As a born-again Christian, sometimes I make my spiritual journey interesting as I delve into the depths of ancient narratives and cities to just expound my understanding of the Bible. Recently, I have been intrigued by the land of Moab. Moab is a land situated east of the Jordan River, nestled amidst rugged mountains and vast desert expanses. One of the most prominent biblical figures that I admire and came from Moab is Ruth. This has made me research more on the symbolism and significance of Moab. So, what does Moab symbolize in the Bible?
Moab held a negative symbolism in the Bible as it was associated with pride and arrogance. This can be seen in the book of Isaiah 16:6, where Prophet Isaiah pronounces a punishment to Moab due to their pride. Moab is often associated with resistance to God’s plan. However, when analyzing the story of Ruth, who was a Moabite, Moab can be associated with inclusion and the redemptive nature of God. Ruth worshipped the Lord of Israel, and the Lord redeemed her despite her being a Moabite.
Join me as I delve deeper into what Moab symbolizes in the Bible. I will also discuss what the Bible has to say about Moab and the spiritual meaning associated with Moab. Keep reading to learn more.
How did Moab get its name?
The name “Moab” has historical and biblical origins. This name is attributed to an area just short of the Promised Land. In the scripture, Moabites were regarded as the enemy of God’s chosen people, the Israelites. The city of Moab, Utah, derived its name from the biblical region of Moab.
The region of Moab in the Bible is associated with the descendants of Lot, who was the nephew of Abraham in the Bible. According to the Old Testament, Lot’s daughters gave birth to sons named Moab and Ben-Ammi. Moab became the ancestor of the Moabite people and Ben-Ammi of the Ammonites (Genesis 19:37-38).
When European settlers arrived in the area that is now Moab, Utah, in the late 1800s, they named it after the biblical Moab as a reference to the rugged and remote landscape that resembled the Moabite region in the Middle East. The name “Moab” has since been used for the city, as well as for the surrounding Moab Valley and the Moab region in Utah.
What is the meaning of Moab?
The term “Moab” is believed to hold several possible meanings derived from different linguistic roots. In the Hebrew language, “Moab” is said to be derived from the phrase “meh-av,” which translates to “from (my) father.” This meaning is based on the biblical narrative where Moab is described as the son of Lot and his eldest daughter (Genesis 19:37-38).
In the ancient Moabite language, which is closely related to Hebrew, the term “Moab” is believed to mean “seed of the father.” This meaning aligns with the biblical account of Moab’s ancestry. There is also another theory suggesting that the term “Moab” may have Egyptian origins. In the ancient Egyptian language, the word “mama” referred to a specific area or region. Some scholars speculate that “Moab” could be a variation or adaptation of this Egyptian word.
What does the Bible say about Moab?

The Bible mentions Moab extensively, providing various historical and narrative accounts related to the Moabite people and the region of Moab. According to the Book of Genesis, Moab was the son of Lot, who was the nephew of Abraham. Moab’s mother was Lot’s eldest daughter, who conceived him through an act of deception after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:30-38).
The scripture also addresses the relationship between Moabites and Israelites. The Moabites were considered descendants of Moab and inhabited the territory east of the Dead Sea, known as Moab. The Bible describes the relationship between the Moabites and the Israelites as quite contentious and complex. The scripture also talks about conflicts and interactions between the Moabites and Israelites during the conquest of Canaan. The Moabites are portrayed as enemies of Israel, and the prophets deliver prophecies of judgment against Moab for their hostility and idolatry (1 Samuel 14:47).
Additionally, another notable biblical account involving Moab is found in the Book of Numbers 22-24. The Moabite king Balak, alarmed by the Israelites’ victories, sought the help of the prophet Balaam to curse the Israelites. However, God intervened, and instead of cursing, Balaam blessed the Israelites.
Another account that reflects Moab in the scripture is the story of Ruth. The Book of Ruth gives an account of Ruth, a Moabite woman who became the ancestor of King David. Ruth’s loyalty and devotion to her Israelite mother-in-law, Naomi, and her faith in the God of Israel are celebrated and are what made her redeemed and restored by God.
What is the significance of Moab in the Bible?
Moab held great significance in the Bible. The Moabites were often portrayed as God’s enemies as they were enemies of the Israelites, God’s chosen people. The small kingdom of Moab is mentioned quite a lot in the Old Testament. The book of Genesis 19:30-38 gives an account of how the city of Moab came to be. According to this account, Moab is the son of Lot’s older daughter. Lot’s daughters seduced him while drunk, and they both conceived and gave birth. This explains why the name Moab is linked to the phrase, “he is of my father.”
The geographical context of Moab is also significant in the scripture. This land was largely known for its rich pastureland for livestock like ships (Numbers 32:1). The Bible also portrays Moab as one of the neighboring nations to ancient Israel. The interactions between the Israelites and the Moabites are described in various biblical accounts, including conflicts and cultural exchanges. Moab provides historical context and serves as a backdrop for several biblical events.
Moab is also significant in the sense that it serves as a reminder of the consequences of disobedience and the sovereignty of God. The prophets of the Old Testament often delivered prophecies and judgments against Moab. The Moabites’ opposition to the Israelites and their idolatrous practices led to divine warnings and pronouncements of judgment (Numbers 22:25).
Additionally, Moab is sometimes used symbolically in the Bible to imply pride, arrogance, and rebellion (Isaiah 16:6). Scholars posit that biblical prophets employ the name “Moab” to metaphorically describe the downfall and judgment of nations and individuals who oppose God’s purposes.
What does Moab symbolize in the Bible?

In the Bible, Moab symbolizes various themes and concepts. The symbols associated with Moab depend on the context and the specific passage being examined. Some symbolic representations of Moab include;
Pride and Arrogance: Moab is sometimes used as a symbol of pride, arrogance, and self-sufficiency. Prophet Isaiah, for example, describes Moab’s haughtiness and boasting in Isaiah 16:6. This symbolism serves as a warning against the dangers of human pride and self-exaltation.
Resistance to God’s Plans: Moab can symbolize resistance or opposition to God’s plans and purposes. In the story of Balak and Balaam in the Book of Numbers, Moab is depicted as seeking to curse the Israelites and thwart God’s blessing upon them (Numbers 22-25). This can be associated with the opposition that can arise when people or nations resist God’s will.
Destruction: Moab is also often associated with judgments and destruction in the prophetic literature of the Bible. The prophets pronounce divine judgments against Moab due to their hostility towards Israel and their idolatrous practices (Jeremiah 48:8-9). These prophecies serve as a reminder of the consequences of disobedience and the justice of God.
Redemption: Moab has also been positively depicted in the Bible to symbolize redemption. The story of Ruth, a Moabite woman, provides a contrasting and positive symbol of Moab (Ruth 2:2). Ruth’s embrace of the God of Israel and her faithfulness to her Israelite mother-in-law, Naomi, represents the inclusion of foreigners into the community of God’s people. This is associated with the redemptive power of God’s grace and the possibility for individuals from any background to be a part of God’s plan.
Why did God hate the Moabites?
As portrayed in the Bible, the relationship between God and the Moabites was quite complex and multifaceted. First, God disliked the Moabites because they opposed God’s chosen people, the Israelites. The Moabites and Israelites had a history of conflict and hostility (2 Kings 3:16-28). There are also other instances where the Moabites acted as adversaries towards the Israelites, engaging in military conflicts or hiring diviners to curse the Israelites. This can be seen in the story of Balak and Balaam in the Book of Numbers 22-25. Such opposition to God’s chosen people could have led to divine judgment.
Furthermore, the Moabites were known for their idolatrous practices and immoral behavior (Numbers 25:1-18). They are often associated with worshiping false gods and engaging in practices like child sacrifice and sexual immorality. Their idolatry and immoral conduct were seen as abominations before God, leading to warnings and judgments.
Another reason why God could have hated Moabites is of how they came to be. The Moabites were descendants of Moab, who was born through an incestuous relationship between Lot and his eldest daughter (Genesis 19:30-38). This context could have played a role in the perception of the Moabites and their ancestry. However, it is important to note that this narrative does not explicitly state that God hates the Moabites because of their ancestry, but rather, it provides historical context.
What are the characteristics of Moabites according to the Bible?
The Bible provides some descriptions and characteristics of the Moabites. Some of the characteristics that can be linked to Moabites include;
- Worshiping of idols: The Moabites are often associated with idolatrous practices. They worshiped false gods and engaged in rituals that were condemned by the God of Israel. For example, in Numbers 25:1-3, the Moabites were involved in the worship of the Moabite god Baal of Peor, which led to God’s anger and a subsequent plague among the Israelites.
- Rebellious: The Moabites are portrayed as adversaries of the Israelites in various biblical accounts. They displayed hostility towards the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness and in their attempts to curse and harm them. The story of Balak, the Moabite king, seeking the prophet Balaam to curse the Israelites in Numbers 22-25 illustrates their character.
- Immoral: The Moabites are associated with immoral behavior in the Bible. This can be seen in the book of Numbers 25:1-18. This chapter mentions the Moabite women seducing the Israelite men into sexual immorality and idolatry, which incurred God’s wrath. This can link the Moabites’ ancestry back to Moab, who was born through an incestuous relationship between Lot and his eldest daughter.
What happened to Moab? The Punishment of Moab

The Bible describes several instances of punishment or judgments against Moab for their actions and behaviors. The prophets of the Old Testament, including Isaiah (Isaiah 16), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 48), and Ezekiel (Ezekiel 25), pronounced prophecies of destruction against Moab. These prophecies foretold the downfall and devastation of Moab as a consequence of their hostility towards Israel, their idolatrous practices, and their pride.
Furthermore, these prophecies against Moab often depicted a future of desolation and ruin. The land of Moab was described as being laid waste, its cities destroyed, and its people scattered. The extent and specifics of this devastation were emphasized in the words of the prophets mentioned above.
The fulfillment of these prophecies can be seen in historical events. For instance, in 2 Kings 3, Moab rebelled against Israel, but with the help of the prophet Elisha, Israel defeated Moab in battle. This defeat resulted in significant losses for Moab and contributed to their decline as a nation.
Lastly, like other nations in the region, Moab faced the possibility of exile and captivity. In Jeremiah 48:46-47, it is mentioned that Moab would be taken captive, and its captives would be scattered to various nations. This suggests that the Moabites would experience the consequences of their actions and be displaced from their land.
What is Moab in the Bible called today?
The region of Moab mentioned in the Bible corresponds to the area in modern-day Jordan. The biblical Moab encompassed a territory located east of the Dead Sea, along with parts of present-day central and southern Jordan. The specific cities and towns mentioned in the biblical accounts, such as Kir Moab (Isaiah 15:1) and Ar-Moab (Numbers 21:28), are not in existence today, as they were ancient settlements.
However, the historical region of Moab, which included the areas around the modern cities of Amman, Madaba, and Karak in Jordan, still carries remnants of its ancient name. The region is known by its modern name, Jordan after it gained independence in the 20th century.
It’s worth noting that the region of Moab, mentioned in the biblical context, should not be confused with the modern city of Moab in eastern Utah, United States. The city in Utah was named after the biblical region due to its resemblance to the rugged landscape of the ancient Moabite region.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.