Three weeks ago, some of my students asked me about the spiritual meaning of darkness in a dream after one of them narrated dreaming about being in total darkness in a strange land.
After giving my two cents, I organized a trip to a dream interpreter friend to let the students hear from an expert. This trip turned out to be an eye-opener regarding darkness dreams for the students and me.
Inspired by the vast knowledge we gained that day, I wrote this article to cover the interpretations of darkness dreams.
So, what is the biblical meaning of darkness in a dream?
Darkness is automatically associated with bad luck or impending doom you are about to experience. In Deuteronomy 28: 28-29, the Bible mentions that darkness is associated with God’s punishment to his people. Most Bible scholars believe experiencing darkness in your dreams could signify that God is about to punish you for a mistake. You will hear them say that you have fallen short of God’s glory and will receive some punishment if you do not repent. However, it would help if you understood that each individual has a different perspective and the dream’s meaning and interpretation could vary.
So, join me in this article as I explain some of the possible meanings of experiencing darkness in your dreams. Read through to recognize some of the superstitions and symbols that are associated with darkness in your dreams to identify some tips on how you could overcome such dreams.
Let’s get started.
What is the representation and interpretations of darkness in the Bible?
In Psalms 139:12, the Bible mentions that darkness and light are both alike to humanity: “even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.”
Most bible scholars believe that the Bible emphasizes that God created both light and darkness; thus, experiencing darkness in your dreams does not mean that you are sent away from God’s presence.
Most Christians emphasize that dreaming of darkness is a sign that you should enter into a dark space and pray to God for revelation.
In Job 34:22, the Bible implies that God understands about darkness since he created it, and is used as a way to connect to his people: “There is no deep shadow, no utter darkness, where evildoers can hide.”
Most Christian believers suggest that you should not be terrified of darkness or whether it could represent a calamity in your life since it can be used as a communication medium.
What does darkness symbolize in a dream?
One famous symbolism about the darkness in your dreams is that it signifies a lack of connection with your inner self.
Most people suggest that such dreams mean that you have lost touch with yourself through the relationships and opportunities that you have encountered.
Darkness in your dream also symbolizes that you should let go of the things that are no longer beneficial in your life. Most people believe you will experience such dreams if you are adamant about letting go and countering new beginnings.
It is suggested that the dream reminds you of the calmness in the dark and can be associated with what you will experience if you become open to change.
Spiritual reasons you are dreaming about darkness
A sign that you are about to be experience a bad omen
Most spiritual people believe that the major reason you are dreaming of darkness is that you are faced with a bad omen.
They suggest that the darkness in your dream is warning you about the possible calamity you are about to experience in your life.
It is suggested that the darkness in your dream is also associated with fear, especially because of the bad omen and the possible pain and torment that it might cause.
A sign that you are stressed
Others believe that dreaming of darkness reflects the overwhelming thoughts and stress that you are experiencing in your life.
They suggest that the darkness indicates that you could probably be facing challenges in your workplace, relationships, and friendships that engulf your mind with thoughts.
It is suggested that a dream means that you should find solutions for your stress to eliminate the darkness that you are feeling in your life.
Biblical messages of dreaming about darkness
Christian scholars believe that dreaming about darkness is a message that the devil is developing an attack against you.
They suggest that you might have a prayerful life and right in the spirit; hence, you become the devil’s target for destruction.
It is suggested that the dream indicates that you are about to experience some challenges in your life that will derail you from living a Christian life.
Others speculate that you need to ensure that you become steadfast in prayer after experiencing such dreams because of the fear and pain that you will experience in your waking life.
Closed Heaven
Most Christian Scholars imply that dreaming about darkness means that you are praying, yet the heaven remains closed.
It is suggested that the dream means that darkness has engulfed your heart, thus preventing your prayers from crossing the heavenly realm.
Others believe that dreaming about darkness means that you need to engage in prayer and seek guidance to ensure that the darkness in your heart that attracts the devil is eliminated.
A sign of an evil personality
Most believers think that a dream of darkness indicates that you have an evil personality. They speculate that you might be a target because of your fragile heart and personality easily attracts the devil.
In Isaiah 9: 2, the Bible mentions that people walking in darkness will be affected by a shadow without God’s light: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.”
It is suggested that you should take the darkness in your dreams as a message to work on your personality and eliminate any weaknesses that might prompt darkness into your life.
A sign of turbulence
Christian scholars believe that dreams about darkness might indicate the turbulence you are facing in your waking world. They speculate that some strange actions might be happening in your life that you do not understand.
Therefore, darkness in a dream is a message meant to show you that unusual patterns are happening in your life that might be affecting your progress.
Some believers believe you need to pray for progress because the dream means you might be stagnant. It is suggested that praying for progress after experiencing such a dream will ensure that many doors for success and elevation will be opened for you.
A sign that you are about to experience death and grief
Christian scholars speculate that dreaming about darkness means that you are about to lose someone close to you. They emphasize that the person might be engulfed in so much darkness that is affecting their life and might lead to death.
In Proverbs 4:19, the Bible mentions that those experiencing darkness in their lives are prone to death: “But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.”
Others suggest that the dream might encourage you to be more involved in your loved ones lives and ensure that they live on the righteous path to avoid death and grief.
Specific dreams about darkness and their biblical meanings
Dreaming about a dark house
Most people speculate that dreaming about a dark house implies that you are about to lose something that you cherish. It is suggested that the dark house means you must be ready to bid farewell to that possession.
They speculate that you are being prepared for the possible pain that is associated with losing something that you love and make way for other things that are about to come.
Dreaming about a dark room
Some people believe that dreaming about a dark room means that you might be experiencing some challenges in your relationships.
They believe that being in a dark room represents the unsolved problems that you might be facing.
It is suggested that the dream about a dark room indicates that you should look deeper into your relationships and identify whether the challenges might be causing discomfort in your waking life.
Dreaming about someone lost in the dark
Others suggest that dreaming about someone lost in the dark indicates that someone in your life is about to face a tragedy.
They believe they might be under demonic attack, and the dream is a sign that you must intervene in their life. Some believers believe the dream is a message that you should pray and intercede for people close to you.
They speculate that you need to engage in more profound prayer and guidance to ensure that someone close to you is not faced with calamity.
Dreaming about walking in the dark
Others believe that walking in the dark in your dreams means that you are experiencing a spiritual warfare. It is thought that walking in the dark indicates that your faith is shaky and you do not have a consistent prayer life.
They suggest you look deep into your spiritual life and identify how you have walked away from God’s life.
Dreaming of a dark sky
Some people suggest that dreaming about a dark sky represents the uncertainty that is hindering your life’s progress. They believe that a dark sky in your dreams indicates that you should reflect and analyze the decisions you make in your life.
It is also suggested that the dark sky means that you should get serious with your life and make better decisions that will change it for the better.
Dreaming of a dark street
Most people speculate that dreaming of a dark street indicates you are on a specific path toward your dream. It is suggested that you follow your path because, at the end of the road, there will be light.
Others imply that dreaming of a dark street implores you to welcome more people in your life and get rid of the possible loneliness that you might be experiencing.
They emphasize that a dark street in a dream signifies that you are tired of being alone and lacking love or affection in your life.
Dreaming of seeing someone in the dark
Other people think that dreaming about seeing someone in the dark could possibly mean that you are in danger. They suggest that seeing someone in the dark means that there are some of the people around you that might be causing your misfortunes.
It is suggested that you should analyze your friendships and relationships to identify those that might be endangering your life or causing bad luck.
Dreaming that everything goes dark suddenly
Many believers speculate that dreaming that everything goes dark suddenly is a sign that you are about to experience some unexpected problems.
They also suggest that you might be experiencing so much fear which prevents you from looking into the future. It is also speculated that you are confused about the road that you are supposed to take.
Others think that when everything suddenly goes dark in your dreams, your subconscious might be playing games to make you uncertain of the future.
Dreaming that you are trapped in darkness
Some people believe that dreaming that you are trapped in darkness means you might be bored with your life. It is suggested that dreaming about being trapped in darkness indicates that you feel that you might not be living based on your potential.
They suggest that the dream communicates you should embrace change in your life. Others imply that the dream is a sign that you should identify your potential and work towards making more improvements that will benefit your life.
Dreaming of dark shadows
Most people suggest that dreaming of dark shadows means that you might be trapped in your past. They believe that there are some of the aspects of your old life that you need to work on, which might be preventing you from living and existing in the present moment.
It is also suggested that dreaming of dark shadows indicates that you engaged in a sin which is probably haunting you and that you should pray for repentance and deliverance.
Superstitions, myths, and meanings of dreaming about darkness in different cultures and religions
The Asian culture believes that dreaming about darkness means that you might be confronted by a ghost’s presence.
They suggest that a dead loved one might have come to check up on your life and analyze your progress. It is speculated that the ancestral spirit comes through dreaming about darkness to pass a specific message.
Some Western cultures believe that dreaming about darkness reflects that you are yet to experience something unknown. They believe that you should be prepared for something uncertain that will change your future either positively or negatively.
Ancient Persian culture describes dreaming about darkness as an indicator of a hard time. You will hear them say that you might be experiencing illness or moral pain and thus will constantly experience the darkness in your dream due to your helpless state.
The African culture relates dreaming about darkness as a portal to transition from one realm to another. They believe that you are entering into another stage of life, and the darkness means that you should experience a transition.
The Christian religion interprets dreaming about darkness as being under spiritual attacks. Most Christian believers suggest that you might be under a demonic influence that is affecting your life.
They speculated that it is a sign that you should look deep into your faith, be consistent in prayer, and remain in God’s glory.
The Islamic religion speculates that experiencing darkness in dreams means that you have deviated away from the Islamic path.
Should I be worried if I keep dreaming about darkness?
Each individual has a personalized meaning of why people experience darkness in their dreams. Most people believe that you should be worried if you keep dreaming about darkness because it could signify that you are facing a calamity in your life.
They speculate that darkness in your dreams is a bad sign associated with being under a spiritual attack, and the demonic presence in your life is about to cause trouble.
It is suggested that you should be worried about such dreams because your life might stagnate, and you might lack clarity on the right path that should be taken.
Others suggest you should be worried because you might have engaged in sins that pushed you further from God and made you vulnerable to demonic attacks.
However, as a Christian experiencing darkness in your dreams, you should engage in immense prayers to protect your life and seek guidance.
Sometimes, dreams might be a sign that God needs to communicate with you, and the darkness seen is supposed to bring you closer so that he can unveil his blessings into your life.
What should I do if I keep dreaming about darkness?
Most people believe that you should seek guidance if you keep dreaming about darkness. You should seek guidance from your church pastor or Biblical people since they will provide excellent bible verses that will help you in controlling your dreams.
You should always engage in prayer and ask God for deliverance, especially if you believe that dreams might be associated with misfortunes happening in your life.
Praying will help you establish an excellent relationship with God and receive much more clarity about the path that should be taken after experiencing such dreams.
Others believe that you should reflect deep into your life and identify whether you are engaging in activities that might contribute to such dreams.
Moreover, you should review the relationships you have in your life and disconnect from those people who could potentially harm your progress and success.
As a theologian, I have always been curious to learn more about the Christian Faith. That is why I pursued a Certificate in Christian Studies, Certificate in Christian Foundations and a Masters in Theology. I also have an immersive experience in editing for numerous websites. I have worked as an editor for over a decade and am currently the editor-in-chief at Christian Faith Guide. I enjoy working as an editor and feel privileged to share my expertise and help spread God’s word. You can read more about me on the about us page.