How Many Times Is Adam Mentioned In The Bible? (What Does the Bible Say About Adam, Biblical References About Adam)

Every week, I teach the Sunday School class for 7-year-olds, and honestly, I can confidently tell you that each one of them knows about Adam, how he was the first man, and eventually how he sinned. But recently, the senior minister challenged us all to teach more than just simple Bible stories. That got me thinking about how many people (not just kids) don’t know much about Adam beyond the surface level. Well, the challenge was accepted! The next week, I had an intense class about the pivotal figure, Adam. So, how many times is Adam mentioned in the Bible?

In the King James Version of the Bible, Adam is mentioned a total of 27 times. For example, the name appears in Genesis 2:19 and Job 31:33. Depending on the Bible version, the frequency of the name’s occurrence may vary. Adam was the first man formed by God and put in the Garden of Eden.

In this article, I took a deep dive into the Biblical character, Adam. From his origins to the placebo effect his actions had. All will be covered in this piece. I also took the liberty of including fantastic references and relevant Bible verses. I am sure you will enjoy this article.

What Does the Bible Say About Adam?

In Genesis 1:27 and 1 Corinthians 15:45, the Bible says that Adam was the first man created by God. He was placed in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8). Adam fathered mankind and is the ascendant of everyone walking the Earth today. Biblical Scripture says that Adam was created on the sixth day, and he was formed from soil. God breathed His breath into Adam and gave him life. That is what made Adam and all his descendants different from the rest of the animals. (Genesis 1).

Later, the Bible in Genesis 2:21-22 says that the first woman, Eve, was formed from Adam’s ribs. Adam and his wife Eve later disobeyed God’s command to not eat from the Tree of Knowledge (Genesis 3:6). This brought Original sin to mankind. As a result, humans lost their immortality and closeness with God (Romans 5:12).

What Is the Origin of The Name Adam?

How Many Times Is Adam Mentioned In The Bible?
What Is the Origin of The Name Adam? Image source: Freepik

The name ‘Adam’ originates from the Hebrew language and means “son of the red Earth.” It comes from the Hebrew word, אֲדָמָה ‘adamah’ meaning the “earth” from which the Old Testament says Adam was first made. Genesis 2:7 explains that the first man named Adam was molded from clay or soil. The name thus carries strong ties to the earth. ‘Adam’ is also believed to refer to the reddish undertone of human skin or from Akkadian ‘adamu,’ which means “to make.” An interesting fact is that in the Arabic language, ‘Adam’ also has a meaning that translates to “from the Earth’s mud.”

The name ‘Adam’ first appeared as a name in Judaism but has gone on to be used in both Christian and Muslim-majority countries due to its roots in both the Bible and Quran. ‘Adam’ is also used as a surname in many countries throughout Europe.

When Was the First Time the Name Adam Appeared in The Bible?

In the Bible, the name Adam appears for the first time in the King James Version in Genesis 2:19. This Scripture says that God brought all the animals on the earth to Adam for him to name.

Contrastingly, according to the Biblical research conducted by Richard S. Hess from the Denver Seminary, the first time ‘Adam’ appeared in the Bible as a personal name was in Genesis 4:25. He propounds that before that, the name was used to denote mankind or humanity in general. This Bible verse describes how Adam came together with his wife, Eve. They later gave birth to a son known as Seth, who was a replacement for their lost son, Abel. He thinks that this is the first Scripture that makes a direct connection between ‘Adam’, the man, and ‘adamah,’ the man formed from the soil. But that is just some food for thought.

Bible References About Adam

What Does the Bible Say About Adam?
Bible References About Adam. Image source: Freepik

Many Bible verses have made direct and indirect references to Adam. Here are some scriptures for you to look at:

  • Genesis 2:19 – God, after making Adam superior to all animals, fish, and birds, brings all these creatures to him for naming.
  • Genesis 2:21 – after God made Adam fall into a deep sleep, he stole one of his ribs which would later form his wife.
  • Genesis 3:20 – Adam also names his wife. He calls her Eve because she will be the mother of all.
  • Genesis 5:3 – Adam is said to have been 130 years old when he got a son named Seth.
  • Genesis 5:5 – we are told that Adam lived to be 930 years old before his death.
  • Job 31:33 – Job, in his lamentation, refers to how Adam and Eve hid from God when He came looking for them. They had sinned and, therefore, were greatly ashamed.
  • Romans 5:14 – Adam is said to have plagued his children and lineage with death because of his sin. His disobedience cursed even those that were blameless.
  • 1 Corinthians 15:22 – Adam is described as he who brought death to the world, but Jesus Christ will come to bring life to the dead.
  • 1 Corinthians 15:45 – Adam is named as the living soul, while the last Adam, who is Jesus Christ, is not of this world. He is a spirit.
  • 1 Timothy 2:13 – Paul says that Adam was formed before Eve. Some have inferred this to mean that women cannot be superior to men. Instead, they are their subordinates.
  • 1 Timothy 2:14 – Apostle Paul exonerates Adam of fault for the fall of man. He instead shifts the blame to Eve and uses this instance to support women’s exclusion from leadership.
  • Jude 1:14 – here, Adam is named as the ancestor of Enoch, who made a prophecy about the second coming of Jesus Christ (final judgment).

What Does It Mean That Jesus Is the Second Adam?

Jesus is known as the Second Adam because, according to the faith, the first Adam brought sin into the world while Jesus Christ brought life (John 1:4 and John 3:3). We are first introduced to this concept in Apostle Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth. Paul drew differences between the two figures. For one, Jesus offers new life to those that believe (2 Corinthians 5:17) while Adam brought death (Romans 5:12). Adam made man lose God and Heaven while Jesus let us regain it. But both are our fathers. One is of the earth (Adam), and the other is our spiritual one (Jesus Christ).

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