When the people we love, especially our spouses, die, we always remain with the hope that someday we will get to meet them in heaven and continue with our relationship or marriage. However, is it possible for one to fall in love with another person in heaven? Will married people continue with their marriage in heaven? Will we have a romantic relationship in heaven?
The Bible alludes that there will be no romantic relationship in heaven, as Jesus clearly stated in Mathew 22:30, that all those who make it to heaven will be like angels and shall not marry. This can also be justified by the fact that romance is only allowed to those in a marriage, and there will be no need for romantic relationships if marriages won’t exist in heaven.
So, what kind of relationship will we have in heaven? Is there marriage in heaven? Will there be sex in heaven? What does the Bible say about romantic relationships in heaven? Read on to learn the answers to these questions and many more.
What kind of relationship will we have in heaven?
Different scriptures in the Bible have given us a clue about what kind of relationships we will have with each other in heaven. First, our relationship in heaven will be like that of God and his angels, as Jesus revealed in Mathew. Through the scripture, Jesus informs the multitude in the temple that there will be no marriage in heaven, but we will have a relationship with God like that of his angels. Mathew 22:30 says, “For when the dead rise to life, they will be like the angels in heaven and will not marry.”
Jesus also assures us that we will be like angels through Luke 20:36-36, which says, “But the men and women who are worthy to rise from death and live in the age to come will not them marry. They will be like angels and cannot die. They are children of God because they have risen from death.”
Second, our relationship in heaven will be like that of brothers and sisters, as we will now have become God’s children through adoption, as stated in Ephesians 1:5 “God had already decided that through Jesus Christ, he would make us his sons and daughters; this was his pleasure and purpose.”
Thirdly, we will have new family relationships different from the ones we currently have on earth. The Bible tells us through Mathew that Jesus will turn our relationships, cause close family members to turn against each other, and turn a man’s enemy into his household.
In Mathew 10:32-33, Jesus says he will publicly accept those who declare they belong to him in public but will deny whoever denies him in public before his father. “For those who declare publicly that they belong to me, I will do the same before my father in heaven. But I will reject him before my father in heaven if anyone rejects me publicly.”
He states that his coming will change family relationships as Mathew 10: 34-36 records; “Do not think I have come to bring peace to the world. No, I did not come to bring peace but a sword. I came to set sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law; your worst enemies will be the members of your own family.” This prophecy will only be valid during the second coming of Jesus, as Jesus brought peace to the world in his first coming.
The fourth kind of relationship we will have in heaven is our marriage to Christ. According to the BibleBible, Jesus will be the groom who will marry the bride, who in this case will be the church (people who made it to heaven). Revelations 19:7-9 “Let us rejoice and be glad; let us praise his greatness! For the time has come for the wedding of the lamb, and his bride has prepared herself for it. She has been given clean shining linen to wear.” (The linen is the good deeds of God’s people).”
Lastly, we will have a kind of relationship in heaven that no one knows, yet it will be better than we can ever imagine. 1st Corinthians 2:9 states, “However, as the scripture says, “what no one ever saw or heard, what no one ever thought could happen, is the very thing God prepared for those who love him.”

Is there marriage in heaven?
According to the scriptures, there will be no marriage in heaven. In Mathew 22, we see how Jesus answered the question concerning marriage in heaven. This is after the Sadducees came to him and wanted to know whose wife the woman married to seven brothers would be after their resurrection. Mathew 22:25-27 “Now, there were seven brothers who used to live here. The eldest got married and died without having children, so he left his widow to his brother. The same happened to the second brother, the third, and all seven. Last of all, the woman died. Now, on the day when the dead rise to life, whose wife will she be? All of them had married her.” Jesus then answered them, revealing that all the people in heaven would be like angels and there would be no marriage. “For when the dead rise to life, they will be like the angels in heaven and will not marry.”.
Secondly, there will be no marriage in heaven as there will no longer be the need for it. God introduced marriage as a form of companionship and procreation. Genesis 2:18 says, “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help him.” There will be no need for this kind of companionship in heaven, as we will be surrounded by many people and the angles as Revelation 7:9 reveals “After this, I looked, and there was an enormous crowd; no one could count all the people! They were from every race, tribe, nation, and language, and they stood in front of the throne and of the Lamb, dressed in white robes and holding palm branches in their hands.”
Concerning procreation, there will be no need for marriage in heaven for procreation, as people in heaven will not die. Another scripture that shows there will be no marriage in heaven is the book of Luke20:35-36 which says, “But the men and women who are worthy to rise from death and live in the age to come will not then marry. They will be like angels and cannot die. They are the children of God because they have risen from death.”
Will there be sex in heaven?
It is unclear whether there will be sex in heaven as there is no scripture in the Bible that mentions it. However, the Bible has several scriptures discussing marriage in heaven, a topic closely related to sex. In Luke, Jesus reveals to the Sadducees that no one will marry in heaven, implying that all the activities that come with marriage will also not be continued in heaven.
Additionally, some bible scholars suggest that although we can remember our loved ones in heaven, we will not be able to maintain the same relationship we had with them, as we will be all children of God. Luke 16:23 says, “In Hades, where he was in great pain, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus at his side.” This shows that the rich man could recognize who Lazarus was while in heaven.
Lastly, we can conclude that there will be no sex in heaven, as the major purpose of sex on earth is for procreation. There will be no deaths in heaven, meaning there will be no need to continue procreating through sexual acts.
What does the Bible say about romantic relationships in heaven?
The Bible does not directly talk about romantic relationships in heaven, but it talks a lot about marriage in heaven. Different scriptures mentioned above have already revealed that there will be no marriage in heaven, meaning there will be no husbands and wives.
One of the significant purposes of marriage on earth is that a husband and wife can enjoy each other fully, satisfying their physical needs as stated in 1st Corinthians 7:1-3 “Now, to deal with the matters you wrote about. A man does not marry. But because there is so much immorality, every man should have his own wife, and every woman should have her own husband. A man should fulfill his duty as a wife, and a woman should fulfill her duty as a wife, and each should satisfy the other’s needs.”
There will be no need for a romantic relationship in heaven, as there will be no immorality, and God will fulfill all of our desires. Moreover, there will be no need for romantic relationships in heaven as people in heaven won’t have the body of flesh and blood that requires romance in heaven. 1st Corinthians 15:50 says, “What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that what is made of flesh and blood cannot share in God’s kingdom, and what is mortal cannot possess immorality.”
- Whom will Be Married to Whom in Heaven?
- Can humans fall in love with each other in heaven?
- Will there be marriage in heaven?
- Marriage in the afterlife
- Will there be sex in heaven?
- Will sex be part of heaven?
- Bible Q&A: Will there be romantic affection in heaven?

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.