Can you fly in Heaven? (Will we have superpowers in Heaven?)

In Theology school, one of my teachers once asked the class whether we would fly in Heaven. Everyone had a different opinion which prompted the teacher to assign us to research the topic. Since it is a broad subject, I set apart a week as I consulted scholars, religious theologians and read extensively to get enough information. Yesterday, in an online forum I moderate, I decided to raise a similar topic: whether we can fly in Heaven. Since I had obtained first-hand information while in theology school, I helped the members understand the topic better. So, ‘Can you fly in Heaven?’

The scripture does not mention whether we will be able to fly in Heaven or not. Some Christians imply that God will enable us with such powers, while others argue against it. Since the Bible does not mention it, the subject remains debatable.

I invite you to join me in the article below as we discuss whether or not we can fly in Heaven. It may interest you to find out whether we will have superpowers in Heaven, as highlighted in the write-up. Not forgetting we will also learn whether the Bible supports the concept of flying. Read on to find out more.

Will we have superpowers in Heaven?

Will we have superpowers in Heaven?
Will we have superpowers in Heaven? Image source: Pixabay

The scripture does not state whether we will have superpowers in Heaven. Some Christians suggest that we will have superpowers in Heaven since Christian teachings imply God will give us new bodies. Also, some are of the idea that we may be able to teleport, similar to how Jesus, Moses, and Elijah appeared on Earth after their death. However, others argue against the idea referring to Revelation 21:21, which mentions that Heaven will have golden roads suggesting that people are likely to walk on them.

Did Jesus fly to Heaven?

Religious theologians imply that Jesus flew to Heaven. They base their arguments in reference to Luke 24:51. The verse talks about Jesus ascending to Heaven while at Mount Olives with His disciples. Some scholars imply that Jesus’ ascension into Heaven may not necessarily have been through flying. They believe that the Bible did not specify that Jesus flew into Heaven.

Does the Bible support the concept of flying in Heaven?

The Bible does not mention whether we can fly in Heaven. When having angels in mind, the concept of flying is not new. However, the scripture does not state whether men can fly. Revelation 21:21 says that the New Jerusalem in Heaven will have a street with gold. In this regard, we can imply that the Bible is not specific about flying as it mentions roads that we may assume people will walk on.

Can we get to Heaven by flying high enough into the sky?

Can you fly in Heaven? 
Can we get to Heaven by flying high enough into the sky? Image source: Pixabay

Scholars are of the opinion that we cannot get to Heaven by flying high enough in the sky. They argue that it is only God who is aware of where Heaven is. In addition, they say that only God knows the pathway to Heaven.

Also, if it were possible to fly to Heaven, many people would have attempted to reach there. Since the Bible does not mention how we can get there, it remains ambiguous until we can back up with evidence.

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