Biblical Meaning Of Fire In A Dream (Symbolic And Spiritual Meaning)

In theology school, I was particularly fascinated with the study of Christian Symbolism and Anthropology. The idea that what you see or read means more than one thing is a fascinating subject.

My imaginative mind has always pushed me to understand more about these symbols, especially the element of fire. Years later, as a theologian, my senses were jacked up when I kept dreaming about fire.

Honestly, the dreams worried me since I knew that dreams always carried more meaning. Therefore, I spoke with my colleagues and church pastors about it.

Some of them confessed that they’d had similar dreams in the past and how I needed to heed the message they carried. I kept researching, poring through countless texts, and trying to understand what a dream about fire meant.

Coincidentally, last week, one of my theology students asked about the meaning of fire in the Bible, and all my research guided my answers.

That discussion is what inspired me to write this article on the biblical meaning of fire in a dream.

The Bible mentions fire in different contexts, and it’s said that dreaming about fire symbolizes God’s power and presence. According to Exodus 3:2, Moses encountered the burning bush, and it’s believed that this manifested God’s holiness and presence. Fire is also said to symbolize God’s protection and guidance over Christians, and this is demonstrated in Exodus 13:21, which talks about a pillar of fire that led the Israelites across the wilderness. Fire is also used in the Bible to symbolize the purification and refining process believers go through and as a sign of eternal punishment or final judgment – Malachi 3:2-3, Genesis 19:24, and Revelation 20:14-15

These manifestations of fire in dreams and the mentions of fire in the Bible carry significant meanings. So, in this article, I’ll share more insights into the symbolism of fire, what it means to dream about fire, the spiritual manifestation of fire in dreams, and the meaning of dreams about fire in different scenarios.

So, let’s jump right into it!

Table of Contents

How is fire represented in the Bible?

Biblical Meaning Of Fire In A Dream 
How is fire represented in the Bible? Image source: Pixabay

Fire represents one of the most important metaphors in the Bible, and it’s used to represent the presence of God and a manifestation of God’s power.

Notably, fire was translated from the Greek word for light, and it’s used in both the Old and the New Testaments to describe God’s light and power. 

Here are some of the common representations of fire in the Bible:

God’s Presence

According to Exodus 3:2-6, fire communicates God’s active presence in the life of the Israelites and Christians overall. The Burning bush is said to be a symbol of God’s manifestation to the People of Israel.

Here, fire was also used to represent God’s authority because it’s written that even Moses was afraid to look at God (as seen in the fire).

Fire also manifested God’s presence in Mount Sinai as written in Exodus 19:18, Deuteronomy 4:33&36.

 Fire as a symbol of God’s presence and judgment is also suggested in Genesis 3:24, which talks about the Cherubins placed at the Garden of Eden’s entrance and how the fire would also be used to represent God’s judgment, as outlined in Deuteronomy 9:3.  


In 2 Thessalonians 1:7, Paul described Christ’s second coming as being in the form of a blazing fire. In addition to representing the presence of God or Jesus Christ, fire is also used metaphorically to represent God’s judgment.

This representation is further said to represent that the second coming of Christ, which also coincides with Judgment Day, would be represented by fire.

God’s Glory 

According to Biblical teachings, God’s glory and His divine presence are represented by big or significant things. For most Christians, fire is considered a symbol of the Glory of God.

God’s consuming fire in Mount Sinai, as mentioned in Exodus 24:17 and Leviticus 9:23, is also said to symbolize the Glory of God.

The use of fire in both the Old and New Testaments is also said to represent the full glory of God.

Holy Spirit

In Matthew 3:11 and Luke 3:16, the New Testament uses fire metaphorically to represent the Holy Spirit. In these scriptures, fire is said to symbolize the connection between baptism and the holy spirit that’s said to come over Christians in the form of an all-consuming fire.

The Holy Spirit and fire are believed to represent the promise that was fulfilled on Pentecost day. It’s said that the tongues of fire came upon all Christ’s followers gathered in the upper room.

In these scriptures and also the teachings in Acts 2:3-4, fire is believed to represent God’s manifestation to man. 

God’s Miracles and Works 

According to the Bible, fire is believed to be one of the theophanies through which God’s actions and miracles are revealed to man.

The first Biblical accounts of fire in the Bible appear in the Book of Exodus and talk about the fire that led the Israelites out of Egypt, how God appeared to the Israelites in the form of fire, and also how God sent down fire from heaven to consume the sacrifices that had been offered to Him.

In these instances, God used fire to manifest His presence and bless His people. Other scriptures about fire as a manifestation of God’s works include Leviticus 9:23-24, Judges 13:15-20, and Judges 6:19-24

God’s Wrath and Judgment

While fire is largely used to symbolize God’s presence and amazing works, fire’s destructive capacity from the heat has been used to represent God’s wrath and punishment for wrongdoers.

According to Psalm 89:46, God’s wrath burns like fire and His judgment is described as God coming with Fire or with flames of fire – Psalm 66:16, Lamentations 2:4, Ezekiel 21:31, Ezekiel 38:19.

God’s Anger

In Numbers 11:1, Numbers 16:35, Leviticus 10:2, and 2 Kings 1:10, it’s written that God’s hot anger would be represented by fire. This fire would punish all that rebelled against God’s will.

There’s also the use of fire imagery as a sign of God’s judgment and anger in Luke 9:54, where the scripture mentions that John and James asked Jesus if he should invoke fire from heaven to punish the Samaritans.

Fire is also said to be a purifying option in 1 Corinthians 3:13, Mark 3:12 and Revelation 20:14, fire is associated with God’s judgment and hell. 

Prophetic meaning of fire

Biblical Meaning Of Fire In A Dream 
Prophetic meaning of fire. Image source: Pixabay

Fire is also said to be significant prophetically, and several scriptures in the Bible talk about fire prophetically. 


According to Revelation 20:15, fire symbolizes judgment prophetically, and it’s written that fire (and brimstone) would be used to burn sinners or individuals who do not repent during the Second coming of Jesus Christ. 

Holy Spirit/ Anointing by Christ and Thirst for the Word of God

Fire is also used prophetically to represent the deep burning fire and desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. It’s said that the anointing of Christians by the Holy Fire gives Christians the desire to bear testimony of the Goodness of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:9).

Destruction of the world 

According to 2 Peter 3, it was prophesied that the destruction of the world would be destroyed by fire, that the sun, stars, and the moon would melt away, and that flames falling from heaven would destroy all the sinners, as the things that believed to be the works of the devil.

Revelation 13:13 also talks about the prophecy involving the destruction of the earth whereby fire would come down to earth, destroying sinners and all of the devil’s works.

What is the symbolic meaning of fire in dreams?


People who subscribe to this belief system posit that seeing fire in dreams symbolizes transformation. It’s said that fire is transformative, and dreaming about fire is believed to be a message from the universe or the spiritual guides highlighting the importance of growth and transformation in your life. 

Sign of life

It’s also believed that dreaming about fire symbolizes life. It’s said that fire symbolizes the positive energy that fuels your existence and the force behind your growth, development, and success.

It said that this dream may symbolize a message from the guardian angels encouraging you to keep going because you have it in you to realize the life of your dreams. 

Positive Change

Some say that dreaming about fire represents a sign from the universe encouraging you to remain positive and patient. It’s believed that the dream about fire may symbolize a positive change that would clear the way for you, making way for new and better things.

Some people believe that seeing fire in dreams may also symbolize new and beautiful beginnings. 

Spiritual meaning seeing a fire in your dreams 

Guardian angel’s protection

It’s believed that dreaming about fire symbolizes a sign from the guardian angels encouraging you that you are protected from danger and guided by the angels.

Like the Israelites in the wilderness, this dream is believed to be a sign from the angels notifying you that you are safe from evil and negativity. 

Strong Passion

It’s also said that dreaming about fire symbolizes a deep passion or desire for something. The dream is said to represent a burning desire that is believed to encourage hard work, persistence, and doing whatever it takes to step into greatness.

It’s also believed to be an encouragement from the universe about the importance of desire and passion and the belief that these two give you the fortitude and strength needed for success. 

Warning About Turbulent Times

Some people who subscribe to these beliefs posit that fire dreams symbolize warnings from the spiritual realm, warning you about turbulent times that lie ahead.

This dream is said to be a sign from the universe giving you a heads-up about the potentially hard times that you may face.

This dream is said to be a sign to prepare you for the rough patches and a reminder that things will still work out in the end as long as you keep the faith. 

Reminder to Sharpen Your Skills and Talents

Some people believe that seeing fire in dreams symbolizes a message from the universe encouraging you to hone and sharpen your skills and abilities.

This dream is also said to be a sign to use your God-given skills and your abilities to lead a happy and fulfilling life. 

Encouragement to work on your emotions

According to some people, dreaming of fire is said to be a symbol of a strong or violent emotional response and the need to work on your emotions.

It’s said that the universe uses the symbol of fire to encourage you to build your emotional resilience and to have control over how you feel and react.

The dream is also said to encourage emotional growth and control because emotions are suggested to play into an individual’s good or bad luck. 

Spiritual Awakening

Dreams about fire are also suggested to be messages from the universe encouraging you to pay more attention to your spiritual side.

Some people say that these dreams represent awakening your consciousness and opening up your spiritual side. So, the dream is believed to represent your spiritual awakening or revival. 

Fear of Change and Powerlessness

It’s also believed that dreaming of fire also bears some negative connotations. It’s said that this dream may symbolize the universe, pointing out that you could be struggling with change either in your personal or professional life.

Others believe that this dream symbolizes feelings of powerlessness, insecurity, overwhelm, burnout, and exhaustion. 

Biblical messages of dreaming about fire

It’s said that if you dream about fire, the dream may symbolize a connection to your higher self, hope, and, in other instances, punishment.

It’s also believed that fire represents a beautiful phenomenon and a gift to humanity since it offers light, comfort, and warmth.

It’s worth noting that the bible doesn’t talk about dreams about fire expressly. There are other messages associated with dreams about fire, and they are said to represent the following:

Prayerlessness and Going Against God’s Commands

Some people believe that dreams about fire symbolize an unsettled soul or someone who feels guilty because they haven’t been praying or following Christ’s teachings.

According to 1 Thessalonians 5, the day of the Lord’s second coming comes like a thief in the night, and the world will be destroyed by fire.

With this scripture in mind, it’s believed that dreaming about fire symbolizes a warning from the heavens about something wrong that you may have committed.

It’s believed that the dream represents a warning from heaven, asking you to straighten your ways and avoid sin. 

Foreboding about something unfavorable or unpleasant about to happen

It’s also believed that dreaming about fire biblically symbolizes destruction, and some people say that this dream forebodes the unpleasant or unfavorable things that may eventually happen to you.

The dream is believed to be a warning from God about something terrible, and it’s also said to be a reminder that God’s anger and wrath can be destructive.

Fire is said to symbolize hell, and the Bible talks about the lake of fire and also mentions Sodom and Gomorrah, representing the fact that fire would be used as punishment for all wrongdoers. Revelation 20:10 and Jude 1:7.

Common scenarios of fire in your dreams and their biblical meanings 

Biblical Meaning Of Fire In A Dream 
Common scenarios of fire in your dreams. Image source: Pixabay

Dreaming about fire or dreams involving fire may symbolize different things depending on what else happens in the dreams. Here are some common interpretations of dreams involving fire:  

Dreaming about being on fire 

Some individuals who subscribe to these beliefs posit that dreaming about being on fire symbolizes feeling overwhelmed or confused. It may also be interpreted as being a sign of confusion or anxiety and the need to control your emotions.

Some people also believe that dreaming about being on fire may symbolize a paralyzing fear of change or feeling helpless and insecure. 

Dreaming about getting burned in a fire 

Some people believe that a dream about being burned in a fire symbolizes extreme exhaustion or burnout either from pressures associated with work or from other areas of your life.

It’s also believed that this dream may represent a message from the universe encouraging you to rest and to take time to recharge, especially if you are getting ready to take on a big project. 

Dreaming about not feeling pain when on fire 

If you dream about being on fire but not feeling pain, it’s believed that this dream may symbolize intense passion for something that may be damaging.

Others believe that this dream may symbolize a sign from your guardian angels warning you about the potential danger on the horizon if you keep engaging in destructive behavior. 

Dreaming about putting out a fire with water

It’s believed that dreaming about using water to put out a fire is a sign from the universe, symbolizing encouragement from the universe about you overcoming adversity and challenges.

It’s also said that this dream symbolizes having your emotions under control or trying to get rid of something that’s causing pain in your real life.

Some people suggest that the dream may symbolize letting go of something you’ve held dear, like a relationship or a job. 

Dreaming about starting a fire 

It’s said that dreaming about starting a fire symbolizes a message from the universe encouraging you to work on your communication and opening communication lines with someone important in your life.

The dream is also said to symbolize a warning from your guardian angels, letting you know that you may receive some sad or unprecedented news. 

Dreaming about a building on fire 

Some people suggest that dreams about building fires symbolize messages from the universe encouraging you to watch out for the things happening in your life or that things may be crumbling.

The dream is also said to symbolize denial about the things happening in your life. 

On the flip side, the dream is believed to represent an encouraging message from the universe, where the guardian angels let you know that you may experience joy or enjoy positive life changes.

Dreaming about controlling fire 

In some cultures, it’s said that dreams about putting out or controlling a fire symbolize your capacity to control your emotions.

If you struggle controlling your temper or anger, it’s believed that the dream may suggest having some control over these strong emotions.

Others believe that dreaming about controlling a fire symbolizes the potential that lies in you and that your guardian angel may be encouraging you to work hard. The dream is also said to symbolize dreams and ambition. 

Dreaming about a wildfire 

Some people believe that if you dream about a wildfire, it may symbolize anger, frustration, powerlessness, or feeling trapped.

It’s also said that dreaming about a wildfire may represent a lack of knowledge, destruction, or a warning from your guardian angel about things being out of control.

Dreaming about an uncontrollable fire 

It’s said that dreaming about an uncontrollable fire may symbolize spiritual transformation, renewal, or purity. The dream is also said to represent raging emotions or intentional passion for something important to you. 

Some people believe that dreaming about being in an uncontrollable fire may also represent entering a new phase of life, the start of a new job, connecting to someone new, or any other significant achievement.

Others suggest that the dream may suggest feelings of anxiety, conflict, or excitement about a specific situation in your life. 

Dreaming about catching fire 

If you dream about being caught in fire, it’s said that this dream may symbolize the desire for commitment or the quest for spiritual growth and awareness.

Some people also believe that this dream symbolizes kindness, forgiveness, a heightened sense of vitality, or a sign that you may be harboring repressed emotions.

Others believe that the dream is a message from your guardian angels letting you know that you may go through big life changes.

Dreaming about a forest fire 

Some people believe that dreaming about being caught in fire symbolizes family. In this regard, it’s said that a dream about a forest fire represents anger or some other destructive elements happening in your family. 

In some cultures, it’s believed that dreaming about a single tree may symbolize a concern in your reproductive life. 

Dreaming about walking on fire

Dreaming about walking on fire is believed to symbolize a message from the guardian angels encouraging you that you are about to overcome challenges in your life. It’s also said to be a sign for you to confront the challenges happening in your life.

If the fire is fierce or intimidating, the dream may be said to symbolize a challenging journey. Others believe the dream symbolizes an inner drive, creative energy, motivation, transformation, and the desire to let go of whatever doesn’t serve you anymore.

Dreaming about juggling fire

It’s believed that dreaming about juggling fire represents a warning to let some things go or to find balance because you may be dealing with too many challenging situations or projects.

The dream may also be suggested to mean that you are in a challenging situation with high stakes, and it’s said that you may be feeling overwhelmed.

Meaning of dreaming about fire in different cultures and religions 

Biblical Meaning Of Fire In A Dream 
Meaning of dreaming about fire in different cultures. Image source: Pixabay

Ancient Greek 

In ancient Greek mythology, Prometheus was given the gift of fire. His story and the dire were said to symbolize the power of the human spirit and knowledge.

It was believed that fire symbolized enlightenment, defiance, and knowledge. The ancient Greeks believed that dreams about fire represented transformation and the importance of knowledge. 


In Hindu beliefs, fire is an important symbol, and according to Vedic rituals, Agni, the God of fire, was revered. Fire is an important part of Hinduism because it’s said to represent divine energy, purification, and life.

Therefore, Hindus believe that dreaming about fire represents a message from the universe encouraging you to seek a divine life and lead a straight life to attain spiritual enlightenment. The dream is also believed to represent vitality and life.

Ancient Chinese

According to the ancient Chinese, fire is an important element. They believed in the fire serpent, a mythical creature associated with transformation, imperial power, cosmic energy, and wisdom.

So, in ancient Chinese culture, a dream about fire symbolizes spiritual awakening, passion, and the power you need to pursue your dreams. It’s also believed that the dream represents the innate ability to overcome challenges. 


Brigid’s Flame is a renowned belief from the ancient Celts, and according to Celtic Mythology, the eternal Brigid’s Flame symbolizes creativity, inspiration, and healing.

They believed that dreaming about fire symbolized having a spirit that would fuel artistic expression, transformation, and a new perspective. 

Ancient Rome

The ancient Romans believed in the power of the Hearth Fire, which they believed symbolized warmth, a sense of community, and protection. They believed that dreaming about fire represented strong bonds and a sense of community.

Should you be worried if you keep dreaming about fire?

People who believe in the spirituality of fire suggest that dreaming about fire frequently may not be the best thing, and you should worry when this happens because the dream may suggest that you are having problems controlling your emotions, juggling too many things, or having too many fears about your life.

The dream may also symbolize uncertainty and overwhelm, and so it’s said that such a dream represents a warning to slow down and reduce the load put on yourself. 

What should you do when you dream about a fire?

It’s believed that your actions will vary depending on what happens in the dream. In some dreams, you may have to avoid certain individuals, places, or events.

In others, it’s recommended that you take heed to the message from the guardian angels and work towards your spiritual growth and awakening. It’s also said that when you dream about fire, you should consider taking urgent action in whatever area of your life that may need your attention.

Some people also suggest that dreaming about fires represents the need to trust God fully and to be aware of His Wrath.

That said, it’s important to remember that the Bible warns against believing in superstition and other gods. God asks Christians to trust in only Him (Psalm 62).

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