I have been a born-again Christian for many years, with 15 years of experience in Christian ministry. One time, during our bible study, the topic of dreaming about a dead person coming back to life came up. Everyone was interested in knowing what it meant biblically and spiritually. We discussed the topic for a few hours, as everyone gave their encounters and how they interpreted their dreams. After the study, I wanted to get more into this topic and find more answers on the spiritual meanings of dreaming of a dead person coming back to life.
Dreaming of a dead person coming back to life has different spiritual meanings, depending on your dream or relationship with the deceased. Anna Chris from the UPPSC organization suggests that having this dream may mean that the dead are trying to send a message to you or you are just not ready to say goodbye to them. Judy Nolan also implies that dreaming of a dead person returning to life may mean that unexpected changes are coming into your life, and you should be ready for them.
Join me until the end as we look through some of the questions related to this topic that you may be interested in knowing. In this article, I will cover the ten spiritual meanings of dreaming about a dead person, some biblical interpretations of dreaming about the dead, and what it means when you dream about an unknown dead person coming back to life. I shall also talk about the meaning of the dream whereby you see a dead friend coming to life and if dreaming about a dead person coming to life is a good or a bad sign.
What is the spiritual meaning of dreaming about a dead person?
Having a dream about a dead person coming back to life can be very scary and frightening, as most people have a particular fear of death or dead people. However, this dream can be linked to different spiritual meanings. Scholars from ‘the angels suggest that when you have this dream, it may be because you still feel guilty about what you did or did not do to the dead person you dreamt about. It may be because you had promised to fulfil something to the deceased when alive and did not get to, or you were not there for them during their last days, and you still carry the guilt.
The biblical interpretation of dreaming about the dead
The Bible does not exclusively interpret dreams about a dead person. However, it has some exciting teachings and revelations about the relationship between the dead and the living. In 1 Samuel 28, we see Saul trying to consult a medium to bring him Samuel, who was already dead. Saul did this after failing to receive an answer he needed from God and the prophets of Urim. After finding a medium from Endor, she brought him up the spirit of Samuel, but Samuel was not pleased that Saul had disturbed him. He went ahead to inform Saul of how God would tear down his Kingdom and hand him with the people of Israel to the Philistines. From this scripture, we clearly see that God does not approve or encourage seeking our answers or closure from the dead, as only he can answer our requests.
Scholars from biblical dreaming meanings also suggest that dreaming about the dead may biblically mean that there is an underlying sin and that one should pray for their old selves to die and be born again in Christ. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The Bible is also clear that Christians are not supposed to go to the mediums or the people who consult the spirits of the dead. God lets us know in Leviticus 19:31 that he is our Lord our God, and we should rely on him alone. With this, it is only fair to say that seeing dead people in our dreams as Christians is not okay and that we should pray for the guidance of the holy spirit if we experience such.
10 spiritual meanings of dreaming about a dead person coming back to life

Dreaming about a dead person coming back to life may spiritually imply that you are still grieving due to losing your loved one. Grief does not have a dateline, and one can grieve any time and day. Having this dream may suggest that you are not over that they are dead, and a part of you wishes you could still see them alive.
Death Phobia
Scholars also suggest that dreaming about a dead person coming back to life may indicate your death phobia. Several people have yet to accept that they will die at one point in their life, which may raise fears when they think about their death or their close relatives who have already passed on.
Time to let go of the past
Dreaming of a dead person coming back to life may also spiritually speculate that you are ready to let go of whatever happened in the past and move on. This might be a sign your new life is about to start. Dreaming about a dead person coming to life may also speculate that it is time to try and connect to whoever appeared in your dream, as they may have a special message for you.
Paying more attention to the living
While some dreams about a dead person coming back to life may suggest that you need to communicate or get a message from them, other Spiritual authors suggest that having this dream may mean that you are paying less or no attention at all to people around you and that you have shifted your attention to the dead. This may be a sign that there is still more life and more people close to you who are still alive and that you should focus on spending quality time with them.
A sign of hope
Christin, from the inside my dream website, suggests that dreaming of a dead person coming back to life may be a sign that hope is coming despite all you have been through. When a person dies, it means that their life stops, as they will never be able to achieve the dreams they had when they were still alive. A dead person returning to life in a dream may consequently mean that they have been given a second chance to live, which signifies hope. Depending on what you are going through in life, you can use this dream to lift your hopes high.
Spiritual growth
Having a dream about a dead person coming back to life may be interpreted spiritually as a sign of spiritual growth. Different people go through their spiritual levels and growth differently, and having this dream may indicate that you are ready to go to your next phase spiritually.
This is another possible sign when you dream of a dead person coming back to life. For instance, you may have a dream of someone you know trying to say something to you or talk to you. Spiritually, this may suggest that the person is trying to assure you of something that you are not sure of it in real life.
Radiance Talley from the Bahai teachings organization suggests that this dream could also imply that the dead person you saw coming back to life in your dream might be giving you a little guidance or wisdom you can apply to what is going on in your real life. Often people who are close to us usually help us with advice or even provide us with guidance when we seek them. Losing such a person to death might be hard, as we might feel a little stuck when they are no longer there to help us. Dreaming of this person may be a sign that they know we need their guidance or support and are doing that by coming into our dream.
Fear may also be an implication of why you are dreaming of a dead person coming back to life. One, it may imply that you are not ready for death or fear that you will face death one day. Second, this dream may imply that you fear losing someone else who is still alive to death and worry that they would end up leaving you as the deceased had already done.
Having a dream about a dead person coming back to life may suggest that you are looking for closure surrounding the death of your loved one. This may be a possible meaning of this dream, especially if your loved one died under mysterious circumstances, and you do not know what took their life. This may be a sign that you need to forget about everything and try to move on, as what happened was the end of a chapter.
What does it mean when you dream about an unknown dead person coming back to life?
While you often have dreams of seeing your dead loved one coming back to life in your dream, you may have a dream where you dream about an unknown dead person coming back to life. This dream can be interpreted in different ways. Some people interpret this dream as a suggestion that you are ready to let go of the past and move on with your life. You might have lost your loved one and are not ready to let go of the good times or memories you spent together. When you experience this dream, it might be a sign that you are now ready to continue living in the present moment and have to let go of whatever happened in the past.
Others speculate that this kind of dream may mean that you are yearning for a connection with someone that you knew in the past but lost contact with. This may mean that you are about to connect with them, or you wish to meet and reconnect again.
What does it mean when you dream of a dead person being alive and talking to you?

Dreaming of a dead person being alive and talking to you may have different meanings depending on the relationship you have with the dead person. For instance, if it is your grandparent that appeared in your dream, it may be speculated that there is a pending family reunion that is coming or a family celebration. This is because grandparents are the holders of most family units.
Having a dream about a dead person being alive and talking to you may also suggest that the dead person is trying to pass an important message to you. Most people still believe that the dead are still connected to them in one way or another and may, in rare cases, try to send a message to the living through dreams. For example, there is a traditional tale that when a barren woman dies and wants her legacy to continue, she might appear in one of her pregnant relatives’ dreams to try and send a message that they want to be named.
Other spiritualists also suggest that when you dream of a dead person being alive and talking to you may mean that their souls are not comfortable wherever they are, and specific rituals need to be done to appease the departed soul and make them rest in peace. Putting into consideration how someone died is important when interpreting this dream to this meaning.
What does it mean when you dream of a dead person being alive and not talking to you?
Dreaming of a dead person being alive and not talking to you may suggest that you do not have a sense of individuality and often rely on people to make your decisions. This kind of dream suggests that you are easily swayed or led by others and that you need to stand up for yourself.
Having a dream of a dead person being alive and not talking to you in a dream may also be speculated of your firm will and your power to face whatever problems come your way. This may be a sign that you are good at solving whatever obstacle that has been put your way and do not need the help of anyone.
What does it mean when you dream of a dead spouse coming to life?
Losing a spouse is one of the most difficult things, as no one wishes to grow old by themselves. When you dream of a dead spouse coming to life, it might imply that you have not accepted that they are no more, and a part of you wants to carry the hope that they are still alive or will eventually come back to life. This may be a significant sign that you have not yet grieved their loss and that you should come to terms with it and try to cope without their presence.
This dream may also suggest that you are missing your dead spouse and wish for their company like they were alive. Husbands and wives play a major role in our lives, as we spend most of our married life with them. It is okay to miss someone you love and use this opportunity to appreciate the memories you had together.
Having a dream of a dead spouse coming to life may also suggest that your spouse is simply watching over you and is still part of your life.
What does it mean when you dream of a dead friend coming to life?

When you have a dream of a dead friend coming back to life may imply that you miss them and wish to spend more quality time with them. Losing a friend is not one of the easiest things, as you lose an essential person in your life. Dreaming of a dead friend coming back to life may also suggest that you are not ready to let go of them and still has the hope of seeing them again. This dream may also speculate that there is a restoration or revival coming back to your life. Dreaming of a dead friend coming back to life may be a sign that you will be getting or gaining back whatever you lost, be it other relationships or even finances.
What does it mean to walk with a dead person in a dream?
Walking with a dead person in a dream may imply that you are not at peace emotionally and that something is eating you up. This may also indicate that you are not feeling safe with yourself and feel that a part of your life has been exposed. This may be an indication that you need to be content with yourself and try to pursue something that makes you happy.
Some scholars also suggest that walking with a dead person in a dream may suggest that you are starting to feel confident within yourself and are empowered. It may also suggest that you are ready to reveal your true identity to yourself and others as you have acquired a new awakening.
Is dreaming about a dead person coming to life a good or bad sign?
Dreaming about a dead person coming back to life may be a good or bad sign depending on how you interpret the dream or the events that occurred in your dream. For instance, a dream about a dead person coming back to life may mean that they are also thinking of you and want to assure you that they are fine wherever they are. On the other hand, a dream about a dead person in a dream may suggest that they are trying to send you a warning message of something terrible that is about to befall your life. This can be considered a bad sign.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.