As a theologian, I developed an interest in how different Christians bury their loved ones or how a Christian wishes to be buried. I was especially intrigued after discovering that Christians were now open to being cremated. I wanted to know if the Bible allows cremation and what it says about it, so I visited some local clergy to research more on cremation. Each one gave me insight on this topic based on their doctrine. The Catholic Catechist even offered some helpful research materials on the same. Last week, a member of my Christian forum wanted to know if he would go to heaven if he got cremated. Many members gave their two cents. I closed the discussion with an in-depth answer based on the Bible and information from my research. So, can you go to heaven if you are cremated?
Scholars suggest that you can still go to heaven if you are cremated, as there is no scripture in the Bible that condemns being cremated as a way of disposing of one’s dead body. While one may argue that a cremated person will not have a body to resurrect in, scholars suggest that God can give a person another body from dust, just like he created the first man from dust, as recorded in Genesis 2:7.
So, join me until the end as I explore more about this topic. I will discuss what the Bible says about cremation, if the soul feels pain if the body is cremated, among other interesting topics.
What does the Bible say about cremation?
The Bible does not say anything about cremation, as there is no scripture in the Bible allowing it or condemning it. However, there are several instances in the Bible where dead people are burned. For instance, God commanded Achan and his entire family to be killed after he disobeyed him, as stated in Joshua 7. The Israelites stoned them and burned their bodies. The people of Jabesh Gilead also burned Jonathan and Saul’s bodies after the Philistines had killed them. Christians have been urged to pray for wisdom before choosing to get cremated.
Does the soul feel pain if the body is cremated?

Theologians suggest that the soul goes through intense pain when being cremated, arguing that the soul does not leave a body immediately after a person dies. Additionally, these scholars suggest that a soul feels too much spiritual pain because its long-time partner, ‘the body,’ is going through the pain of being burned. Other bible scholars suggest that the soul feels no pain when the body is being cremated. This is because the soul immediately goes to heaven to reunite with God, caring less about what the body goes through.
What does the Bible teach about death and going to heaven?
The Bible teaches us that we will one day die and resurrect just like Jesus did in Romans 6:5. Romans 6:23 also teaches us that the wages of sin are death. Every person who exists was born into sin from the first man and will die because of it. The Bible also teaches us that our souls will immediately go to heaven after our death, as stated in Luke 23:39-43. In these scriptures, one of the criminals crucified with Jesus requests Him to remember him when he enters the kingdom of God. Jesus, in return, assures him that he will be with him in paradise, suggesting that the souls will immediately go to heaven after their death.
What does the catholic church say about cremation?

The Catholic Church allows its members to cremate their loved ones. This church, however, prohibits cremation if it was chosen to deny the Christian teaching on the resurrection of the human body. However, it encourages them to bury their people to imitate how Jesus was buried. They also encouraged burying the dead as they believed in the resurrection of the body. The Catholic church also urges its members to treat cremated ashes like the body with the respect it deserves.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.