Biblical meaning of rainbow in a dream (spiritual meaning of rainbow in a dream)

A year ago, I had a dream where I saw a beautiful rainbow at night. That moment was almost unbelievable; the picture of the dream could not leave my mind.

I mentioned it to a spiritual friend who opened my eyes to the different interpretations of rainbow dreams. And though, as a theologian, I do not ascribe to those interpretations, I knew learning about them wouldn’t hurt.

And so, I went on an exciting journey where I researched the different meanings linked to seeing rainbows in a dream in the Bible.

This journey quickly turned to me reading intensively about dreams in general and making appointments with the local clergy to get all the information I needed.

It was a mind-blowing and fascinating journey. So imagine my excitement when the topic of dreaming about the rainbow came up in an online forum I am part of last week.

Other members were also intrigued with this question and yearned to know the meaning. Since I have vast knowledge about the dream and its interpretations, I answered them satisfactorily.

So, let’s look at the biblical meaning of a rainbow in a dream.

Biblically, a rainbow is viewed as a symbol of the covenant God made with His people to never destroy the earth with floods (Genesis 9:16). However, the Bible does not assign any meaning to dreaming about a rainbow. Some people believe that dreaming about a rainbow signifies transformation, divine guidance, and renewal. It is key to note that these interpretations are not biblical beliefs in any way.

So, join me as I take you on an exciting journey about the different dream interpretations attached to rainbows. I will discuss the prophetic, spiritual, and biblical meanings of dreaming about rainbows. I will shed some light on what to do when you have such a dream.

Keep reading to learn more.

What does it mean when you dream about rainbows?

Dreams have various meanings depending on personal beliefs, culture, and the context of the dream. For example, Irish folks tell a myth about the leprechauns who hide pots full of gold at rainbow ends.

Therefore, for them, if you dream of a rainbow, it means that good luck is on its way.

Other cultures interpret a rainbow to mean drastic change. The rainbow is often associated with a dramatic shift in the weather, sometimes from gloomy to sunny.

Therefore, depending on how you felt during the dream and what you were thinking of before you fell asleep, such a dream is associated with a drastic shift in your life.

Others believe that a rainbow signifies that your desires and hopes in life are about to become a reality. For many people, a rainbow is seen as a sign of hope and happiness, full of positive emotions and wonders.

Therefore, if you have been recently channelling your energy and effort into a particular dream, then it is believed that the dream is about to become true.

Other people attach new beginnings to rainbows. Therefore, seeing one in a dream is believed to be a clear sign of a fresh chance or a reminder to embark on something new.

Rainbows in dreams are also associated with inner strength and emotional healing.

The symbolic meaning of seeing a rainbow in your dreams

Biblical meaning of rainbow in a dream 
Symbolic meaning of seeing a rainbow in your dreams. Image source: Pixabay

Spiritual growth and connection

Some cultures believe that rainbows signify a spiritual connection. Therefore, they interpret a dream about a rainbow to mean that you are either heading towards spiritual growth or a deeper spiritual connection.


Rainbows in a dream are also seen as a reminder that big changes are about to take place in your life. The dream is believed to be communicating that you should be ready to soak into the change and not try to resist it.


The many colors of the rainbow merging together have always been viewed as a symbol of diversity and unity. Therefore, having such a dream is believed to be an indicator that you are a peacemaker.

You are trying to unite a diverse group and ensure that everybody in the group embraces the unity, their unique strengths, and personalities.


Dreaming about a rainbow is also often associated with hope. Such a dream is seen as a sign of positivity and optimism. It is interpreted as an encouragement that if you keep the faith, you will soon witness good things coming your way.

The prophetic meaning of seeing a rainbow in your dreams

A message of hope

Rainbows are often associated with a fresh start and hope. Therefore, seeing one in your dreams is believed to be a message of hope for a brighter future.

If you are currently going through a hard time, seeing a rainbow in a dream is interpreted as a sign of encouragement to keep going.


Rainbows are also often viewed as symbols of renewal and beauty. When seen in a dream, they are interpreted to signify a period of growth and renewal.

It is believed that the life of the dreamer is about to take a positive turn. If the dreamer has been facing difficulties recently, that is viewed as a transition period.


Though rainbows are often associated with positive things, some people believe that they might appear in a dream as a warning sign.

In such a case, it is believed that they are sending the dreamer a message of tough times ahead. Those who ascribe to these beliefs suggest that the dreamer should pay more attention to any events in their waking life that indicate danger and also look at the context of the dream.

The spiritual meaning of dreaming about a rainbow

Spiritually, dreaming about a rainbow is associated with promise, fortune, and hope. Many people interpret such a dream to denote divine grace, a bright future, and protection.

Other cultures hold a spiritual belief that seeing a rainbow in your dream is an indicator of going through a spiritual awakening. They believe that you are in the midst of deepening your faith and connecting with the spiritual realm.

In other spiritual beliefs, rainbows are viewed as a bridge between the physical world and the spirit world. Those who hold on to such beliefs view dreaming about a rainbow to mean that you are growing and connecting to your best self, your higher version.

Other cultures view a rainbow as a sign of change and transformation. Therefore, they believe that seeing one in a dream could be an indicator that you need to let go of whatever is holding you back and embrace change.

If you have such a dream when facing adversities, some people believe that it is a sign that you will overcome whatever that is and be free again soon.

Biblical messages of dreaming about a rainbow

Rainbow in the Bible is seen as a symbol of the covenant God made with His people (Genesis 9:16). This can be linked to the story of Noah and the floods.

However, the Bible does not assign a specific message to seeing rainbows in your dream. However, different people have different interpretations of this dream using a biblical perspective.

Some people believe that dreaming of a rainbow could be a symbol of the faithfulness of God and His promise to always provide and protect believers.

They believe that such a dream sends us a message to be hopeful and believe that God can give us a new start through His grace and love. Let’s delve into other messages linked to dreaming about a rainbow;

Reconciliation and Renewal

Just as the rainbow in the Bible signified a new ear for humanity and marked the end of the flood era, dreaming of one is also believed to be a sign of renewal.

Therefore, dreaming about a rainbow is associated with a fresh start. Some people believe that the key message you should get from this dream is reconciling and letting go of your past and soaking yourself in the second chance that is ahead of you.

The blood and sacrifice of Christ

Some people believe that witnessing a rainbow in a dream, with the colour red being the brightest, represents a message of the atonement of our sins.

Red is often associated with blood and life, and biblically, that is easily linked to the sacrifice God gave for us, His son.


Seeing a rainbow in a dream is also interpreted to mean that you should act now. It is viewed as a reminder of what your mission and purpose are in life.

Some Christians hold on to the belief that having such a dream is a reminder to act on your purpose and fulfil your mission in the Kingdom of God.


Dreaming of a rainbow is also believed to be a message of joy and happiness; most of the color yellow stands out in the rainbow. This is seen as a reminder that you should be joyful and let yourself have some fun.

Divine guidance

Seeing a rainbow in your dream is also believed to be a sign of direction or divine guidance. Some Christians believe that having such a dream is a way of God trying to guide you and reassure you that you are on the right path in life.

This is believed to be very significant and helpful, mostly if you are in a difficult moment in your life where you have to make a hard decision or are seeking clarity.

Specific dreams about rainbows and their biblical meanings

spiritual meaning of rainbow in a dream
Specific dreams about rainbows and their biblical meanings. Image source: Pixabay

Dreaming about a golden rainbow

A dream about a golden rainbow is associated with professional and financial success. This is because the color gold is often associated with material wealth and richness.

Such a dream is believed to give a sign that opportunities are about to open up in your life, and you are about to enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

Dreaming about a rainbow at night

Seeing a rainbow at night sounds so odd and almost non-existent. But those who have had an opportunity to have this unique experience in a dream are the only ones who know the magic of such a picture.

Witnessing a rainbow at night is interpreted to signify your effort and strength to emerge a winner in everything you do.

It is believed to symbolize the dreamers’ unwavering faith and determination even when faced with challenges and adversities.

Dreaming about a rainbow in the sea

Dreaming of a rainbow in the sea is interpreted to mean that you are doing the right thing and headed towards prosperity.

However, it is believed that your efforts, strength, and hard work are what will determine the direction that you will ultimately take.

If the sea that appears in your dream is quite big and deep, it is believed to be an indicator that your future might be mysterious and dark.

Some people suggest that when you have such a dream, what is important is to think of how you can navigate your way out and have the future you desire.

Dreaming about a rainbow in the sky

The sky is pretty vast and is often associated with calmness and tranquillity. If you witness a rainbow in the air, it is believed to be a sign of your unique personality and beauty.

Others interpret this to indicate that you are far more capable of overcoming various things in life, even in the face of adversities and miseries.

However, if you have such a dream and feel like the sky is pretty close to you, it is interpreted to mean that you might be going through a hard time.

Dreaming about a rainbow in the water

Dreaming about a rainbow in water is attached to hope. It is believed that the rainbow reflected in water signifies your dreams and beliefs of your future.

It is seen as an indicator that your passion and desires are still alive. Others believe that such a dream signifies that you have a great relationship with your family and friends.

Dreaming about painting a rainbow

Who did not paint a rainbow as a child? Children are the most common culprits in this activity. Therefore, such a dream is associated with the innocence and happiness we all need or experience at certain points in our lives.

Others view a dream of painting a rainbow to represent unwavering faith. To others, this dream is an indicator that you will witness amazing success, especially in your love life.

Dreaming about rainbows and rain

There are several meanings attached to this dream. The most common one is a belief that this dream is a sign of tough times ahead, and you must fight your way out of the storm.

The beautiful colors of the rainbow amidst the downpour are believed to symbolize a brighter future. Some people believe this is a sign that you will conquer everything ahead of you.

Furthermore, such a dream is viewed as a warning to stay committed and focused on achieving your dreams.

Dreaming about seeing multiple rainbows

Some cultures interpret a dream of seeing multiple rainbows as a sign of prosperity and luck in matters of love. They believe that the rainbow that appeared in the dream represents your feelings and mental state.

Therefore, they argue that this is not the time to ignore your feelings but to take it upon yourself to build a love story with your romantic partner.

Dreaming about seeing a double rainbow

Some cultures believe that seeing a double rainbow in a dream is a sign that you have finally found out what your mental tranquillity is in life.

They interpret such a dream to mean that you now know fully where to focus on in life and pour your attention. Seeing a double rainbow in a dream is also viewed as a sign of good luck in other cultures.

Dreaming about the colors of the rainbow

There are different meanings attached to the different colors of a rainbow when they appear in a dream. If you dream about a colorful rainbow, it is believed that good luck is on its way.

However, this belief is determined by how you were feeling during the dream. If you felt serene, confident, and calm all through the dream, then it is viewed as an impending major good luck.

A plain white rainbow is attached to peace, tranquillity, and rest. Seeing such a rainbow in your dream is believed to be a message of joy, love, or a symbol of connecting to your highest self and spiritual growth.

Seeing the color blue is also believed to symbolize tranquillity and peace. Red is interpreted to signify energy and passion, orange warmth, creativity, and enthusiasm, while green is associated with balance, harmony, and growth. Purple is viewed as a sign of spirituality and royalty when seen in a dream.

Meaning of dreaming about the rainbow in different cultures and religions

Biblical meaning of rainbow in a dream 
Meaning of dreaming about the rainbow. Image source: Pixabay


In Irish, seeing a rainbow, whether in a dream or in your waking life, is associated with good luck. The Irish mythical culture tells a myth about hiding gold pots at rainbow ends.

This tale about the leprechauns is associated with luck and fortune.


Hindus believe that a rainbow signifies a connection that exists between humanity and the gods. They compare the seven colors of the chakra to the seven colors of the body and assign each energy point.

Therefore, the meaning of dreaming about a rainbow in this tradition depends on the color you see. Indigo is associated with communication, violet is believed to indicate divine connection, yellow is self-will, and green is associated with the heart chakra and is believed to symbolize love.

In Indra, when you dream about a rainbow appearing in the sky, it is believed to be a positive indicator of authority, power, blessings, and protection.

Viking Mythology

The Vikings hold on to the belief that a particular rainbow known as Bifrost connects gods’ realms to those of men. Therefore, dreaming about rainbows in the Viking could be a symbol of spiritual force or spiritual connection.

Judaism and Christianity

From a Christian perspective, the rainbow is often seen as a symbol of God’s covenant with humanity (Genesis 9:16). It reminds us of His promise and mercy.

Christians also have different interpretations of rainbows when seen in a dream. Some believe it represents change and transformation; others believe it is a sign of spiritual growth, while others attach it to a message of joy and happiness.

What should you do when you dream about a rainbow?

For most people, when they have such dreams, they are quick to find the meaning of the dream and believe in it as the gospel truth. However, is this how you should handle dreams?

Some people suggest that when you have such a dream, you should turn to God and ask for wisdom and guidance to understand what the dream means.

Others believe that you should reflect on the events of the dream and how you felt at the moment to try and decipher the meaning of the dream.

However, in all this, how does God want us to deal with such dreams? The scripture is clear that we should not lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Therefore, if we are trying to understand a dream, we must turn to God. However, it is key to remember that the Bible is complete and has revealed to us every single thing we need to till eternity.

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