Previously, I only imagined that the 10 in the 10 commandments and the plagues were the most occurrences of the number ten in the Bible.
I did not put much thought into any meanings attached to the number. While undertaking my undergrad theology studies, however, I was captivated after reading an article that talked about what the number 10 means in the spirit world.
I studied the Bible and read through different religious texts while spending extra hours learning from pastors and other religious leaders about this number.
This research uncovered some fascinating interpretations biblically and spiritually. This inspired me to write this post to explain the possible interpretations of this number.
So then, what’s the meaning of number 10?
In the Bible, the number 10 is said to symbolize the completeness of order, law, testimony, and responsibility. These meanings are said to come from the fact that the number 10 has been used to refer to the 10 Commandments, the Passover taking place on the 10th day, and the 10 plagues, among other significant events. It’s also said to symbolize God’s authority, obedience, and integrity. Additionally, the importance of this number comes from the fact that it appears 242 times and that ‘tenth’ appears 79 times. Exodus 20:2-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21, Deuteronomy 7:14, and Deuteronomy 16:1-8.
Throughout this article, I’ll share insights about the significance of the number 10, biblically and spiritually.
I’ll also delve into the significance of number 10 in numerology and the meaning of this angle number in different life circumstances like money and relationships.
So, read to the end for all these!
What do angel numbers 1 and 0 symbolize in spirituality and religion?
To understand the meaning of the number 10, we first need to look at the meaning of the individual numbers 1 and 0 in different religions and spiritually.
Meaning of number 1
Biblically, number 1 is the only independent number that’s divisible by itself. It’s said that because of the independence of number 1, it’s used in the Bible to symbolize God’s primacy and unity and the Trinity being a family of one.
It’s further said that Christ’s sacrifice for saving humankind symbolizes God’s authority and forgiveness.
John 10:30 says, “I and the Father are one.”
John 1:1 reads, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
The number 1 is also believed to symbolize the one Godhead, Unity of Christ, Originality, New Beginnings, and the unity between God, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
2 Corinthians 13:14 notes, “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
Matthew 28:19 says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
In numerology, the Angel number 1 symbolizes new beginnings or fresh starts.
So, it’s said that encounters with the number 1 may be suggested to represent a message from your guardian angel, guiding and motivating you to take the next step or to write the new chapter of your life.
Meaning of Number 0
Number 0 is said to be a firm number that symbolizes the divine nature of God, as well as His relationship with all living things.
Additionally, zero is also believed to be a number that represents the infinite nature of God, as well as the potential embedded in God’s creation.
It’s worth noting, however, that the number 0 isn’t featured in the Bible. While the word zero would represent the number 0, this number is missing from the KJV bible translation.
On the contrary, there are synonyms for zero used in the Bible, like nothing, none, nought, void, or empty.
That said, it’s said that the fact that God created the earth and all in it out of nothing symbolizes God’s rule and power – Isaiah 44:24-28, John 1:1-3, and Isaiah 34:16.
Also, some people subscribe to the belief that the digit 0 only began to take shape after the 5th century AD.
It’s believed that the use of the number zero has been interpreted differently, but also, it’s said that the word vanity bears a strong connection to the number zero; vanity is associated with Satan or the devil.
Ezekiel 28:17 states, “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.”
Isaiah 14:12-14 notes, “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”
These verses are believed to symbolize God’s might as the Godhead.
According to spiritual believers, the number 0 symbolizes the power of God, eternal life, and the void of existence.
It’s said that zero represents the spiritual concept of infinity and the possibility of infinite possibilities throughout the universe.
Others believe that the number zero symbolizes the spiritual realm. They also believe that the number zero symbolizes the powers carried by the angels, God’s abundance and boundless nature, and the potential existing in God’s creations.
It’s further said that since zero symbolizes infinity, the number 0 may further represent the endless cycle of life.
What is the biblical meaning of the number 10?
Here are some of the biblical meanings said to represent the number 10 in the Bible:
It’s believed that the number 10 is used in the Bible to Symbolize testimony about the greatness of God and His Creative Powers.
This meaning is believed to be symbolized by the phrase ‘God Said’ as many as 10 times in Genesis 1.
Additionally, it’s believed that tithing for Christians symbolizes a testimony that Christians give to profess their faith in God – Leviticus 27:30.
Man’s responsibilities regarding keeping God’s commandments
10 commandments were given to man through Moses. The commandments, as written in Exodus 19-24, contain the sets of commands that the Israelites were required to obey and live by.
These 10 commands are believed to represent the responsibilities that man was given to be able to live in a Godly way, to encourage peace and love among themselves, as well as good personal conduct.
The use of 10 is believed to represent a summary of the responsibilities that were given to man by God.
In Genesis 1, God commanded nature and made all things possible out of nothing. It’s written in this chapter that ‘God Said’ is the phrase that God used to make possible the creation story.
The phrase is used ten times, and it’s believed that 10 represents God’s authority over nature.
Additionally, it’s said that the number 10 symbolizes creation since it is made up of numbers 4 and 6, representing physical creation and man, respectively. It’s also said that the number 10 represents the cycle of life and the completeness of the divine order.
God’s Might and Wrath
The number 10 is also believed to be a sign of God’s might and wrath. This meaning is believed to be derived from the biblical teachings about the 10 lost tribes that were often at war and ultimately lost.
The identity of the ten tribes also disappeared completely after many generations – Genesis 12:2, 2 Kings 18:13.
As a result, the Bible uses the number 10 to symbolize God’s Law, Testimony of God’s work, responsibilities given to man, and the completeness of order.
What is the meaning of the number 10 in numerology?
Wholeness and Unity
The number 10 is said to symbolize unity and wholeness. According to the people who believe in numerology, the number 10 symbolism for unity and wholeness comes from the combined meanings of the digits 1 and 0.
It’s said that the number 1 symbolizes independence, individuality, and new beginnings, while the number 0 is said to symbolize the journey towards wholeness.
Divine protection and Guidance
In numerology, it’s said that the meaning of the individual numbers and the sum of the numbers matter in determining what a number signifies.
In the case of this number, it’s believed that 10 symbolizes protection and guidance from the divine.
Individuals who subscribe to this belief system also posit that the number 10 represents a reminder from the universe that guardian angels and other higher forces always guide, support, and protect them.
They also believe that 10 represents a spiritual journey filled with divine love and light.
The number 10 is also believed to symbolize new beginnings or transformations. It’s said that the number 10 symbolizes a sign from the spiritual realm encouraging spiritual believers to embrace change and transform their lives.
If you keep seeing the number 10, it’s said that this number may symbolize the importance of change, especially for spiritual growth.
Spirituality and a strong intuition
In numerology, the number 10 is also said to symbolize the strong connection that exists between people and the divine.
According to individuals who subscribe to these beliefs or numerology, number 10 is said to symbolize an enhanced level of spiritual awareness and a high level of intuition.
Additionally, these individuals say that the number 10 urges them to listen to their gut instincts and to trust their inner guidance.
Spiritual meanings of the angel number 10
According to spiritual individuals, the Number 10 symbolizes different spiritual elements and is significant. It’s believed that the spiritual significance of the number 10 is related to the number’s vibrational energy.
Here are some of the spiritual meanings attached to the angel number 10.
It’s said that seeing the number 10 frequently is more than coincidence and that the number symbolizes the end of something.
Some people believe that seeing the number 10 symbolizes the potential end of one phase in life, for example, a job or a relationship.
It’s also believed that this end may further symbolize the beginning of something new or anticipating something new that lies on the horizon.
Self-Confidence Encouragement
Some people say that seeing the number 10 is a sign from the universe encouraging them to be more confident in themselves and their abilities.
It’s believed that this number symbolizes self-assurance and encourages people to step out of their comfort zones.
Just like the association of 10 with transformation, it’s believed that people with the number 10 are encouraged to embrace new challenges that come their way confidently.
Amplified Manifestation Abilities
It’s believed that the number 10 carries a powerful vibrational energy that is said to be associated with spiritual growth and positive progress.
It’s also said people with the angel number 10 represent individuals who can manifest all their desires into reality.
Some people say that seeing the number 10 symbolizes a sign from the universe, asking them always to think positively for them to attract their heart’s desires.
It’s also said that the number 10 symbolizes a high vibrational frequency through which some people can attract fortune and favorable circumstances.
Number 10 is also believed to symbolize receiving support from the universe, and it’s portrayed as a number that signifies the ability to bring forth experiences that lead to personal development/ growth.
Spiritual Connection
Angel number 10 is said to represent a message from the universe encouraging you to be positive and have faith in everything you do.
It’s believed that this angel number symbolizes a message from guardian angels, encouraging you to trust the divine guides and to keep the faith, knowing that everything will work out.
Some say that seeing this number symbolizes a spiritual connection to the divine realm and a reminder to stay pure and positive because thoughts become reality.
What does the angel number 10 mean in different scenarios?
Here’s what the number 10 means when it appears in different scenarios in dreams:
The meaning of number 10 in love
People who subscribe to these beliefs posit that all angel numbers represent love and that 10, like the rest of the angel numbers, represents the greatest gift offered to humankind by the holy spirit (spirit guides).
They also believe that love is sacred and divine and that angel number 10 symbolizes a message from the guardian angels notifying them that they are loved immensely.
It’s also believed that the angel number symbolizes the presence of immense love around your loved one.
If you are in a relationship, it’s said that the angel number 10 signifies a deep love, true love and that it may also signify a message from the guardian angels encouraging you to receive all the love you receive.
Additionally, others believe that seeing the number 10 frequently portrays the potential for great joy and happiness in personal and romantic relationships.
Therefore, angel number 10 is believed to symbolize encouragement from the universe, asking you not to give up on love.
In love and relationships, it’s also said that the number 10 symbolizes a supportive partner and growth and evolution in the relationship.
The meaning of number 10 in money
It’s believed that number 10 is among the most powerful angel numbers with high vibrational energy. So, when it comes to money, this number is believed to be a spiritual reminder of your inner wisdom and capacity to achieve success and abundance.
Angel number 10 is also said to be a message from the guardian angels encouraging you by letting you know you are on the right path to achieving your goals. So, it’s said that seeing number 10 often symbolizes the sign to keep going to attain financial freedom.
The meaning of number 10 in twin flames
The angel number 10 is also believed to be an important sign from the spiritual realm. It’s said that the number 10 represents the potential close union between twin flames.
Individuals who subscribe to these beliefs also posit that when it comes to twin flames, the angel number 10 represents a reminder to remain patient in their journey.
It’s also said to symbolize the importance of optimism and a possible shift in your journeys as twin flames.
The meaning of number 10 in pregnancy
Some people believe that the angel number 10 is a strong symbol of strength, growth, and new beginnings. In pregnancy, angel number 10 is believed to symbolize the possibility of a positive shift in your life through and after the pregnancy.
The meaning of number 10 in manifestation
Number 10 is also believed to symbolize manifestation abilities. People who subscribe to these beliefs say that the number 10 suggests great power to manifest their needs, wants, and desires.
It’s also said to symbolize the creative potential to manifest.
Others believe that the number 10 coincides with a high vibrational energy from the individual digits. The number 1 is believed to represent positivity, drive, creativity, and energy, while 0 is believed to symbolize self-expression and insight.
Together, the angel number 10 is said to symbolize incredible manifestation abilities.
The meaning of number 10 in career
The number 10 is believed to symbolize and represent individuals with a natural knack for entrepreneurship. This belief is said to come from the creative and innovative thinking abilities associated with the number 10.
Some say that people influenced by the number 10 thrive as entrepreneurs. It’s also said that number 10’s creative energy is portrayed in individuals in the creative fields and that leaders in managerial roles – these beliefs are said to ensue from the fact that number 10 is associated with creativity, leadership, and perseverance.
So, it’s believed that seeing angel number 10 symbolizes the potential for great success and recognition in a career.
The meaning of the number 10 when thinking about someone
It’s said that when you see the number 10 when thinking about someone, especially a partner or someone you’re about to get into a relationship with, the number symbolizes a message from the universe encouraging you to grow and nurture the relationship.
It’s also believed that this angel number may symbolize a couple’s mutual respect and support.
Reasons why you keep seeing the angel number 10: Biblical Messages of Angel Number 10
- In the Bible, it’s said that the number 10 is a number that symbolizes peace, development, and beauty. It’s also said that this number symbolizes God’s number, representing His divine vision for humankind and His Divine Powers. These meanings are said to come from the fact that the number 10 is associated with important events and elements in the Bible, such as the 10 commandments and the 10 plagues. Additionally, it’s believed that the frequent use of this number in the Bible symbolizes completion, unity with God, perfection, and testimony.
- Therefore, it’s believed that you keep seeing this angel number because it symbolizes God’s calling to humankind, asking believers to be faithful to His teachings, obey His commandments, and testify to God’s goodness.
- Some people say that the other common reasons you keep seeing this number include a message from the spiritual realm letting you know that something important to you has ended. It’s also said to be an encouragement to look forward to a new beginning. Others believe that seeing the number 10 symbolizes the need to embrace one’s destiny.
- It’s also said to symbolize a message from the universe encouraging you to embrace the power of positive thinking and positive change. Additionally, the number 10 is suggested to be a reminder of God’s love, the abundance of love in your life, and to trust God’s divine wisdom and energy.
What Should I Do if I Keep Seeing Angel Number 10?
People who subscribe to these beliefs suggest that you shouldn’t ignore the meaning that the angel number 10 may be trying to send to you. It’s believed that seeing this number represents a positive and transformative power or energy.
Some people say that if you keep seeing angel number 10, you should be patient and optimistic because the universe has your back.
It’s also suggested that you should be ready to embrace change because number 10 is said to symbolize positive energy, new beginnings, and positive transformation.
That said, the Bible reminds believers to be careful about the things they believe in and that they should trust in God alone.
The Bible also warns about believing in astrology, superstition, and other Gods. So, meanings such as the ones above shouldn’t replace the word of God. Isaiah 47:13, Deuteronomy 4:19, Psalm 62, or Deuteronomy 18:10-12.
As a theologian, I have always been curious to learn more about the Christian Faith. That is why I pursued a Certificate in Christian Studies, Certificate in Christian Foundations and a Masters in Theology. I also have an immersive experience in editing for numerous websites. I have worked as an editor for over a decade and am currently the editor-in-chief at Christian Faith Guide. I enjoy working as an editor and feel privileged to share my expertise and help spread God’s word. You can read more about me on the about us page.