Episcopalian vs. Christian: are they different?

Being a Christian means believing in the word of God, the Bible, and accepting Jesus as your savior. Christianity dates back to the time of Jesus. However, it has split into Branches and denominations even though all branches still believe in God and Jesus. Episcopalians are a denomination of a branch of Christianity. They support controversial things like same-sex marriage that other Christians differ with. So, Episcopalian vs. Christian: are they really different?

Episcopalians conduct their belief in Jesus Christ and God in different ways from other Branches and denominations of Christianity. Episcopalians and Christianity have differences, but they both believe in the Bible and the Holy Trinity. It is a branch of Christianity; therefore, the differences are based on how other branches practice their belief.

So, what is the difference between Christianity and Episcopalian? What are the similarities between Episcopalian and Christian? Which came first between Episcopalian and Christian? What do Christians think of Episcopalians? Can Christians attend Episcopalian churches? Are Episcopalians also Christians?

What is the difference between Christianity and Episcopalian?


Christianity is among the oldest religions that stem directly from the mission of Jesus Christ on Earth. Christianity has its roots in the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of the savior in the 1st Century CE, making it the most popular religion with up to 1 billion people worldwide. It has the largest three groups, Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox.

On the other hand, the Episcopal Church branched from the Church of England. The Church of England dates back to the second Century. Episcopal Church branched and was founded in 1910.


The name Christianity stems from the name of Jesus Christ’s faith. A believer of this faith is called a Christian. On the other hand, the name Episcopalian originates from the Greek word ‘overseer’ and the Latin word Bishop. It refers to a church organization headed by Bishops, describing the biggest Anglican Communion in America.

Episcopalian is a Denomination

Christianity is the main religion, while Episcopalian is just but a denomination. Christianity has three branches: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant.

Episcopalian is a denomination considered part of the Roman Catholic and Protestants. It is considered part of both groups because it is said to be a branch of the Anglican Communion. However, it is argued that a church can never be half of a certain branch and half of another. Therefore it is considered a Protestant church largely. Therefore it means that all Episcopalians are Christians, while not all Christians are Episcopalian.


For Christianity, the early contributors to its foundation include Jesus, His disciples, and Paul, who wrote 12 books of the New Testament. On the other hand, The Episcopalian Church was formed by Queen Elizabeth, King Edward, and theologian Richard Hooker. Christianity’s authority comes from different aspects, the Holy Bible, Nicene Creed, and the Apostles ‘Creed. Different branches pick different authorities; for instance, the Roman Catholic relies on the authority of their Bible and Apostle’s Creed, accompanied by their traditions, similar to the Eastern Orthodox. However, the Protestants believe only in one authority, the Bible.

On the other hand, the Episcopal religion, which has been said to be half Roman Catholic and half Protestant, hold combined authority. Since it is a branch of Anglican Communion, the Bible is its central authority. Also, they use the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed. In addition, the Episcopal denomination gets its authority from the book of common prayer, which forms part of its culture.


Like any other group, Christianity has misunderstandings that lead to division. The division into three different branches was based on disagreements about ecclesiastical governance. However, the branches still fall under Christianity because they agree about the power of the Holy Trinity.

On the other hand, the divisions in Episcopalian have resulted in churches moving and splitting based on many disagreements. Among the disagreements include social, theological, and political issues. More specific matters that have led to recent disagreements include same-sex marriage, gender identity, women being gospel ministers, and the accusation that Episcopalian churches devalue the Bible’s scriptures.

Biblical View

Also, Christians believe that the Bible was written under God’s inspiration. Conservative Christians have a high view of God’s inspiration of the word. However, other less conservative Christians have a low view of the idea of God’s inspiration for the word.

On the other hand, Episcopalians doctrine depends on whether they are the low or high Church. The Low Church views the Bible like Protestants—inspired by God. The high Church views the Bible as authoritative but backs it up with ecclesiastical traditions.


Christians believe in the second coming of Jesus. The main branches of Christianity are still debating whether the coming of Christ is a Postmillennial premillennial or Amillennial. On the other hand, the Episcopalians believe in the second coming of Jesus to be Amillennial.

Christianity has several traditions of baptism. Some Christians believe in a person’s baptism while they are a baby and maintain that it is through grace. Others believe that baptism should be done to adults who have made a choice, and it is not by God’s grace. The Episcopalians’ tradition of baptism is so simple the clergy baptize infants and adults and graft them into the Church.

The view of the Last Supper

Lastly, Christianity has several traditions and perspectives regarding the last Supper. Roman Catholics believe in transubstantiation when it comes to the last Supper. Lutheranism holds the tradition of consubstantiation about the Last Supper, and the Presbyterians believe in the literal presence of Christ during the partaking of the Last Supper.

On the other hand, the Episcopalians have a mysterious belief in the Last Supper. Although they do not believe in Catholicism’s idea of the Eucharist, they take it but consider the intake as something more than the remembrance of the Last Supper.

Episcopalian vs. Christian
What are the similarities between Episcopalian and Christian? See below

What are the similarities between Episcopalian and Christian?

They believe in the Bible as the word of God

Both Christians and Episcopalians believe in the Bible as the word of God. They believe that every word written in the Bible is from God and has authority and power; whoever reads and believes in it can be saved. The Holy Spirit guides the interpretation of the scripture is guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit teaches and reminds all believers about what Jesus taught and what is written in the Bible.

They believe in the Trinity

Also, both Christianity and Episcopalians believe in the Holy Trinity. They believe in God, the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.

The essence of the Church

Christians and Episcopalians believe that Christianity and the faith are better practiced in Church. To both of them, the Church is essential because it is a place where people go with the sole purpose of praying and worshiping God. They believe that a group of worshippers are essential for an individual’s growth in faith because they challenge and correct each other.

Baptism and Life after Death

Also, Christians and Episcopalians believe in the necessity of the baptism of believers. Also, although Episcopalians do not spend much time talking about hell, they believe in life after death, just like Christians.

Which came first between Episcopalian and Christian?

Christianity came first before Episcopalian. Christianity dates back to the time of Jesus on earth and was started by Jesus and Paul. It is among the oldest religions in the world because it started earlier.

On the other hand, Episcopalian started a bit later because it broke away from the Church in England. The Church in England broke away from Roman Catholicism during the 16th Century over disagreements about theological and political matters.

What do Christians think of Episcopalians?

Christians think of Episcopalians as fellow Christians because they share a common belief; the Bible, the Holy Trinity, Baptism, and life after death. Just like each branch and denomination disagree about certain religious practices, other Christians disagree with Episcopalians about matters like the marriage of the same sex.

However, the fact that they agree on significant issues like the Bible and the Holt Trinity, it can be suggested that Christians consider Episcopalians as their brothers and sisters. Furthermore, Episcopalians consider all those who believe in Christ as family.

Can Christians attend Episcopalian churches? 

Christians can attend Episcopalian Churches because they are Christian churches that teach and believe in Christ. The Church does not bar anyone from attending it and encourages people who want to follow Christ to join.

Whether the Christian is already baptized in their original Church or not, Episcopalians welcome them. The Baptized Christians will not be demanded to be baptized again when they attend the Episcopalian Church.

Are Episcopalians also Christians?

Episcopalians are also Christians because they believe in the Bible, which is the word of God, and in the birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ, which makes them Christians. Furthermore, they honor Jesus by celebrating the Holy Communion by eating bread and wine as Jesus did during the Last Supper.

The Holy Communion is believed to unite members and strengthen their relationship with Christ. They are also considered Christians because they get baptized and accept Jesus as their savior. Also, it is a common belief among all Episcopalians that all Christians who are baptized are united with each other despite the denomination.


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