I developed an interest in knowing more about heaven back in theology school. I was especially curious to know whether we would do some earthly activities like eating and drinking in heaven. For this reason, I decided to visit the clergy in the local churches to better understand what the bible says and how various denominations perceive life in heaven. Last week, a member of my Christian forum wanted to know if he could eat in heaven. This question stemmed from our previous discussion on life in heaven. Having visited my minister in the church, I had the right answer to this question. So, can you eat in heaven?
No scripture in the bible clearly states if one will eat food in heaven. However, some theologians and bible scholars argue that we will eat in heaven, while others suggest that we will not eat in heaven. For instance, those suggesting that we will eat in heaven use scriptures such as Matthew 8:11, where Jesus says that believers will take their places at the feast with Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham in heaven, suggesting that there will be actual food in heaven. On the other hand, those suggesting that there will be no food use scriptures such as Romans 14:17, where Jesus reveals that the kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking.
So, join me until the end as I explore more about this topic. I will discuss if angels eat food in heaven if there will be food in heaven, and if we will have our physical bodies in heaven, among other exciting topics.
Will there be food in heaven?
Scholars suggest that there will be food in heaven. They support their argument using the book of Mark 14:25 during the last supper. While He was eating at the table with his disciples, Jesus took the bread and the cup and gave his disciples to eat and drink. He then revealed to them that he would not drink again from the fruit of the vine until the day he would return to heaven and drink it new. They also suggest that we will eat in heaven, as John saw a vision in Revelations 22:1-3 where there was a river full of water of life flowing. There was also the tree of life-bearing fruits insinuating that we will still eat in the new heaven and earth.
Will we have physical bodies in heaven?
Some theologians suggest that we will have our physical bodies in heaven. They support their suggestion through Luke 24:1-6 when Jesus rose from the dead with the same body he had died in. Jesus still had the marks of the nails used to crucify him, meaning he did not resurrect in a new body. Scholars believe that all human beings will follow the pattern of Jesus of dying and resurrection. Hence we will retain our physical bodies.
Will our new bodies require food in heaven?

It is suggested that our new bodies will require food in heaven, the same way Jesus’ new body required food after his resurrection, as recorded in Luke 24:39-43. In this scripture, Jesus appears to his disciples who do not believe he is the one. Jesus goes ahead and shows them his feet and hands and even tells them to touch him. He then asked for something to eat, in which he was given a piece of broiled fish and ate.
Do angels eat food in heaven?
Scholars use a scripture in the bible to suggest that angels actually do it. The author of Psalms recounts in Psalms 78:24-25 how God had rained down manna for the Israelites to eat as manna was the grain of heaven. The author reveals that the Israelites ate the bread of angels. Manna was not something that had ever been seen on earth, and those who ate it described its taste as that of wafers and honey, as seen in Exodus 16:31.
Is the feasting in heaven literal or symbolic?
As stated earlier, some scholars suggest that feasting in heaven has been used literally to mean that there will be actual food in heaven. Several scriptures in the bible suggest that the feasting will be literal. Jesus assures his disciples that they will be in the kingdom of God one day, eating and drinking at his table in Luke 22:29-30.
However, some scholars, such as Spiros Zodhiates, a Greek American scholar, suggested that the feast mentioned in Isaiah 25:6 was symbolic, as he believed humans would not eat or drink in heaven.
What will people eat and drink in heaven?

Theologians suggest that no one knows what people will eat and drink in heaven, as the bible does not reveal this. However, they suggest that people will eat what the first two people ate, fruits. Revelations 22 talks about Eden being restored, where John sees a vision of a tree of life-producing fruits. Concerning what people will drink, they suggest wine, as wine is made from fruits, which will be found in heaven.
Are there any texts suggesting that we will not eat in heaven?
Only two scriptures in the bible suggest that we will not eat in heaven. The first one is found in 1 Corinthians 6:13 when the bible states that God will destroy both the stomach and food to suggest that there will be no more eating in heaven. Another scripture is in Romans 14:17 when Jesus reveals that the kingdom of God will not be about what one puts in their stomach but about serving Christ. The question of whether or not we will eat in heaven remains to be debated among Christians.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.