How many times is inheritance mentioned in the Bible? (What is the meaning of inheritance in the Bible, Bible references about inheritance + Bible verses about inheritance)

The question of how Biblical the issue of inheritance is has been a topic of interest. One time, one of my neighbors asked me what God really says about inheritance. He wanted proof from the Bible to be persuaded enough to write his final will and testament. So, I had to research intensively. Interestingly, I discovered this word had been mentioned severally in the Bible. Since I did not want to leave any stone unturned, I started with the basics and began our discussion with the question, “How many times is inheritance mentioned in the Bible?”

The word inheritance appears 225 times in the Holy Book. Inheritance is an important aspect because we Christians are working hard to get the inheritance of Christ. Also, there are worldly inheritances that the Bible encourages in Proverbs 13:22.

Join me in this article as I write about the meaning of inheritance in the Bible. I will also write about what the Bible says about inheritance and the principles of inheritance. Read on to find out.

What is the meaning of inheritance in the Bible?

Inheritance in the Bible could mean a gift that cannot be revoked. The inheritance cannot be revoked because there is a special relationship between the benefactor and the recipient. When we look at the biblically outlined type of inheritance, we realize that we can inherit from God if we live a life that pleases him. Also, the Bible talks about the worldly inheritance that a good man must leave for his family according to Proverbs 13:22.

What Does the Bible Say About Inheritance?

What is the meaning of inheritance in the Bible?
What Does the Bible Say About Inheritance? Image source: Pixabay

The Bible says that a good man leaves an inheritance for his family according to Proverbs 13:22. We should keep in mind that God wants us to leave behind an inheritance for our children and family. Therefore we should focus on making wise financial decisions. Also, we should not think that inheritance is only about wealth; we should leave wisdom, values, and virtues for our generations to inherit.

Aside from worldly inheritance, our focus as Christians should be on the inheritance that Christ promises us. The inheritance that does not perish nor fade, according to 1 Peter 1:4. The inheritance that Christ promises us could be said in one word to be heaven.

Bible references about inheritance

Proverbs 13:22 explains that a father who is a good man leaves an inheritance for his children, and sinners’ wealth will be left for the righteous.

1 Peter 1:4 mentions that the inheritance in heaven is not perishable, and it is eternal.

Proverbs 19:14 explains that a man will get all the wealth through inheritance from his father, but it is only God that can give him a good wife.

Psalms 16:5 mentions that the Lord is our portion of the inheritance.

Matthew 5:5 mentions that gentle people will inherit the earth.

Proverbs 11:29 explains that a person who creates trouble in his house will inherit the wind.

1 Corinthians 6:10 mentions that thieves, people who covet, drunkards, revilers, and swindlers will not be part of the people who will inherit the kingdom of God.

Psalms 37:9 explains that the people who wait upon the Lord will inherit the land while sinners will be cut off.

Job 42:15 mentions women, Job’s daughters, who were given inheritance together with their brothers by God.

1 Corinthian 6:9 mentions that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God; they include fornicators, adulterous, idolaters, homosexuals, and the greedy.

5 Principles of Inheritance in the Bible

How many times is inheritance mentioned in the Bible? 
Principles of Inheritance in the Bible. Image source: Freepik

Parents have a responsibility to leave things in order

Contrary to how most people say that their children will take care of themselves after they die, the Bible says that it’s an obligation to leave things in order and give directions before departing. From the book of 1 Kings 1:20, we learn that David had to leave orders and directions for who will inherit his throne—Solomon. If David had not designated the throne to Solomon specifically, there would have been more chaos because his other son Adonijah wanted to inherit the throne. Therefore, as Christians, we should discourage the idea that we will be dead and gone, so it won’t bother us if we don’t leave orders regarding inheritance.

Generational value inheritance is God’s desire

As Christian parents, we should strive to instill values in our children that will be transmitted down to their children from generation to generation. There should be Christian values that run down our generations, inherited from parent to child through teaching them and bringing them up in the style that God desires. In the Bible, God instructed Abraham to keep the covenant, he and all his generations, Genesis 17:9.

Values should be inherited through family stories

The history and values of the family can be inherited through family stories. For example, when we sit with our grandmothers, and they tell us about the past of our family, instilling in us values. In the Bible, the Passover ceremony involves family stories as children ask questions, as written in Exodus 12:25-27.

It is prudent not to give equal shares of inheritance because your children are not responsible in equal ways

While some people might suggest that giving equal inheritance is a sign of fairness and equal love, the Bible says that inheritance should be given according to how responsible the child is. The more the wealth, the more responsible a child should be. For example, in Genesis 49, Jacob gives an inheritance to his sons according to how each one is responsible.

Inheritance should be a mission

Although inheritance is mostly about wealth, it is a biblical principle to offer virtues, values, and work ethic as an inheritance. Also, we should not do things that will harm our children just because we want to make enough wealth to leave for them.

What is our inheritance in Christ?

It is believed that our inheritance in Christ is heaven. Our inheritance in Christ is often said to be our portion and heritage. Our inheritance in Christ will never perish according to 1 Peter 1:4. Also, our inheritance in Christ will never fade; everything will be made new as written in Revelation 21:5. Lastly, our inheritance is kept in heaven, which is the overall inheritance and each of us who will make it to heaven has our crowns with our names on it.

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