As a theologian, I try to understand what the Bible says about our life in Heaven. Recently, I became interested in knowing if we will have our memories in Heaven or if they will be erased. I then decided to inquire from different theology professors. I also did exhaustive research and read the Bible extensively to understand the topic better. Last week, one of my theology students wanted to know if our memories would be erased in Heaven. The question came from our previous discussion on what believers will have and not have in Heaven. From my research and extensive knowledge, I had the answer to the question. So, will our memories be erased in Heaven?
Bible scholars suggest that not all our memories in Heaven will be erased, except those that will bring us pain and tears. Revelations 21:4 reveals that God will wipe away the tears in our eyes, and we will no longer experience death, mourning, crying, or pain in Heaven. Scholars further suggest that God will cleanse, restore, redeem, and heal our memories so that we can remain with the positive ones.
So, join me until the end as I explore more about this topic. I will discuss if we will remember our earthly lives when we are in Heaven, if we will remember each other in Heaven, and if we will remember our names when we get to Heaven, among other exciting topics.
Will we remember our earthly lives when we are in Heaven?

Bible scholars suggest that we will remember our earthly lives in Heaven except those we experienced as a result of sin, like death, pain, and crying. Additionally, scholars speculate that, as believers, we will only truly appreciate Christ’s work on the cross if we have memories of how he suffered and was crucified on the cross. A good example of proof that we will remember our earthly lives in Heaven is the story of Lazarus and the rich man, as recorded in Luke 16:19-31. In the story, Abraham reminds the rich man of the life he lived while on Earth, which means that the rich man still had memories of his earthly life and how he had treated Lazarus.
Can we remember each other in Heaven?
Several scriptures in the Bible reveal that we will know each other in Heaven. The rich man was able to spot Lazarus from afar and even knew Abraham, as stated in Luke 16:19-31. 2 Samuel 12:22-23 also reveals that we will remember each other in Heaven, as David states that he will go and meet his dead son in Heaven. Scholars from the blue letter bible organization also suggest that we will remember each other in Heaven, just like the disciples were able to remember Jesus after his resurrection. 1 John 3:2 reveals to us that we are the children of God, and we will all be like Jesus while in Heaven. We will still know each other after our resurrection, just like Jesus Christ was known.
Do you forget everything that happened in your life when you died?
Scholars suggest that we do not forget everything that happened in our life when we die, as we will immediately go to Heaven, where we will be able to remember the good things and memories we experienced while on Earth. When we die, only our physical bodies get to perish; as a punishment, God gave the first man for disobeying him, as stated in Genesis 3:19. However, our souls proceed to Heaven, where we will see Jesus and remember the good deeds we did in his name. If we were to forget everything the moment we die, then we wouldn’t even remember the great men that went before us, like Moses and Abraham, or even remember Jesus Christ dying for our sins to get salvation.
What will happen to the feelings attached to our memories when we get to Heaven?

The Bible reveals in Revelations 21:4 that we will no longer remember our painful memories or feelings on Earth, as those will be wiped away. We will, however, be able to retain our positive feelings like joy in Heaven as God promises that the new Jerusalem will be a delight and its people filled with joy, as seen in Isaiah 65:18. Additionally, our feelings will not be necessary in Heaven as we will not continue with our lifestyle we had on Earth. Our main job in Heaven will be to worship and serve God, as recorded in Revelations 7:9.
Will we remember our names when we get to Heaven?
A few scriptures in the Bible suggest we will remember our names in Heaven. As stated earlier, the rich man could remember Lazarus and Abraham by name. The disciples of Jesus were able to recognize Elijah and Moses by their names in Mark 9:4-5 in Heaven. We will also remember our names in Heaven because when Jesus resurrected, he referred to himself as “I myself,” and his disciples recognized him, as revealed in Luke 24:39.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.