As a theologian, I’m interested in different people’s beliefs about things that happen in the universe. A couple of years ago, I got curious about people’s beliefs about shooting stars after reading “Falling Stars: A Guide to Meteors & Meteorites” by Mike D. Reynolds.
I decided to conduct more research online and even read mythological books written by different mythologists to learn more about this topic. Recently, while teaching my college students about different cultural beliefs, one student shared that their culture believes that shooting stars symbolize the birth of a new-born into the life of those who see it.
This point brought forth a very heated discussion, and the students had a lot of questions and opinions that needed answers and clarification.
Thankfully, having done extensive research on this topic, I had all the answers they wanted. One question I found captivating is, “What is the spiritual meaning of a shooting star?”
Though the Bible does not mention any spiritual meaning of a shooting star, it is believed to represent divine guidance in one’s life. Some Christians believe that shooting stars are similar to the star mentioned in Matthew 2:1-2, which helped the wise men of the East to go to Bethlehem after the birth of Jesus Christ. They argue that just like the star guided the wise men to find where the baby, Jesus Christ, was, shooting stars also guide the people of God to His will and purpose in life. Therefore, they believe that one should concentrate more on learning the will of God through reading the Bible and prayers because God is ready to guide them.
Join me in this article as we delve into Beliefs about Shooting stars. We will learn the spiritual reasons you keep seeing shooting stars, their symbolism, Biblical meanings, and more, so read until the end.
What does seeing a shooting star mean?

Different people believe seeing a shooting star has various meanings depending on your actions and wishes while seeing the star. First, many people believe that seeing a shooting star means you are about to receive what you want; hence, you should make a wish.
People associate shooting stars with granting wishes, so they quickly make a wish when they see the star before it disappears. This idea is quite ancient but is practiced in most parts of the world.
In addition, some people believe that seeing a shooting star means a new soul is coming into your life. Some cultures believe that shooting stars are new souls from the universe that will be given birth to new life on Earth.
Others believe they are old souls that will be given birth into new souls to return to Earth. In addition, in some cultures, shooting stars are regarded as a sign that a soul has been freed from purgatory and is headed to Heaven.
Therefore, they believe that when they see a shooting star, a new soul is roaming on Earth.
Also, some people believe that when one sees a shooting star, their life will change significantly. They believe that shooting stars remind them that they are part of the universe, and just like the star, they can also move to higher levels.
When they see this star, they start preparing for change.
What is the symbolic meaning of shooting stars?
Shooting stars are believed to have a lot of symbolic meanings. These meanings include:
Symbol of Good luck
An age-old custom is making a wish whenever you see a shooting star. This is because many people believe shooting stars are a symbol of good luck, and if you make a wish on the star, it might give you good luck.
People in the past believed that their gods spoke to them through shooting stars; hence, the idea that they bring good luck and one should make a wish when they see them was born.
Symbol of fertility
In many cultures worldwide, shooting stars are believed to be a sign of fertility for women trying to get pregnant. People believe that when a childless couple sees a shooting star, they will soon conceive.
In the past, some cultures believed that shooting stars were new souls brought to Earth in the form of new life as a person by the universe. Other cultures believed they were old souls instead of new souls, though they were all associated with new life on Earth.
Symbol of Love
Shooting stars are also believed to be a sign of love coming into one’s life. Some people believe that when one sees a shooting star with their partner, it means they are with their soul mates. They believe it could mean that your love is growing stronger and deeper.
What is the Biblical meaning of a shooting star?
Although the Bible does not precisely define the meaning of shooting stars, different spiritual leaders and Christians have given their interpretations and meanings.
First, some Christians believe that shootings stars represent God’s power seen at creation at the beginning of everything. Genesis 1:16 says that God made stars. This is the first time the Bible mentions stars.
Therefore, shooting stars are believed to be part of God’s great creation, and Christians believe they should be a reminder of the greatness of God’s creation and the world’s beauty.
Another Biblical meaning of shooting stars is they are divine guidance in Christians’ life. Matthew 2:1-2 says that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the wise men followed His star to go and worship Him, for they believed He was the King of the Jews.
The wise men arrive in Bethlehem from the East with the help and guidance of a star. Similarly, Christians believe that shooting stars represent spiritual guidance from God to His people to help them find purpose in life.
3 spiritual reasons you see a shooting star
Though the Bible does not suggest that seeing a shooting star has spiritual reasons, some people have different religious beliefs. Some spiritual reasons you are seeing a shooting star include the following.
Impending birth within your family or close friend
One famous belief about a shooting star is that it is connected to the arrival of a new soul on Earth. The star is said to represent the spiritual journey of a soul from the spiritual realm to the physical world to find its rightful place.
Therefore, many cultures believe that when a member of their community sees this star, they are about to receive a newborn in their family or within the circle of their friends.
Be prepared to embrace change and personal growth
Many people believe that shooting Stars are a sign of major change and personal growth. Therefore, they believe that when one sees a shooting star, they should be prepared to have a great change in their life.
The change is mostly said to be positive and good for those who see the star. It can be blossoming relationships, career advancement, or other positive changes in your life.
Also, some people believe the star is a sign of personal growth. The growth can be spiritual, financial, emotional, or even physical.
To manifest your dreams
Some cultures believe that shooting stars are a sign that God is watching and listening to them. That is why they make wishes when they see a shooting star.
They believe that the reason you are seeing a shooting star is because you need to manifest your goals and dreams for them to come to reality.
Meaning of shooting star in different cultures

Greek mythology
In Greek mythology, it is believed that shooting stars mean their gods are watching over them, and any wish and prayer made when there is a shooting star will be granted.
It is because the true form of their gods was said to be so bright that whoever looked at them directly got incinerated. Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer in the 2nd century, said that shooting stars fall when gods open the gateways between their world and ours. This brought the idea of wishing on shooting stars.
Therefore, shooting stars are believed to mean that your wishes will be granted and you will get what you want. They believe that the best time for their prayer and wishes to be answered is when they see a shooting star.
However, it is considered bad luck to point at the shooting stars when making a wish.
In addition, in Greek mythology, it was believed that the shooting stars had a bad omen of death. The stars were said to herald downfall.
Greeks believes that shooting stars appear when an important person, such as a ruler, dies. Therefore, they could signify the end of an era.
Native American
Today, the cultures of Native Americans are not monolithic because some people had an oral tradition, which was wiped out by colonialism. However, some of them have a few shooting star beliefs in common.
The Chumash and Wintu people believed that shooting stars were associated with spirits traveling to the afterlife. They believed that the star has a neutral spiritual meaning.
The Blackfoot, Kawaiisu, and Cahuilla people believed shooting stars were a sign of bad omen. They viewed the star as a bright light that herald the death of someone important in their community, a period of sickness, or other misfortunes.
The Pawnee people believed shooting stars meant that a man named Pahokatawa, who was slain by their enemy and torn by animals, was brought back to life by the gods.
They believed that the gods brought him back to life as a meteor. They also say that he came back to them and told them not to fear the shooting stars.
Shooting stars are neither explicitly mentioned in the Bible nor their meaning given in the Bible. However, Christians consider them as a special sign from God. To Christians, shooting stars represent good news.
Christians believe that shooting stars are like the star that appeared over the Wise men from the East when Jesus Christ was born. They bring good news to those who spot them and give them guidance to receive the blessings of the Lord.
However, some Christians believe that shooting stars are omens of death. They believe that if you look at the inverse of the star that appeared to the wise men when Jesus was born, it represented a sacrificial death.
Jesus was born on Earth to die for the salvation of mankind. Therefore, the shooting star represented the beginning of his sacrifice for his love for mankind.
Romanian folklore
In Romanian folklore, shooting stars are believed to represent deceased souls. Romanians thought that when a person dies, their soul ascends into the sky and falls from the sky as a star, creating a shooting star.
What does it mean when you see a shooting star in your dreams?

There are different types of shooting star dreams that many people believe have different meanings. One, dreaming of a perfectly moving shooting star is believed to mean that you are about to experience good luck.
Many trusts that seeing a shooting star in your dream means good things are about to happen in your life. They believe it is a sign of good change, and you should be ready to receive blessings in your life.
Second, dreaming of a fading shooting star is believed to men that the light in you is gradually becoming dim, and you are starting to conform to the darkness around you.
It is believed that this dream is a warning to stop associating yourself with negativity because it will soon consume your positive vibe.
Some people also believe that dreaming of a fading shooting star means a major loss is about to take place in your life, it could be a loss of life, friendship, or relationship.
In addition, dreaming of an exploding shooting star is believed to mean that danger awaits you. It is regarded as a warning of impending danger in your life or the life of a loved one.
Finally, some people believe that when one dreams of running from a shooting star means, there is trouble ahead of them, which could overcome them if they are not cautious. They believe this is a sign that they need to be alert for any challenges in the future that could conquer them.
What does it mean to see a shooting star when you are thinking of someone?
People believe seeing a shooting star when you are thinking of someone has various meanings depending on your relationship with the person. They believe that if you see a shooting star while thinking of a friend, it means you have a true bond with that friend.
To them, this means there is immense loyalty between the two of you, and this person could be your soul sibling.
However, if the person you are thinking of is a love interest, people believe that it means you are about to begin a romantic relationship with someone.
The shooting star could be representing the beginning of a commitment period with the person you are thinking of or even with someone else. It might not be the person you are thinking of, but soon you will find a romantic connection with someone.
Also, some people believe that if the person you are thinking of is already in a romantic relationship with you, then that is your soul mate. They trust that the shooting star is a sign that you have found the person you are meant to love.
Double shooting star meaning
Many people believe that when you see a double shooting star, it is a sign to pay attention to your intuition. They trust that it means that your gut is trying to tell you something very important. It could be a situation you need to be careful of or a decision you need to make. Either way, they believe that it’s important to listen and trust your inner voice when you see double shooting stars.
Also, some people believe that a double shooting star is a sign of good luck. They believe that anything they try to do after seeing a double shooting star will be successful because the universe is supporting them.
It is said to represent a major positive change in their life. Therefore, they believe they have to be ready to embrace change after seeing the star.
What does it mean when you see three shooting stars in one night?

To some people, seeing three shooting stars in one night means that your wish will come true. They believe that a wish made by a person who sees three shooting stars in one night is extra powerful and will surely come true.
This is because the number three is associated with good luck. Therefore, they believe that three shooting stars in one night is a sign of good luck in one’s life, and they will get whatever they want.
What does it mean if you see a green shooting star?
Green shooting stars are pretty rare, but they are believed to represent growth, new beginnings, and success. Many people say that when you see a green shooting star, it’s a good sign that you are on the right path in your life.
They believe that you are about to experience growth in life. It could be spiritual growth, financial growth, and more. Therefore, it is said that you should follow the same track of life you have been following for you to be successful.
For example, you should not change your job when you see the star because you could be getting your career growth through your job.
Does a wish made on a shooting star come true?
There is no Biblical or scientific proof that a wish made on a shooting star comes true. However, many people believe wishes made on shooting stars come true.
They believe that if you make your wish correctly, the universe will grant that wish. This belief has been there in several cultures since ancient times, but it has never been proven to be true.
Is seeing a shooting star a symbol of good or bad luck?
Seeing a shooting star has always been believed to be a sign of good luck. Many people believe that seeing a shooting star means that you are about to receive success in life, and your wish will be granted.
That is why most people make wishes when they see a shooting star. They believe the universe will grant them whatever they ask for when they make or pray after seeing a shooting star.
Shooting stars rarely mean bad luck, but some cultures believe it is a bad omen to see a shooting star. They believe that shooting stars are a sign of the death of an important person, sickness, and other misfortunes.
However, the Bible warns us against believing in superstitions. Proverbs 2:6 say that God gives his people wisdom; from Him, we receive knowledge and understanding.
The Bible encourages us in this verse to rely on God’s knowledge and not superstitions. We should not focus so much on whether shooting stars bring us good or bad luck because God is the provider in all situations.
We should put our faith in Him and believe that when we pray for Him to answer, because He has assured us in Matthew 21:22 that we will receive whatever we ask for if we believe.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.