Spiritual meaning of not dreaming (meaning of forgetting your dream)

As a theology professor, I have read the Bible to understand how God used dreams in the Bible to convey different messages to show how dreams can be important.

Recently, I came across a certain spirituality book summarizing why someone may forget their dreams. I was especially intrigued by how the author revealed that some people do not dream at all.

This prompted me to want to know more. I then decided to extensively research the spiritual meaning of not dreaming. I used different spirituality books to do my research.

Last week, a member of my online forum wanted to know why he no longer dreams. He was concerned after he stopped dreaming a few months ago and wanted to know if there was any spiritual meaning behind it.

From my extensive research on the topic, I took the opportunity to answer the question and also explain if it is normal to not dream. So, what is the spiritual meaning of not dreaming?

Although the Bible does not explain the spiritual meaning of not dreaming, some people believe that one can stop dreaming if they doubt their inner self or if they are repressing or ignoring the messages sent in their dreams. Other people also believe that not being able to dream means that your life is going well and you do not need any message from the spiritual world.

So, join me until the end as I discuss more about this topic. I will discuss the medical reasons for not dreaming anymore, the spiritual meaning of forgetting dreams, the spiritual meaning of not dreaming at all, and what you should do when you don’t remember your dreams or don’t dream at all, among other interesting topics.

What is the medical reason for not dreaming anymore?

Spiritual meaning of not dreaming 
What is the medical reason for not dreaming anymore? Image source: Pixabay

Medical experts believes that dreams usually occur during a stage known as rapid eye movement (REM), which mostly occurs ninety minutes after a person has slept off.

To reach this stage of sleep, one must be deeply asleep so as to experience dreaming. However, doctors reveal that sometimes some people can’t reach this stage in their sleep due to some health problems, making them not dream anymore. Some of these medical conditions are;

sleep disorders

When you experience sleep disorders due to insomnia or sleep apnea, a sleep-related breathing disorder, then it will be difficult for a person to reach the rapid eye movement stage where they can experience dreams.

Medical experts also suggest that sleep disorders may result from other medical conditions such as diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, or anxiety.

Bipolar disorder

This mental health condition may result in the person experiencing sleep problems because one will be constantly experiencing an episode of depression or mania, which will largely disrupt their sleep.


Depression is also said to be another medical condition that can make a person stop dreaming anymore. When one is depressed, their bodies are not functioning very well, as they are under stress, meaning they cannot fully relax like any normal person.

Medical experts suggest that depression, in most cases, usually leads to insomnia, a medical condition we stated earlier that prevents a person from reading a rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage.

Medical experts, however, also reveal that depression can lead to a person experiencing different episodes of nightmares or disturbing dreams.

Anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder is another medical reason medical expert link to a person not dreaming anymore. Some of the causes of anxiety in a person can be phobias, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

These conditions may, in one way or another, affect a person’s sleep pattern, making it hard for them to reach the rapid eye movement sleeping stage.

Substance abuse

The medical expert also reveals that substance abuse can be another reason why a person may stop dreaming anymore.

When one abuses substances like alcohol and marijuana, it will be difficult for them to drift into a deep sleep and reach the rapid eye movement stage, as the substances awaken their bodies and disturb their normal sleeping pattern.


Medical experts also link the kind of diet a person has to the possibility of experiencing dreams, as not all food contributes to good sleep.

For instance, taking in too many sugary foods like chocolate or energy drinks and caffeinated drinks may deprive one of good sleep. To get enough quality sleep, medical experts advise people to take more vegetables, fiber, and fruits.


Medical experts also suggest that trauma is another way a person can stop dreaming because their brain is preventing them from relieving their worst moments through dreams.

Is it normal to not dream?

Medical experts suggest that not dreaming should not be a major concern unless it results from some medical condition or reason.

They suggest that a person should be worried if they stop dreaming because they are depressed or have low-quality sleep, as this may also affect their general health.

Ussher Nickel Tony, a research enthusiast, suggests that it is not normal for one not to dream, as every human being with consciousness must dream.

He further implies that not dreaming shows you are lacking something as a person and can be linked to your overall health, which may negatively affect you.

Godssword Edet, A Christian author, suggests that it is not normal not to dream as dreaming is an experience initiated by God. In Joel 2:28, God promises to pour out his spirit on all people where everyone, including old men, shall dream.

This Christian author uses this scripture to suggest that all people should dream, as it is a spiritual gift given to human beings by God freely.

He further suggests that not dreaming is bad as one may miss out on guidance and direction usually sent to us through dreams.

Spiritual people also believe that it is not normal not to dream, as this is the only way people can receive messages from the spiritual world. They further argue that not being able to dream means that you are no longer connected spiritually, which is not a good thing.

Is it normal to dream and forget when you wake up?

Medical experts suggest that it is very normal for a person to dream and forget when they wake up, thanks to the melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH).

This hormone is a molecule in charge of controlling a human’s sleep and appetite. As stated earlier, medical experts suggest that sleep occurs during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage.

They also suggest that it is during this stage that the melanin-concentrating hormone cells are turned on, and they may either aid a person in remembering their dream or prevent a person from remembering their dream.

Medical experts also suggest that it is normal for one to dream and forget their dream if there is an absence of norepinephrine, a hormone found in the cerebral cortex in the brain that plays a major role in a person’s memory.

Medical experts suggest that the presence of this hormone may make someone remember their dream, while the absence of it may make someone forget their dream.

However, in the spiritual world, spiritual people suggest that it is not normal for one to dream and forget their dream when they wake up unless they are spiritually weak, have forgotten their inner selves, or are prone to not paying attention t their dreams, hence being less serious about them.

They further argue that a person is supposed to remember their dreams because that is where they can receive a message from the spiritual world.

What is the spiritual meaning of forgetting dreams?

Spiritual meaning of not dreaming 
What is the spiritual meaning of forgetting dreams? Image source: Pixabay

Paying less or no attention at all to your dreams

Some people believe that if one keeps on forgetting their dreams, then it spiritually means that they have a habit of not paying attention to their dreams and often treat them with less importance.

These kinds of people further suggest that if one doesn’t treat their dreams as something special, they are likely not to remember them, compared to if they focus on wanting to know the meaning of the dreams they have had.

Message from your subconscious

Other people also believe that forgetting your dreams may spiritually mean that your subconscious is trying to send a message of self-awareness to you.

They argue that dreams are our subconscious way of communicating with our inner selves, and so forgetting our dreams means that we are not connected with our inner self.

Your life is not in order.

Some people also believe that being able to forget your dreams may spiritually mean that your life is not in order and that you need to change. People who support this point suggest that for one to remember their dreams, their mind, body, and spirit must be aligned.

However, if these three things are not in order, then there is no way you will remember your dream.

You are going through a transition.

It is also believed that forgetting your dreams may spiritually imply that you are undergoing a transition in your life. For instance, if your life is transitioning positively, your subconscious mind will not let you remember the negative dreams about your life anymore.

It will let you focus on the good side of your life by making you not remember the dream.

Time to seek spiritual guidance

Some people interpret forgetting your dreams to spiritually mean that you have disconnected from your spiritual journey and need to seek its guidance. They further suggest that when one abandons their spiritual journey, they are abandoning their inner self and therefore don’t care anymore what is going on in their spiritual life.

You are scared

Other people also believe that forgetting your dreams may spiritually mean that you are scared and not ready to face whatever may be revealed or unveiled in your dreams. Most people believe that dreams can tell us what we need to know or do, and some of these things may scare us, so we switch our minds off from trying to remember any dreams.

What is the spiritual meaning of not dreaming at all?

Spiritual meaning of not dreaming 
What is the spiritual meaning of not dreaming at all? Image source: Pixabay

Your life is going on well

Some people believe that when one stops dreaming at all, it spiritually means that they are at a happy stage in their life and nothing is worrying them anymore.

They further argue that most dreams usually come in terms of giving a person a direction in their life or what they should change, and therefore there is no need to dream anymore if your life is smooth.

You are not stuck in the past

Other people also suggest that not dreaming anymore may spiritually mean that you are living a very present life and not dwelling on the past anymore. Sometimes our past events can haunt us through our dreams if we keep holding onto them.

Not having any dreams means that you have completely let go of your past and enjoying the present life.

The spiritual realm has no message for you

Some people believe that not dreaming means the spiritual world has no message for you. They further speculate that most of the time, the universe tries to communicate to us through dreams if it has a message for us, and so not dreaming at all means that you are good and don’t need any message.

You are not self-aware

Some people believe that not dreaming at all may be negative, and it may spiritually mean that you are not aware of your inner self and no longer connect with your inner being. It is believed that most of our dreams are usually communication between ourselves and our inner being, and therefore not dreaming at all implies that one has stopped being aware of our inner self.

People believe this term is very dangerous because one may miss out on important messages about their current or future life.

You are emotionally and mentally weak

Other people also believe that if a person stops dreaming at all, then it may spiritually mean that they are mentally and emotionally unstable, cannot align their thoughts with their dreams, or are not in a position to dream anymore because of their state. Usually, when one is emotionally or mentally unstable, they will not experience the peaceful sleep everyone else does, which may prevent them from reaching a state of dreaming.

One lacks spiritual gifts

Most people also believe that when one stops dreaming at all, it may mean in the spiritual world that they can no longer attract or connect to their spiritual gifts. They further argue that this may happen when one disconnects spiritually and, therefore, cannot get any communication from the spiritual world.

You are spiritually stagnant

Most people also interpret not being able to dream at all as a spiritual stagnation. They speculate that to keep on dreaming and communicating with the spiritual world; one has to strive and spiritually develop.

They further argue that one may stop dreaming if they do not try to connect with their higher selves and spiritually grow.

Should I be worried spiritually if I don’t remember my dreams or don’t dream at all?

Most people believe that a person should worry spiritually if they don’t remember their dreams or don’t dream at all because it only means that they are no longer connected with their spiritual side or they are spiritually weak. Not remembering your dreams or not being able to dream at all may mean that you have abandoned your inner self or are not spiritually growing, which is seen as a negative thing.

On the other hand, other spiritual people believe that you should not be worried spiritually if you don’t remember your dreams or don’t dream at all, as it may only mean that your life is going on well and that there is nothing to worry about. They also suggest that being unable to dream or remember dreams may also spiritually mean that one does not have an important message from the spiritual world, which is very okay.

What should I do when I don’t remember my dreams or don’t dream at all?

Spiritual meaning of not dreaming 
What should I do when I don’t remember my dreams or don’t dream at all? Image source: Pixabay

Medical experts suggest that one should consult a doctor if they don’t dream at all because the reason may be linked to a health condition. They also suggest that one should avoid sugar-related food, energy drinks, or caffeinated drinks to get quality sleep that can extend up to the rapid eye movement stage, where they can dream.

They also advise one to do a little exercise before sleep that can boost their memory or try and go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day and see if they can track their sleeping pattern and remember their dreams.

Spiritual people suggest that one should try and connect with their inner self so that they can dream. They also suggest that one should focus on growing spiritually and pay attention to any dream they experience so that they can keep on dreaming and remembering their dreams.

Is not dreaming at all a sign of depression?

Medical experts suggest that depression may be one reason a person stops dreaming. They speculate that a depressed person is not relaxed as a normal person and, therefore, will not be able to get quality sleep, which may allow them to reach the rapid eye movement stage (REM), where they can experience dreaming.

However, they also suggest that depression may increase a person’s chances of dreaming, but they may only experience negative dreams like nightmares and disturbing dreams.

As believers, we know of a few people in the Bible who dreamt like Joseph, as stated in Genesis 37. By this, we know how God can send us important messages through dreams.

We should all pray for quality sleep to be able to dream; as the Bible tells us, God gives sleep to those he loves, as recorded in Psalms 127:2.


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