Jesus is one of the most influential persons to ever live on earth. While many find Jesus easily in the New Testament, it is unclear whether he existed in the Old Testament. This article is crucial to explain how Jesus appears in the entire Bible. So, is Jesus in the Bible?
Jesus is in the Bible, in the Old and New Testaments. From his admission, he says that before Abraham, he still existed. Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM. John 8:58. Since he lived before the Old Testament, he is in the Bible.
This article will discuss whether Jesus is in the Old Testament and how he appeared. We will also find out whether Jesus was an angel of God in the Old Testament and how He is the son of God in the New Testament. Additionally, we will find out whether Jesus’s appearance in the Old Testament is consistent with his appearance in the New Testament.
Is Jesus in the Old Testament?
Jesus is in the Old Testament. He testified to this fact himself. Before the New Testament was written, then after his resurrection, Jesus used the Old Testament to show the two disciples who were going to Emmaus that he was the one the Old Testament was about. The Bible says that: And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. Luke 24:27. Jesus says that all the scripture, in other words, the entire Old Testament, is about him.
Also, Jesus said that Moses wrote about him-Jesus. Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament. Jesus said, For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. John 5:46 Beginning from creation, Moses was writing about Jesus, although he did not mention him by name. additionally, Jesus confirmed that the Old Testament was about him when he said: For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: And He was numbered with the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.” Luke 22:37. In this passage, Jesus was quoting what was written by the prophet Isaiah: Therefore, will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bares the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. Isaiah 53:12. Therefore, Jesus continually confirmed that he was in the Old Testament and that it was about him.
How did Jesus appear in the Old Testament?
Jesus appeared as God and the creator in the Old Testament. His appearance as God is evident once you understand the deity of Jesus. We note that Jesus describes himself as I AM. Jesus says, Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM John 8:58. Note that God introduced himself as I AM when he appeared to Moses in the burning bush. So, Jesus appeared as God in the Old Testament.
The same can be observed when the Bible declares that he is the creator. The Bible says, In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was at the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made John 1:1-3. These verses indicate that Jesus was the creator because nothing was made without him. It also implies that Jesus was always existing, meaning that he was never created. Only God was not created, and hence he appeared as God.
Jesus was an angel of God in the Old Testament. How is he the son of God in the New Testament?
Bible scholars argue that Jesus was sometimes described as the Angel of the LORD or God in the Old Testament. When he appeared to Hagar in the desert as she was escaping from Sarah, the Bible describes him as the Angel of the LORD. Now the Angel of the LORD found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, by the spring on the way to Shur. And He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where have you come from, and where are you going?” Genesis 16:7-8. So, it is argued that the Angel of the LORD in this verse refers to Jesus.
Another instance where bible scholars say that Jesus is described as the Angel of the LORD is when Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac. The Bible says; But the Angel of the LORD called to him from heaven and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” So he said, “Here I am.” And He said, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” Genesis 22:11-12. Note that the Angel of the LORD says that He now knows that Abraham feared him. We should also note that it was God who tested Abraham. Therefore, Jesus or God is called the Angel of the LORD.
According to several bible scholars, Jesus is the son of God in the New Testament because he is God in the flesh. When he took the flesh by being born of a woman with an earthly body, he was referred to as the son of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14. Therefore, bible scholars say that the son of God means God in the body of a man. That is how he became the son of God in the New Testament.
Is the appearance of Jesus in the Old Testament consistent with his appearance in the New Testament?
Scholars argue that the appearance of Jesus is consistent in the Old and New Testaments in his character but inconsistent in physical appearance. In the Old Testament, Jesus never appeared in a physical body that could be seen and felt. He, however, appeared in character as powerful and mighty, just as in the New Testament. In the New Testament, Jesus appeared in a physical body that could be seen and felt. He interacted with men, just like a man, something that did not happen in the Old Testament.
When was Jesus first mentioned in the Bible?
Some scholars argue that Jesus first mentioned when God said, ” Let us create a man in our image: Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness Genesis 1:26. They argue that God used plural to include Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Others still say that the man referenced in this verse was Jesus. They support their argument with the verse: He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. Colossians 1:15. They argue that this was a prophecy about Jesus and God was prophesying how a man (Jesus) who will be in HIS image and likeness would come. Jesus was the only one in the image of God.
Other Bible scholars argue that Jesus is first mentioned as the Seed of a woman. The Bible says: And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your Seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.” Genesis 3:15. In this verse, the Seed of a woman refers to Jesus. Notice that the Bible uses a capital letter to refer to the Seed of a woman while it uses a small letter for the other Seed. Bible scholars argue that the Seed of a woman is Jesus because, in the true sense, men but not women produce Seed during reproduction. But since Jesus was born without a man, he was the Seed of a woman in this verse. They further argue that the bruising of the heel refers to the death of Jesus at the cross, while the crushing of the head is taking over satan’s authority.
The first mention of the name Jesus is in Matthew 1:1. The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham: Matthew 1:1. In Matthew 1:21, the Angel gave the name to Joseph and was the first mention of the name to men: And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21. So, the name Jesus was first mentioned to Joseph by an angel.
Is Jesus a name or a title in the Bible?
Jesus is a name and not a title. In Matthew 1:21, the Angel said that it is a name: And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21. Scholars note that although the name means savior, it was given to other people, which means it was not a title. For instance, according to the New English Version Bible: Whom do you want me to release to you? Jesus Bar-Abbas, or Jesus, who is called Messiah?” Matthew 27:17-18.
Don Stewart:: Did God Ever Take a Physical Form before the Coming of Christ?
Bible Q&A: Did Jesus appear in the Old Testament?
Where Is Jesus in the Old Testament?
Is Jesus in the Old Testament?
The Seed of the Woman: Genesis 3:15
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.