I have always been a spiritual person. I attribute that part of me to my upbringing because I was raised by strict parents. Recently, I started feeling certain smells suddenly out of nowhere.
I smelled smoke but nothing around me was burning. However, what struck me was when I smelt incense when none was burning.
Being a spiritual person and knowing how incense is used in the Bible, I got curious as to what that meant. So, what does smelling incense when none is burning mean?
There are several reasons why one could be smelling incense when none is actually burning. The first and most common reason might be objects in the room you are in absorbed the smell of incense from the previous burning of incense. Some people also link this to a spiritual sign, while at other times, you could actually be having a health problem.
I invite you to join me as I discuss the topic, “smelling incense when none is burning.” I will also look at the biblical meaning of incense and any spiritual signs of smelling incense when none is burning.
What does incense mean in the Bible?
In the Bible, incense is a substance that was burned as an offering to God. It was made of a mixture of aromatic spices and gums and was typically burned on an altar or in a censer.
Incense was a symbol of worship and was often used in the context of prayer or sacrifice.
In the Old Testament, incense was an important part of the rituals in the Tabernacle and the temple. The priests were responsible for burning incense in the holy place as a symbol of the people’s prayers ascending to God.
Exodus 30:7-8 says, “And Aaron shall burn fragrant incense on it. Every morning when he dresses the lamps he shall burn it, and when Aaron sets up the lamps at twilight, he shall burn it, a regular incense offering before the Lord throughout your generations.”
In Psalm 141:2, incense is used as a metaphor for prayer, with the psalmist saying: “Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!”
In the New Testament, incense is mentioned in the book of Revelation, where it is used as a symbol of the prayers of the saints. The apostle John sees a vision of an angel offering incense with the prayers of the saints on the altar before God.
Revelation 8:3-4 reads, “And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne, and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.”
What does it mean if I smell incense burning when it is not burning?
There are several reasons why you could be smelling incense when none is burning. One of the most common reasons is the objects in the room you are in might have absorbed the incense smell from previous burning.
Smells easily get absorbed by objects like rugs and furniture. Therefore, if you are smelling a mild smell of incense, you might want to consider this reason.
Another reason why you could be smelling incense when none is burning is phantom smells. Sometimes people experience phantom smells, which means they perceive odors that aren’t actually present.
This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a malfunctioning olfactory system, medication side effects, or even stress. This might make you smell certain things out of nowhere.
From a spiritual or religious perspective, some people may interpret the smell of incense as a sign of a spiritual presence or message. In some cultures, the smell of incense is associated with the presence of angels, spirits, or ancestors.
Some people believe that smelling incense when it is not burning may indicate that a deceased loved one is nearby or trying to communicate with them.
However, it’s also critical to consider that there may be a physical explanation for the smell of incense. As stated, certain medical conditions such as sinus infections, allergies, or migraines can cause olfactory hallucinations, which means smelling things that aren’t there.
In some cases, environmental factors like air fresheners, perfumes, or nearby burning candles or incense may also cause the smell of incense.
If you are experiencing the smell of incense when there is no incense burning, it’s always a good idea to rule out any physical causes first.
If you cannot find a physical explanation for the smell, you can choose to interpret it based on your personal beliefs and cultural background.
Is there a spiritual meaning to smelling incense when none is burning?
Yes. The spiritual meaning of smelling incense when none is burning can vary depending on your personal beliefs and cultural background.
In the Catholic Church, burning incense holds an important meaning as it symbolizes God’s holiness and presence. It might also signify prayers going up.
In many spiritual and religious traditions, incense is used to represent purification, prayer, and the presence of the divine. The smell of incense can also be associated with spiritual experiences, meditation, and connection with the divine.
Some people may interpret the smell of incense when none is burning as a sign of spiritual presence or communication. As mentioned earlier, some cultures associate the smell of incense with the presence of angels, spirits, or ancestors.
Some people believe that smelling incense when none is burning may indicate the presence of a deceased loved one, and they are trying to pass a particular message to us.
However, it’s key to approach these experiences with a degree of scepticism and critical thinking. While spiritual experiences can be powerful and meaningful, they can also be influenced by psychological and physiological factors, such as stress, fatigue, or medical conditions.
Therefore, it’s always a good idea to rule out any physical causes before attributing a spiritual meaning to the smell of incense.
How do you get rid of the smell of incense?
If the incense smell is physical, there are several ways to get rid of the smell of incense, depending on the intensity and duration of the smell:
- Open windows and doors: One of the easiest ways to get rid of the smell of incense is to open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate. This can help to dissipate the smell quickly.
- Use a fan: Another way to get rid of the smell of incense is to use a fan to increase air circulation. You can place a fan near the open window to help draw the air out of the room.
- Use odor absorbers: There are various products available in the market, such as air fresheners, odor absorbers, and deodorizers, that can help to neutralize the smell of incense. You can also use natural odor absorbers like baking soda, vinegar, or activated charcoal.
- Clean surfaces: The smell of incense can often linger on surfaces like furniture, curtains, and carpets. You can use a damp cloth or a cleaning solution to wipe down these surfaces and remove any residual scent.
- Boil some herbs: Boiling herbs like rosemary, lavender, or mint can help to add a pleasant scent to the room and mask the smell of incense.
It’s important to note that the best way to prevent the smell of incense from lingering is to ensure proper ventilation during and after burning incense.
This can help to minimize the scent and reduce the need for intensive cleaning or odor removal.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.