Did the rich young ruler go to heaven? (What does the Bible say?)

Growing up, my parents used to teach me the different bible stories and what lessons they taught. One of the most interesting stories is that of the rich young ruler. One of the major lessons I learned from that story is that Jesus wants us to let go of what we worship and follow God fully. However, what I have always been curious to know is what happened to the young ruler after he died. Did the rich young ruler go to heaven?

The question as to whether the rich young ruler went to heaven has no conclusive answer, as Christians and scholars cannot agree on a common stand. This is because the Bible notes that the rich young ruler walked out sorrowfully after he was told to sell his possessions. So chances might be he did not sell, or maybe he decided to sell and inherit the kingdom of God.

In this article, I will extensively discuss the rich young ruler and if he went to heaven. Some of the questions I will discuss include; what happened to the rich young ruler? Did he get saved? Did he follow Jesus? And many more. Keep reading to learn the questions to these answers and more.

Does the Bible say that the rich young ruler went to heaven?

The Bible mentions nothing about whether the rich young rule went to heaven or not. Furthermore, bible readers and scholars are unable to conclude with certainty what happened to the rich young ruler because of a lack of evidence from the Bible and other extra-biblical causes.

The last encounter with the rich young man in the Bible is accounted for in the book of Luke 18:22-23, “When Jesus heard this, he said to him, one thing you still lack, sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come follow me. But when he heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich.” Therefore, the rich young ruler walking out sorrowfully could be an indicator that he refused to follow Jesus and thus did not inherit heaven.

What happened to the rich young ruler in the Bible?

Did the rich young ruler go to heaven?
A rich young ruler illustration. Image source: Pixabay

The story of the rich young ruler is accounted for in three gospel books (Mark 10:17-22, Luke 18:18-23, and Mathew 19:16-23). This young man came to Jesus asking what he could do to inherit the Kingdom of God. Jesus told him he should follow the Ten Commandments, and he noted that he had observed each of them since he was young. However, after Jesus told him to sell his possessions and follow him, the young man valued his wealth and walked away sorrowfully.

Did the rich young ruler follow Jesus?

In the book of Luke 18:22-23, we see the rich young ruler walking out on Jesus sorrowfully after he was told to sell all his possessions and follow God. This is an indicator that he loved his material things and was not willing to let go of them and follow Jesus. The Bible is silent on whether he returned to Jesus or just went.

Did the rich young ruler get saved?

The scripture is not clear whether the rich young ruler got saved. The young ruler thought he was saved by observing the Ten Commandments. But Jesus identified his weak point of sin, and when he told him to rectify it, he walked away sorrowfully, and we are not told of what happened to him. Some scholars believe that he did not get saved as he chose his wealth over eternal life.

What happened to the rich young ruler after he died?

The scripture is silent on what happened to the rich young ruler after he died. Scholars posit that the rich young ruler did not go to heaven after he died. They argue that this young man loved his wealth more than he loved Jesus, and thus he chose to walk away when he was offered eternal life with the condition of selling his property.

Do Christians believe that the rich young ruler went to heaven?

Did the rich young ruler go to heaven-What does the Bible say?
Christians and going to heaven. Image source: Istock

Most Christians believe that the rich young ruler was a bad example and thus did not go to heaven. Those who hold on to that fact believe that the rich young ruler walked away and chose his wealth over eternal life. Because there is nowhere in the Bible that indicates he came back to Christ; they hold on to the little evidence that clearly pictures the young ruler having a difficult time letting go of his wealth.

What do theologians believe was the eternal destination of the rich young ruler?

Theologians believe that the rich young ruler did not go to heaven. They argue that if he really loved Jesus, he could have been more than willing to let go of his wealth and follow Jesus when Jesus asked him to. But what is recorded in the bible picture this man as a lover of his money and wealth. Wealth was his idol, and thus he loved it more than he loved Jesus.

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