What Does Darkness Symbolize In The Bible (Biblical Symbolism And Significance)?

Despite knowing that Darkness doesn’t hurt me and being a logical thinker, I still find sitting in complete Darkness unsettling. Perhaps, this has to do with the tales about Darkness and the Christian teachings that associate Darkness with evil or all the horror movies I’ve watched. When I recently stumbled upon a bible verse about Darkness, I took it as my cue to gain a deeper understanding of the subject. So, what does Darkness symbolize in the bible?

In the bible, in the book of Isaiah 13:9-10 and Matthew 24:29, Darkness is used metaphorically to refer to evil and sin, with lightness used as a metaphor representing God’s presence and goodness. Darkness is often associated with the anti-God, death, and wickedness. Though Darkness is opaque, it is believed to be just as transparent to God, who veils himself during dark moments in his great revelation.

In this article, I’ll delve deeper into the symbolism of Darkness and what it means biblically, spiritually, and symbolically. I’ll also delve into the aspects of spiritual Darkness and deeds of Darkness. Keep reading to learn more.

What does the bible say about Darkness?

Darkness is an evocative word used in the Old Testament and the New Testament to connote the wicked, the anti-God, judgment, and even death. These suggestions are implied in Proverbs 2:13-14, 1 Thessalonians 5:4-7, Exodus 10:21, Matthew 25:30, and Psalm 88:12

However, it is also believed that while salvation brings light to all in Darkness, it’s also believed that Darkness – while opaque to humankind – is deemed transparent to the Lord – Psalm 139:12 and Isaiah 9:2. It’s implied in Psalm 18:11 that God veils Himself in Darkness during moments of the greatest revelations.

The Bible further suggests that God is the only figure with the power to rule over Darkness, with the bible viewing both Darkness and light in contrast with each other noting that there isn’t a thought connoting to the idea that Darkness equals God’s power and light. This is believed to be the case because of the sovereignty of God and His power to rule over Darkness, as well as evil powers.

The Bible further implies that God knows and understands the Darkness and also what it holds – Job 34:22 and Daniel 2:22. But God doesn’t just understand the Darkness, He rules over it since he created it, and He also uses Darkness to meet his needs, specifically, being in hiding from men’s sight. Isaiah 45:7, Amos 4:13, and Psalm 18:11. It’s also believed that God uses the Darkness as a way of judging the evildoers, the evil nations, and also false prophets, as implied in Deuteronomy 28:28-29, Ezekiel 30:18-19, Micah 3:6, Jeremiah 23:12, and Revelation 16:10.

The Scripture in the Old and New Testament also suggest that the Darkness represents a time during which God passes his ultimate judgment and that these events would happen on a day of Darkness.

Where does Darkness first appear in the bible?

The first appearance of Darkness in the bible was in the creation story when the world was in chaos, and God created light, as implied in Genesis 1:2; 3. In these scriptures, Darkness is regarded as the absence of natural light and is compared to a state of adversity and misery.

This is followed by the mention of Darkness in Isaiah 45:7, where the division or separation and differences between Darkness and light are mentioned, and Darkness is suggested to have a different reality than the absence of light.

What does Darkness represent in the bible?

What Does Darkness Symbolize In The Bible?
What does Darkness represent in the bible? Image source: Pixabay

Presence of God

The Bible suggests that Darkness represents God or, rather, the presence of God. It’s implied in Exodus 20:21 that while on Mount Sinai communicating with God, Moses drew close to the thick Darkness, which was where God was. It’s also further suggested that God was in the thick dark cloud in the mountain as he spoke to Moses before the Lord went on the Mercy seat. 1 Kings 8:12.


The 9th plague is believed to have been in the form of complete Darkness that swept through Egypt. The Book of Exodus 10:21,23 suggests that the Darkness spread throughout the land of Egypt, and the people couldn’t see each other. The Darkness is believed to have extended over into Goshen.


Darkness is also regarded as a symbol of God’s judgment during the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is implied in Isaiah 13:9-10 and Matthew 24:29. Darkness is also believed to be associated with misery and Darkness. It’s further suggested that the Darkness was believed to be caused by locusts, which signify the obscurity hanging around divine proceedings.

Darkness and the Crucifixion

Scripture also suggests that Darkness represents the Darkness from the scene of God’s crucifixion. The Bible in Luke 23:44-45, Mark 15:33, and Matthew 27:45 suggest that on the sixth hour, when Christ was on the cross, Darkness covered the entire land until the 9th hour. In the 3 hours, the sun didn’t shine. Additionally, the curtain at the temple tore into two. It’s believed that Darkness is associated with death – Job 10:21-22 because of the dark scene during God’s crucifixion. There’s a possibility that it represented God’s displeasure for humankind after they crucified his son. The looming Darkness could also indicate His judgment over evil, while the torn curtain represents salvation to humankind through the death of Jesus Christ.

The Final Darkness

Darkness is also an important part of the end times, and it’s believed to be a sign of the end times. Old and New Testament accounts describe the final days, the day of judgment, and the end of times using Darkness. It is believed to symbolize perdition, and the hell and pits of Darkness are regarded as the fate of the angels that had sinned. The Bible also implies that believers will have the Darkness dispelled by all the light around them as a way for them to experience the glory of God. Revelation 21:23-24, 22:5, Jude 6, 2 Peter 2:4, 1 Samuel 2:9, Jude 12:13 and Matthew 22:13

10 symbolic meanings of Darkness in the bible

What the Darkness Symbolize In The Bible
Symbolic meanings of Darkness in the bible. Image source: Pixabay

Creating contrast to the light

Exodus 10:21-22 and Matthew 27:45 suggest that the Bible used Darkness to create a contrast to light where the light is regarded as a symbol of God’s wisdom, purity, and glory. On the other hand, Darkness is believed to represent the opposite of these. There also are miraculous occurrences of Darkness throughout Egypt.

Moral Depravity and Punishment

It is also believed to be a symbol of moral depravity, and it’s suggested that the wicked work and walk in Darkness, and the reward for these actions is sitting in Darkness or being cast into outer Darkness. It’s also believed that the people who believe in God wouldn’t be cast into or remain in the Darkness because the people that don’t believe in God are in the Darkness not in the light. Matthew 8:12, Psalm 82:5, Psalm 107:10, John 3:19, Romans 13:12, and Proverbs 2:13

Mysterious or Inexplicable Things/Events 

The Bible also suggests that the Darkness symbolizes mysterious and inexplicable things, such as God dwelling in a thick, dark cloud or Darkness and clouds surrounding God with righteousness and justice sitting on God’s throne – Psalm 97:2 and 1 Kings 8:12.


Darkness could also be a symbol of punishment by God. It’s implied in Deuteronomy 28:28-29 that God would punish wrongdoers by afflicting them with madness, confusion, and blindness, and at midday, the evildoers would grope around the dark like blind people. Matthew 8:12 also suggests that subjects of the kingdom would be thrown into Darkness where they’d weep and gnash their teeth.


Darkness could also be associated with death. 1 Samuel 2:9 suggests that while the Lord guides and guards the steps of the faithful people, the wicked would perish in Darkness. Death as Darkness is further suggested in Job 10:21-22 where it’s implied that the dead would go into the dark of gloom, deep shadows, disorder, and complete Darkness.

Human Ignorance 

The bible scriptures in 1 John 2:11 and Job 19:8 imply that Darkness is a symbol of human ignorance and people who don’t know where they are headed because of Darkness that blinds their eyes. John 12:35 suggests that the people who walk in the Darkness don’t know where they are headed.


Darkness, like death, is associated with catastrophe, as implied in Lamentations 4:8, while God signifies goodness and light, as implied in John 1. It’s also implied that the absence of light (good) is replaced by Darkness, which is synonymous with evil. Darkness is also believed to represent evil, as is implied in Micah 3:6.

Evil Spirits

Evil spirits are also believed to represent the power of the Darkness. It’s also implied that believers must be armed to fight against the powers of evil – Ephesians 6:11-12. The Bible also suggests that the evil would be cast into the deep Darkness outside – Matthew 8:12 and 22:13. Matthew 6:33 suggests that the evil eye fills the body with Darkness, which is why Darkness is believed to be associated with evil.

God’s Wrath 

Zephaniah 1:14-15 suggests that God’s wrath will be down on earth and will result in distress, desolation, wasteless, and a day of thick Darkness.


It’s also believed that Darkness represents falsities while the light is a symbol of truth, as is implied in Isaiah 5:30, Matthew 6:33, Matthew 8:12; 22:13, and John 1:4-5.

What is the spiritual meaning of Darkness?

What Does Darkness Symbolize In The Bible?
What is the spiritual meaning of Darkness? Image source: Pixabay


Death is the most uncertain thing that happens in life because no one knows when it will knock on their door, and it’s believed that Darkness is synonymous with death. Many people consider Darkness a natural way through which death presents itself to people. But it doesn’t just apply to the physical end of life – Darkness may also be symbolic of the end of a chapter in life, the end of a job, or a relationship.


Many believe that encountering Darkness is a sign of fear, specifically the fear of the unknown. Someone having internal struggles and uncertainty about their future could be stuck in Darkness because they have no specific direction they are following.

Destruction and Harm 

With Darkness regarded as the absence of light, it’s believed that Darkness comes with all that light presents. So, instead of growth and life, Darkness means destruction and harm. With this in mind, anyone who feels that their life is tragic or tough could be surrounded by Darkness.


Darkness is believed to represent evil in many religions and faiths, while light is associated with goodness. These beliefs mean that evil is associated with Darkness, which is believed to be why Darkness is associated with unwanted or unpleasant experiences in life. It’s also believed that evil forces are hidden in Darkness.

What is spiritual Darkness?

Spiritual Darkness is regarded as a state in which an individual lives apart from God or a life that doesn’t follow God’s ways. In the Old Testament, it’s implied in Isaiah 9:2 that the people that walk in Darkness or live in great Darkness may have also seen the light or delivered through from spiritual Darkness now that they walk in God’s light and life in a Godly way.

It’s also believed that the people who live in spiritual Darkness aren’t practicing or living the truth, which is implied in 1 John 1:5-6. It’s believed that people following God wouldn’t walk in Darkness but have the light of life in John 8:12

Additionally, spiritual Darkness is believed to represent individuals who aren’t in fellowship with God because they have no relationship with Christ. However, John 1:4-5 implies that the individuals in spiritual Darkness overcome this by walking in the light because light shines brightly in the Darkness.

Spiritual Darkness could also be described as all that people do in opposition to the light path is the love of God and the light of God’s love.

What are some examples of Darkness in the bible?

Proverbs 4:19 suggests that the ways of the wicked are much like deep Darkness.

Colossians 1:13 – This verse suggests that all the faithful followers of Jesus Christ would be delivered from the domain of deep Darkness before they are transferred into the Kingdom of God and his son Jesus Christ.

Matthew 6:23 – This bible verse represents the fact that Darkness may exist where there is light, but the level of the Darkness is what matters.

1 John 1:6 – This verse suggests that some people may argue that they are in fellowship with God even though they walk in Darkness, and in doing this, they are lying and not practicing the truth.

Ephesians 5:11 – Here, believers are warned not to take part in the works of the Darkness, which are unfruitful, but instead, they should expose the works of Darkness.

1 John 2:8-11 – These verses mention the Darkness in a way that implies hope by suggesting that the true light is shining as the Darkness passes.

Romans 13:12 – This bible verse also implies that Darkness and the works of the Darkness should be cast off as individuals put on the full armor of God (Light).

2 Corinthians 6:14 – This verse is implied to suggest that light and darkness cannot or rather shouldn’t coexist.

Acts 26:18 – This verse suggests that people should turn away from Darkness and into the light, or from the power of Satan, and move to God for them to receive forgiveness for their sins.

Ephesians 6:12 – This verse suggests that there is a heavenly or cosmic fight against the powers of evil and Darkness.

Psalm 139:12 – In this verse, the bible implies that even Darkness isn’t that dark and that Darkness is just like the light in an individual.

How do I get out of spiritual Darkness?

To get out of spiritual Darkness, it’s recommended that an individual be willing to walk in the light of God and follow God’s life and His giving spirit. By doing this, the spirit of God will flood life and light into the life of an individual filled with spiritual Darkness. To get out of spiritual Darkness, persons struggling should open their eyes believing that regardless of the depth of the Darkness they find themselves in, the light that comes from God’s love and His truth will overcome all sin that separates them from God. 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Ephesians 4:18 imply that the persons filled with spiritual Darkness have wandered far from God. They don’t understand God’s message and His message of Good News, as well as God’s glorious light.

What are the deeds of Darkness?

According to Ephesians 5:11, the apostle Paul implies that there exist these deeds of the Darkness called the unfruitful works of the Darkness. These include sexual immorality, greed, impurity, obscenity, and foolish talk.

Other deeds of Darkness are orgies, sensuality, jealousy, quarreling, and drunkenness, as implied in Romans 13:12-13

It’s believed that for believers to live in complete holiness without fearing God, they must lead a life in light by avoiding the deeds of the Darkness because light and dark don’t mix – 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1.

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