ear are said to be leaders and are likely to be role models for other members.
They set trends for other members of the community to follow.
In some cultures, having a hole in your ear is believed to spiritually mean that you have a bright future. One is considered to have been chosen by the universe and the gods to receive abundant blessings.
Therefore, the person is told from an early age that they have a bright future, and they are taught how to live accordingly to avoid upsetting the gods. People in these cultures believe that this mark represents abundance, wealth, and prosperity.
They believe that those with the mark will receive a wide array of opportunities in their life, and the opportunities will come sooner.
Some communities believe that when one associates with such people, they also receive abundant blessings, though it might take longer compared to those with a hole in the ear.
In addition, some communities believe that the spiritual meaning of having a hole in the ear is a divine connection. They believe that those with this mark are connected with their spiritual guides, such as angels and deceased loved ones, who always give them clues on the measures to take to elevate their life.
Some communities believe that people with a hole in the ear can communicate with God when they are asleep. Other communities believe that the hole helps them to hear what their spiritual guides are telling them.
Therefore, they are said to always do the right thing in all situations because they receive guidance from the spiritual world.
Preauricular sinus in the Bible
Although the Bible does not specifically mention preauricular sinus, ancient believers had it that the Old Testament prophets in the Bible had a hole in their ear.
They believed that God whispered His message to the prophets through the hole; this is why they always respected the prophets.
They also trusted that those who dared to defy the message of the Lord said to them by the prophets would meet their ultimate death. Today, some Christians believe anyone with a hole in their ear has a special connection with God. Christians trust a person with a hole in their ear is chosen by God to do God’s work.
The person is expected to devote themselves to serving God and obeying His commandments as the prophets in the scripture did.
3 Biblical meanings of preauricular sinus
Preauricular sinus is neither mentioned in the Bible nor is its meaning indicated in the Bible. However, some of its spiritual meanings can be linked with some Bible verses; hence, they are considered Biblical meanings.
The meanings include the following.
The spiritual gift of hearing
Many believers believe that having a preauricular sinus means you can hear spiritual things. They believe that God’s chosen people, especially those with a tiny hole in their ears, can hear the voice of God speaking to them.
This meaning is linked with Isaiah 30:21, which says that in whatever situation you are in, you will hear a voice telling you the right way to go. They believe that most people receive God’s guidance through His written word in the Bible and prophets, but that is not the case for those with a preauricular sinus.
They believe that those with the mark hear God’s voice as if He is next to them. This belief originated from the ancient believers who trusted that Old Testament prophets could hear God converse with them because they had a preauricular sinus.
Spiritual understanding of the Bible
Christians believe that those with a preauricular sinus means they have a spiritual understanding of the Bible and the spiritual world. They trust that the spiritual gift of hearing gives them the ability to understand the word of God on a deeper level.
This meaning is linked with Romans 10:17, which says that faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes from the Bible.
Therefore, some Christians believe that those with a preauricular sinus can spiritually hear the word of God, which enables them to have a deeper understanding of the Bible.
Some Christians believe that such people should be dedicated to helping others learn the will of God and His word.
Spiritual connection
To many Christians, having a preauricular sinus means you have a special connection to the spiritual realm and God. It is because they believe that those with this mark have a spiritual understanding of the Bible, which enables them to be in tune with God’s will and union with Him.
This meaning is linked with John 15:4, which says that Jesus taught that we should abide in Him, and He will reciprocate and abide in us.
To have a spiritual connection with God means you are in tune with His will and union with Him. Therefore, you must understand and hear the Bible on a deeper level to abide in Jesus.
For Jesus to be connected with you, you have to accept Him, and you cannot accept him unless you have read the Bible and gotten fully understand his teachings.
Therefore, Christians believe that those with this mark are connected with the Lord because they understand and hear the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Bible on a deeper level.
5 Spiritual meanings of having a Preauricular Hole on Top of the Ear
Hear the Voice of God
It is widely believed that a preauricular hole on top of the ear spiritually means that you can hear the voice of God. Many people believe that God speaks to those with a hole at the top of their ear through that hole.
They are said to hear the voice of God as if he is standing next to them. In most cultures, people with this mark are always advised to cleanse their minds and heart because God is constantly communicating with them.
It is believed that they have a divine connection and are a blessing to those around them.
Special Envoy of God
In most cultures, it is believed having a hole on top of the ear spiritually means you are sent by God as a medium between the spiritual world and the physical world.
They believe that those with this mark can communicate with the spirits; hence they can deliver messages from the spiritual world to the physical world.
They are said to have a special mission of delivering God’s will and message to other members of the community.
Exude positivity or center of attraction of positivity
People believe that those with a preauricular hole at the top of their ear spiritually means they exude positivity. They are said to attract positivity into their life and the lives of those around them.
Most people try to associate themselves with people with this mark in the hope that some of their positive energies will rub off them.
Role models in the community
In some communities, having a hole at the top of your ear is believed to spiritually mean that you have been chosen to be a role model for generations in the community.
These people are said to be leaders who set good examples for others to follow. They are also said to always make the right decisions in all situations.
Some communities believe that these people can handle all kinds of people with their varied needs; hence, they don’t mind when people are determined to learn from them or associate themselves with them.
A Sign of Abundance
Another spiritual meaning of having a hole at the top of the ear is believed to be a sign of prosperity. They are said to attract blessings and a bright future into their life, like a destiny for money.
Some communities believe that those around people with holes in the top of their ears also attract wealth easily.
Myths and superstitions surrounding the hole in the ear
There are many myths and superstitions concerning holes in the ear. Some people believe that they are a sign of good luck, while others believe they are a sign of bad luck.
Others have different beliefs about the causes of these holes in people’s ears. Some believe they are from evil spirits, while others believe they are caused by birth defects.
All these beliefs are due to the different myths and superstitions surrounding this mark. Some of the most common myths and superstitions about having a hole in the ear include the following.
People with a hole in their ear can Hear Supernatural Sounds
There is a common myth and superstition that those with a hole in their ear can hear supernatural sounds that normal people can’t.
However, this claim has not been scientifically proven to be true, and no one with the hole has ever come out and confirmed it. Therefore, if you have a hole in your ear, you don’t need to worry about hearing any supernatural sounds.
Only Special People have a hole in their ear
Another common myth is that those with the hole in their ear are special. They are mostly said to be royalty or to have come from the lineage of royalty.
However, in reality, anyone can have this hole in their ear without having to be special because we are all equal. They are just unique in their way.
People with a hole in the ear have psychic Abilities
Another common superstition and myth about a person with a hole in their ear is they have psychic abilities. Many people believe that those with this mark have supernatural powers, such as seeing in the future and reading the minds of those around them.
While this claim has never been scientifically proven to be accurate, many people believe it.
The hole in the ear is a remnant of fish ancestors
A common myth is that some people have a hole in their ear; it is a stunted remnant of the fish ancestors. One theory about the evolution of human beings is the aquatic ape hypothesis theory, which states that mankind evolved from fish.
This theory brought the myth that people with a hold in their ear developed the pit while their body was adapting to life in water. Though this may seem reasonable, there is no scientific evidence for this claim.
Is the tiny hole in the ear a good or bad luck sign?
In most communities, the tiny hole in the ear is considered good luck. It is associated with wealth and good fortune in the person’s life.
People believe that the whole enables one to attract a bright future from the moment they were born. Some cultures believe that those with this mark are God’s chosen and a blessing to those around them.
In addition, this hole’s myths, superstitions, and spiritual meanings are all positive. They teach people to believe that holes are a sign of good luck from the universe and God.
However, some people, especially those with a tiny hole in the ear, believe that it is a sign of bad luck. They believe it is a congenital defect that makes them abnormal compared to others.
Others believe the myth that the hole is a remnant of fish ancestors; hence they consider themselves unlucky to be associated with evolving from a fish.
However, the Bible warns us against believing in myths and superstitions. Proverbs 2:6 say that God gives his people wisdom; from Him, we receive knowledge and understanding. The Bible encourages us in this verse to rely on God’s knowledge and not superstitions.
Therefore, if you have a hole in your ear, you should not focus so much on whether the preauricular sinus brings you good or bad luck because God is the provider in all situations.
You should believe that you have been created in God’s likeness because God assures us in Genesis that He created everyone in His image and likeness.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.