As a theology professor, I spend time reading the bible to get the spiritual meaning of some of the scriptures in the bible. Throughout my reading, I have come to appreciate how God created every part of our body and how he can use any of it to convey his message.
Recently, I stumbled across a spiritual book about the meanings of the ringing right ear. I was especially intrigued by how some people interpreted this occurrence, and I wanted to know more about it and compare it with what the bible says of it. I then decided to do more research through different spiritual and cultural books.
Last week, a member of my online forum wanted to know the meaning of the right ear ringing, as he was also curious about what different cultures think and if there was any spiritual meaning to it.
Having done vast research, I knew I had the answers he was looking for. So, what is the spiritual meaning of ringing in your right ear?
Although there is not a scripture in the bible that addresses this topic directly, some people believe that a ringing in your right ear is a sign that you are about to receive some good news or fortune in your life. Other people also believe that a ringing right ear indicates that someone is speaking highly of you and may also be thinking about you. Others also believe that a ringing in the right ear may indicate your spiritual growth.
So, join me until the end as I explore more about this topic. I will discuss the medical cause of ringing ears, how to tell the difference between medical and spiritual causes of ringing ears, and eight spiritual reasons why your right ear is ringing, among other interesting topics.
What is the medical cause of ringing ears?
The ringing of the ears in the medical industry is known as Tinnitus. Medical experts have linked this occurrence to various health conditions, and it can also be experienced as a symptom. Below are medical conditions that can cause the ringing of the ears;
Meniere’s disease
This medical condition usually affects the inner ear, which is responsible for balance and hearing. Medical experts suggest that this ear condition is caused by changes in the fluid in tubes of the inner ear, while others also suggest that allergies can cause it.
This condition can lead to the ringing of the ears when it is not treated on time. Meniere’s disease only affects either the right or left ear but can be treated with the right medication.
Hearing loss
A person experiencing hearing loss may also hear different sounds in their ears, as this is a contributing symptom to this condition.
Hearing loss majorly affects people of old age, but a newborn baby can also be born with it. If one experiences sound in their ears with this condition, it may drastically affect them more, as it will only worsen their situation.
Medicine containing ototoxic
Medical experts also suggest that one can experience ringing ears if they take medication that contains ototoxic. They further suggest that this substance can damage one’s ears as one f its side effect is ringing ears.
Some of the medicines that can lead to ringing ears include quinine, aspirin, and antidepressant drugs.
Exposure to loud noises/sound
Medical experts also suggest that ringing ears can be caused by prolonged exposure to loud sounds or noises, as these loud noises can cause permanent damage to the cochlea, an organ found in the inner ear. Medical experts suggest that pilots, carpenters, and people who work with guns are at risk of getting ringing ears.
Injuries to the neck and head
Medical experts also suggest that an injury to the head or neck can cause ringing ears. This is because the inner parts of the ears are connected with these body parts, and therefore, the ear will be easily affected.
Respiratory tract infections
Respiratory tract infections, especially the upper ones like sinusitis and the common cold, can increase the pressure applied in your inner ears, which can result in the ringing of the ears.
How can you tell the difference between medical and spiritual causes of ringing ears?
According to Spiritual people, you can easily differentiate between medical and spiritual ringing ears by their effect on a person or if a diagnosis can be made on it.
For instance, it is believed that there are two forms of ringing ears (Tinnitus). There is the subjective Tinnitus which is said that it can only be heard by the person experiencing it.
Some people believe that this form of Tinnitus cannot be detected or diagnosed by medical doctors. On the other side is objective Tinnitus, which can easily be identified through a medical examination.
Since medical experts cannot detect subjective Tinnitus, some people suggest that this type of ringing ears is likely to be associated with the spiritual world.
It is also suggested that another difference between medical and spiritual ringing ears is the outcome or effect the person feels. It is believed that the medical ringing of the ears can affect one’s physical health because it may lead to worse health problems, while the spiritual ringing of the ears does not affect one’s physical health.
It is also believed that if the ringing of the ears is medically related, one will have to be treated for the issue to go away. On the other hand, if the ringing of ears is spiritually caused, one doesn’t have to treat it as if it will fade on its own.
Eight spiritual reasons why your right ear is ringing
Good luck
Some people believe that if one has a right ringing ear, they are about to become lucky in their life, as they will either receive good fortune they will fulfill the things they have wanted in their life.
These people suggest that a ringing right ear is only a sign for one to be ready to receive the blessings that will come their way.
Other people also suggest that ringing of the right ear may be a sign of transition in one’s life. They suggest that if one experiences this, they should be ready for a positive transition in their life, as it can come in terms of their career paths or even new relationships.
Spiritual growth
Some people also suggest that experiencing a ringing in the right ear could mean that one is growing spiritually, either by working and paying attention to their inner self or being self-aware. These people suggest that this is a good sign to tell you that you are on the right path and you should keep going.
Someone is talking about you.
Other people also believe that if a person has a ringing right ear, it could mean someone else is talking positively about them. Some people believe that if you are a good person leading an admirable life, people may start praising you, leading to your right ear ringing.
Other people also believe that if your right earrings, it could mean that your romantic partner is thinking about you and is probably missing you.
Communication from the spiritual world
Some people also suggest that having a ringing right ear could mean the spiritual world is trying to send you a message. This may be a positive or negative message depending on the situation you are in your life.
For instance, the spiritual world may send you a warning sign to be careful with people around you or the environment you are in if it feels like you are not safe.
Changes in your energy
Some people also suggest that having a ringing right ear could mean changes occurring around vibrational energy due to intense spiritual awakening. People who believe this suggest that spiritual awakening may have physical effects on someone, that may include a ringing sound in their right ear.
Your departed loved one wants to connect with you.
Others also believe that a ringing right ear could mean that you recently passed away deceased is trying to connect with you.
They further suggest that this may happen if a person has recently lost a close loved one, and the deceased may use the ringing ear to signal that they are still around or watching over the living one.
A reminder that you are not alone
Some people also believe that if their right ear is ringing, it could mean that the spiritual world is reminding them that they are not alone in whatever they are going through, acting as a comfort in their life.
Ringing right ear meaning in different cultures
Christians associate the right ear with positivity and a good thing because the bible has used the right side to mean something good. For instance, Ecclesiastes 10:2 reveal that a wise man’s heart will always lead him to the right, while the fool man’s heart leads him to the left, to indicate the right side as the good side.
Matthew 25:33 also reveals how the righteous will be taken to the right hand of God, while sinners will be taken to the left side and thrown into eternal fire.
With this belief, Christians believe that a ringing right ear means that God is trying to pass a message to you. In Mark 4:9, Jesus tells the audience that whoever has ears to hear the gospel.
Christians have used this scripture to suggest that Jesus was talking in the present and foretelling how he would convey important messages to his people through the right ear.
Christians also believe that ringing in the right ear means that angels in charge of you are trying to communicate with you. Christians are encouraged to deeply read the word of God to understand its deep meaning.
According to Hinduism, the ringing in your right ear means that you have reached your highest energy vibration and that you are connecting with your higher self.
According to this culture, your right ear ringing means that you are undergoing a spiritual awakening and that your throat chakra and third eye chakra have been activated so that you can connect with the universe. This culture believes that when this happens, the person should focus on deep meditation to maximize on this rare occasion.
According to Chinese culture, a ringing right ear could mean that someone close to you is talking ill about you and that you should be careful around such people.
Does the pitch of the ring matter?
Different people believe that the meaning of ringing the right ear may vary depending on the pitch of the ringing ear. Some people further suggest that there are various pitches a ring can occur in one’s right ear, revealing the spiritual meaning. Below are four different ways the pitch of the ring in your right ear can tell you about the message being portrayed.
Buzzing sound
Other people believe that if one’s right ear is ringing with a buzzing sound, it could mean that huge changes are happening in their life and that the person is becoming more aware of who they are and their place in the universe.
People who believe this further suggest that if one’s right ear is ringing at a buzzing sound, they are going through a spiritual awakening and that their spiritual energy is high.
Some people also believe that experiencing a buzzing sound as a ringing in your right ear could mean that you are strongly connected to someone, especially a romantic partner.
Short, loud sound
Some people suggest that if your right ear is ringing in a short, loud sound, then the universe is trying to warn you about certain aspects of your life that you need to change or pay attention to. It is further suggested that one may hear things ringing if they ignore their inner self or spiritual side.
Other people also believe that having a short, loud ringing in your right ear could mean receiving something you have been anticipating that may excite you.
High pitch
It is believed that if your right ear is ringing at a high pitch, your life is transforming positively. Some people also believe that if your right ear is ringing at a high pitch, then it means that you will receive good fortune soon.
Some people also believe that having a high pitch ringing in your right ear could indicate that you are connecting with your higher chakras, which is a positive thing in your life.
Low pitch
Some people believe that having a ringing right ear in a low-pitched voice could mean your environment is unsafe for you, as it has been surrounded by negative energy. This low pitch ringing may signal you to act faster before things get any worse.
Other people also believe that experiencing a low-pitch ringing in your right ear could mean some negative energy is channeling through your lower chakras, which may not be a good sign, and you may experience anxiety or stress.
Does the number of rings mean anything?
Although no scripture in the bible addresses this question, some people believe that the number of times one may experience their right ear ringing does not matter.
This is because the message would have been passed for the first time. However, they also suggest that if a person keeps ignoring the message or the ringing, it can happen as often as possible until the person pays attention to the message the universe is trying to convey.
When this issue is medically related, medical experts advise one to seek medical attention if the ear ringing persists, as it may indicate a serious health problem.
What should I do when my right ear starts ringing?
Medical experts suggest that one should immediately see a doctor if their right ear starts ringing, as it may be a sign of a health condition.
Medical experts also suggest that if your ear starts ringing after taking a new medicine, you should discontinue it immediately and seek other alternatives. They also advise avoiding places with loud sounds if their right ears start ringing, as the sound could be the cause.
Spiritual people suggest that one should consider and pay attention to their spiritual journey if their right ear starts ringing, as it may be a message to inform them of abandoning their spiritual journey. Other people also believe that one should become self-aware of themselves and fix parts of their life that are not good if their right ear starts to ring.
Other people also suggest that one should be excited to receive whatever blessing or good fortune will come their way if their right ear starts ringing.
Is right ear ringing a sign of good luck?
Some people believe that ringing the right ear is majorly a sign of good luck, as one is believed that they will receive good fortunes or that their life will take a positive transformation.
Other people also believe the ringing of the right ear is a sign of good luck, as it shows that the person is undergoing a spiritual awakening, which is good for them.
However, other people believe that bad luck comes with the ringing of the right ear, as it may be a message to someone that their life is not going in a good direction and they need to pay to certain aspects of their lives.
When should I be concerned about ringing in my right ear?
Medical experts suggest that you should be concerned about the right in your right ear if you have any serious underlying health condition like high blood pressure, as this may be a symptom of your situation worsening.
Medical experts also suggest that you should be concerned about ringing in your right ear if it is more painful and does not seem to go away.
If this is the case, you should seek medication for the doctors to examine and know the problem. They also suggest that you should be concerned about the ringing in your right ear if it results in more complications like hearing loss. If you experience this could indicate that the situation is medical and the patient needs to be examined immediately.
If you are a spiritual person, you should be concerned about the ringing of your right ear if the sound keeps repeating itself in an unusual way. It may be a message from the spiritual world, and the ringing won’t stop until you receive the message.
As believers of the word of God, the bible tells us in Matthew 11:15 that whoever has ears to hear. Many biblical scholars have interpreted this message as a way of Jesus telling us to pay more attention to what our ears hear and experience, as he can communicate to us from the right hand of God through our right ears.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.