During one of my sermons about the coming of Jesus Christ, a young man enthusiastically mentioned that we would go to the land of milk and Honey. It got me thinking about how Honey is the only food that does not spoil in its natural form. It must have a significant meaning, but how many times is Honey mentioned in the Bible?
Honey is mentioned around 61 times in the Bible. It is mentioned to the Israelites in Exodus 3:8, by Solomon in Proverbs 16:24, in Psalms 81:16, and even in the Gospel according to Mathew 3:4. Honey appears in around 23 books in the Bible.
In this article, I will look at the instances where Honey is mentioned in the Bible. Keep reading to discover what the Bible says about Honey, its meaning, and its importance.
What Does the Bible Say About Honey?
The Bible portrays Honey as a positive symbol. It represents abundance, God’s promise, and prosperity.
Exodus 3:8 talks about God taking Israelites from Egypt to Canaan, the Promised Land, where milk and Honey flow. This implies the abundance that God has in store for the people. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt, and the Pharaoh was oppressing them. The mention of Honey implies the presence of plenty of bees in the vast land of Canaan, with abundant plants which they could draw nectar from. It implies God’s promise to the people of Israel.
In Proverbs 16:24, Solomon likens pleasant words to a honeycomb. They are good for the soul and the health of the bones. Pleasant words are delightful, desirable, and comforting, which implies that Honey is associated with these traits. It also suggests that Honey brings nourishment to the soul and good health.
Psalms 81:16 talks about God feeding his people with the finest wheat and satisfying them with wild Honey from the rock. God talks about the rebellion of Israelites, who refused to heed to His word, yet He wants to give them all these good things. This implies that Honey adds sweetness to the bread made with the finest wheat.
What is the meaning of Honey in the Bible?
In the Bible, Honey means abundance, God’s favor, good health, nourishment of the soul, joy, and sustenance.
- Abundance and God’s favor: According to Exodus 3:8, God wants to rescue the Israelites from Egypt, where they were slaves. He shows His favor towards them by promising to take them to the land where milk and honey flow. This implies that Honey represents God’s favor and abundance to the Israelites who would eat to their fill in the Promised Land.
- Good health and nourishment of the soul: In Proverbs 16:24, Solomon says that pleasant words are like a honeycomb, they are good for the soul and health. This implies that Honey brings about good health and nourishes the soul.
- Joy: According to Psalms 81:16, God feeds his people with the finest wheat and satisfies them with wild Honey from the rock. This implies that Honey brings joy, just as it adds sweetness to bread made with the finest wheat. It suggests that Honey adds joy to the people who obey God.
- Sustenance: In Mathew 3:4, John the Baptist ate locusts and wild Honey while in the wilderness. This suggests that Honey provides sustenance to survive in the wilderness. According to 1 Samuel 14:24-30, Jonathan’s eyes shone brightly after he tasted Honey in the forest. He and the rest of the people had eaten any food all day. Therefore, coming across the Honey in the forest symbolizes its sustenance.
What is the importance of Honey in the Bible?
Honey is important in the Bible because it symbolizes God’s promise to the Israelites who were oppressed, according to Exodus 3:8.
Honey represents God’s abundance and the prosperity that He wishes to bestow on His people. It symbolizes all the good things that God has in store for those who obey Him. Just as Honey is sweet, God’s promises are compared to the taste of Honey.
When was the first time Honey was mentioned in the Bible?
Honey was first mentioned in Genesis 43:11
According to Genesis 43:11, Jacob, Joseph’s father, asked his sons to carry presents such as a little balm, Honey, pistachio nuts, and myrrh to appease the governor of the land of Egypt. He is the one who sold food to all the people during the famine, but they did not know that it was their brother Joseph.
Bible verses About Honey
- Numbers 14:8-9 references the land of milk and Honey. This was during the exodus when the Israelites rebelled and thought that they would die in the wilderness. When they suggested going back to Egypt, Joshua reminded them that God would take them to the land of milk and Honey, but they ought not to rebel. This implies that Honey is God’s promise to the people.
- According to Deuteronomy 31:20, God was skeptical that the people of Israel would turn away from Him after delivering them to the land of milk and Honey. In this land, they would eat and grow fat and then turn to worship other gods.
- Ezekiel 20:15 also mentions the land of milk and Honey, where the Israelites rebelled after getting to the Promised Land.
- Isaiah 7:15 talks about Immanuel eating curds and Honey when he chooses to do good and refuses evil. This suggests that Honey is a reward for obeying God.
- Proverbs 24:13-14 talks about the goodness and sweetness of Honey, and so is wisdom.
- According to Mathew 3:4, John the Baptist ate locusts and wild Honey while in the wilderness. This suggests that Honey is sufficient to satisfy hunger.
- In 1 Samuel 14:24-30, Jonathan tasted Honey in the forest, and his eyes shone brightly. None of the people had eaten any food before they came across the forest.
- Proverbs 25:16 cautions against taking too much Honey. It advises taking just enough.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.