Resurrection is of huge significance as it is the basis of our Christian faith. As a pastor, I believe that one day, all the people who lived lives according to the will of God be resurrected. Recently, during the easter holiday, when I was preparing for a summon in the church, it got me thinking about resurrection in the Bible. I had many questions, one of which was, how many times is resurrection mentioned in the Bible?
The word resurrection has been used over 40 times in the King James Version bible. Each time the word has been used to refer to the same thing but in different contexts. However, through the entire scripture, there has only been a hand full of people who have been resurrected. The last person to resurrect in the Bible was Jesus Christ, and he was responsible for the resurrection of all the ones before him.
In this article, I will look at the significance of the resurrection in the Bible and the instance that people have resurrected in the Bible. I will also discuss what the Bible says about resurrection. Also, I will discuss the number of resurrections that there will be in the. Read on to get insight on this and so much more.
What is resurrection according to the Bible?
Resurrection in the Bible holds the same meaning as we all know. The Bible in the book of 1 Corinthians 15:12- 13 suggests that a person is resurrected when he or she rises from death, and their life is restored as it was before they died.
The concept of resurrection has only been mentioned in the New Testament in several instances where the Bible records people coming back to life. In the Old Testament, however, there are teachings about resurrection. One example is when Prophet Hosea teaches that God will redeem his people from the power of death, as is seen in the book of Hosea 13:14.
What does the Bible say about the resurrection?

The Bible suggests that it is through Jesus that we can all get resurrection when he comes back for a thousand-year reign on earth before the final judgment. This can be seen in John 11:25, where the Bible suggests that all who have faith in him will be brought back to life even if they die.
Also, the final resurrection will be for everyone regardless of whether they believe in Jesus. This is going to be when Jesus comes back to earth. This can be seen in the book of Acts 24:15, where the Bible implies that all men look forward to when they are going to be resurrected, both the wicked and the good.
How many resurrections will there be?
The Bible describes two different resurrections that will occur during the last days. Both resurrections have been clearly stated in different scriptures throughout the Bible. The first resurrection will be the resurrection of the good or righteous. The Bible suggests that this will be the reward for all the good they did while they were alive. This can be seen in the book of Luke 14:14.
The other resurrection will be for the unrighteous or the wicked. They will be resurrected after the righteous have been resurrected. The resurrection of the evil will be known as the resurrection of condemnation. This can be seen in the book of John 5:28-29.
An instance is when resurrection appears in the Bible.
1 Kings 17:17– this verse describes when the prophet Elijah raised the son of the Zarephath woman. Elijah was staying with them when the son died. Elijah prayed to God that the son’s life be restored.
2 Kings 4:18-37 – this passage describes how the prophet Elisha brought back to life the son of a Shunammite.
2 Kings 13:20 -21– this passage gives an account of a man’s body that was thrown into Elisha’s grave, and when the body touched Elisha’s bones, he came back to life.
Luke 7:11-17– this passage accounts for the first person Jesus raised from death. This was in a place called Nain.
Luke 8: 40 -56 – This passage explains when Jesus brought Jairus’ daughter back to life.
John 11 – this passage describes how Jesus brought Lazarus back to life. Lazarus was a close friend of Jesus.
Matthew 27:50-53 – these verses describe how saints came back to life at the same time Jesus came back to life.
Acts 9:36-43 – this passage gives a description of how Peter, who was a disciple of Jesus, resurrected Tabitha.
Acts 20:7-12 – this passage gives a description of how Paul brought back to life a man called Eutychus in a place called Troas.
Mark 16:1-8 – here, the Bible gives a description of how Jesus came back to life after his death.
How many times did Jesus mention the resurrection?

Jesus mentioned his resurrection three times before it happened. The first instance when he mentioned it was after feeding the 5000 men. This is described in the book of Mark 8:31-32.
The second instance was during his transfiguration when Jesus appeared to his disciples in a heavenly way. This is described in the book of Luke 9:45. The third instance was when Jesus and his disciples were heading to Jerusalem for Passover. This is in the book of Matthew 20:17-19.
How many resurrections are there in scripture?
There are ten resurrections in the Bible. All the resurrections were performed by people who were disciples of Jesus or people who believed in God. Only one occurred supernaturally, which was the resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus performed most of the resurrections. However, the other people who performed resurrections were prophet Elijah and Elisha, Peter, the disciple of Jesus, and apostle Paul, who was a believer.
Who was the first resurrection in the Bible?
The first resurrection in the Bible is recorded in the book of 1 Kings 17:17 -24. The Bible suggests that the prophet Elijah who was a man of God, lived as a widow. When the widow’s son died, she brought her son to the prophet Elijah who prayed for the son to come back to life. When the son came back to life, the widow had faith in God because of this.
What does the Bible say about the first resurrection?
The son of the widow of Zarephath was the first resurrection recorded in the Bible. The widow thought that the presence of Elijah in her house was what caused his death. Because of this, the widow brought her son to Elijah so that he could bring him back to life. When the son came back to life, the widow’s faith in God was renewed. This is described in the book of 1 Kings 17:17-24.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.