Meanings of wet dreams (Spiritual Meanings)

As a theologian, I take an interest in the cultural beliefs surrounding dreams. I was especially intrigued by this topic after hearing someone say that wet dreams result from a spiritual attack.

This made me curious since I always thought that wet dreams are normal, so I decided to conduct more research. I first read the Bible to find out what it says about wet dreams and went through books like 25 Things To Know About Wet Dreams, Facts and Myths, and How To Avoid it By Michael Jel Brito.

Last week, in an online forum, we were talking about wet dreams when someone asked whether they have spiritual meaning. Another member asked what a person can do spiritually to stop wet dreams.

Since I had researched this topic thoroughly, I did not hesitate to share my findings. So, what is the meaning of wet dreams?

A wet dream is a dream that causes an involuntary ejaculation of the semen. According to the Bible, wet dreams are not sinful. However, some Christians suggest that they result from lustful thoughts. On the other hand, some people believe that wet dreams are spiritual. They speculate that wet dreams are a sign that one is getting in touch with their sexual side or they are connecting with their higher self through their sexual energy.

In this article, I invite you to join me as we delve into the spiritual meanings of wet dreams. Keep reading to discover the cause of wet dreams, whether they are a spiritual experience or a demonic attack, and much more!

What causes wet dreams?

Also known as nocturnal emissions, wet dreams are involuntary orgasms that occur when a person is asleep. Wet dreams begin during puberty between the ages of 9 and 15.

During this phase, the body goes through emotional and physical changes, and hormone levels in the body increase. In a man’s body, more testosterone is produced during puberty, and one starts creating sperm.

Scientists believe the rise in the testosterone hormone in the body is what causes wet dreams.

When a person is experiencing a wet dream, the fluid that contains sperm, known as semen, gets released, and the individual may end up wetting the bedding.

Therefore, some people think that another cause of wet dreams is the accumulation of semen in the prostate.

Contrary to popular belief, wet dreams do not only affect a young boy during puberty. Health experts reveal that adult men and women can also experience them.

A woman that experiences wet dreams releases vaginal secretions in her sleep. Wet dreams occur without manual stimulation and no masturbation as one sleeps. Hormones, sexual dreams, or relaxation of the body are believed to cause wet dreams.

According to scientists, wet dreams occur during REM sleep when the heart rate and breathing rate increase. This increases the flow of blood throughout the body, including the genitals. While some people sleep through wet dreams, some wake up while experiencing one.

Is a wet dream a spiritual experience or a demonic attack?

Meanings of wet dreams 
Is a wet dream a spiritual experience or a demonic attack? Image source: Pixabay

People interpret wet dreams differently. Some people believe that a wet dream is a spiritual experience, while others think it is a demonic attack. Those who believe that a wet dream is a spiritual experience imply that it could lead to self-discovery.

They argue that a wet dream is a projection of your subconscious desires and thoughts connected to your spiritual being. People with this school of thought also imply that wet dreams can have a significant meaning if interpreted correctly.

They further speculate that experiencing wet dreams is a way to connect with your higher self through your sexual energy. According to such people, a wet dream is a spiritual experience that helps you understand yourself better.

On the other hand, some people believe that a wet dream is a form of a demonic attack. They speculate that this experience is sleeping with a spirit husband or spirit wife.

However, health experts believe wet dreams are a normal part of a person’s sexuality. It is believed to be a way for the body to release sexual tension since the body releases sexual fluids when you have a wet dream.

Most physicians do not agree with religious beliefs that speculate that wet dreams are sleeping with a spirit wife or spirit husband.

Physicians further argue that wet dreams do not mean something is wrong with the person experiencing them. They do not agree that experiencing a wet dream means being married to another realm or a demon possessing someone.

What is the biblical meaning of wet dreams?

The Bible mentions wet dreams in a few passages but refers to them as emissions.

For instance, Leviticus 15:16 says that if a man emits semen, they should bathe with water and be unclean until the end of the day.

Though the Bible does not say that wet dreams are sinful, Christians believe that this passage emphasizes the importance of cleanliness after having a wet dream.

Additionally, Deuteronomy 23:10 says that if a man experiences a nocturnal emission and becomes unclean, they should go outside the camp and stay there.

Christians believe this verse does not suggest that having a wet dream is sinful. The Bible supports the notion that having wet dreams is normal.

However, Christians believe that some wet dreams can result from lustful thoughts, so they argue that one should be careful with what they fill their minds with during the day.

Though the Bible does not say that a wet dream is sinful, Christians believe it can result from sinful desires or thoughts.

According to Matthew 12:34-35, the reactions of the body are a result of what happens in the mind. This verse says that the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart.

It further says that a good person brings good out of his good treasure while an evil person brings evil out of his evil treasure.

Therefore, Christians believe that one should fill their mind with good thoughts and avoid lustful thoughts that could, in turn, result in nocturnal emissions.

Interpretations of having a wet dream in other religions

Meanings of wet dreams 
Interpretations of having a wet dream in other religions. Image source: Pixabay


A Hindu text known as Manusmriti implies that Brahmans with wet dreams have to chant mantras as they pray to return their virality. According to Hinduism, they also have to bathe after having wet dreams.

Though Hindus consider masturbation a sin, they do not believe that having wet dreams is a sin. Some suggest that wet dreams are a sign of fertility and sexual maturity.


Like Hindus, Buddhists do not perceive wet dreams as a sin. However, they believe that a person with a wet dream needs to bathe and worship the sun.

According to this religion, the individual must also chant a certain Vedic verse three times.

Buddhists believe that though experiencing wet dreams is not a sin, it robs a person of his virility. Therefore, they suggest that chanting the Vedic verse is praying that the person’s virility is returned to them again.


Judaism prohibits sinful thoughts that may lead to nocturnal emission. According to this religion, a man should avoid thinking of things that sexually stimulate him and cause him to have a wet dream.

The Torah suggests that people should refrain from every evil thing.

They believe that wet dreams make an individual impure. A person with a wet dream is prohibited from eating taharot, which can only be consumed when a person is considered ritually pure.

According to Judaism, if a person has a wet dream, they must purify themselves by immersing in a mikveh. After the sun sets, the person is expected to eat taharot.


According to Islam, having wet dreams is normal for both genders, and it is not a sin. Islams believe that experiencing one does not mean that they are immodest or sexually perverted.

It is believed that when a young boy or girl has a wet dream, it could be caused by hormonal changes in the body. Shariah supports this notion since it recognizes a nocturnal emission as a sign of puberty.

Islam further suggests that wet dreams were created for both genders to release their sexual energy, and one should not be blamed for having a wet dream. They speculate that since wet dreams occur when an individual is asleep, it is among the things that are forgiven.

However, Islams believe that during fasting, when a person ejaculates on purpose, they have broken the fast. It is believed that such an individual should bathe before they undergo some rituals.

Spiritual messages from a wet dream

Some people believe that nocturnal emissions are spiritual and convey certain messages. Here are some of the messages that wet dreams are believed to send.

You are ready to know yourself more

According to dream interpreters, when you have a wet dream, you are ready to gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Wet dreams are believed to indicate that you are getting more in touch with your sexual side.

People suggest that a wet dream symbolizes a time when you are ready to explore your sexuality and figure out what you like and don’t like.

You are missing an ex

Some people suggest that if you have a wet dream after breaking up with a partner, it indicates that you are still not over your ex and are missing them.

They further argue that when you try to avoid thinking about your ex during the day but think about them at night when your body is relaxed, you may experience an intense sex dream.

You have sexual fears

According to other people, wet dreams signify your sexual fears. They believe that wet dreams come to help you face your sexual fears and discover your inner strength.

The wet dream is believed to tell you to confront your fears. Some also speculate that wet dreams also mirror the fear of entering a relationship, intimacy, or rejection.

You require spiritual cleansing

Some cultures believe that spiritual cleansing involves the release of sexual energy and tension. They argue that when you have a wet dream, you require spiritual cleansing. They believe wet dreams are a way for you to release that sexual energy to avoid feeling spiritually drained.


According to some people, when you experience a wet dream, you need to be attentive since it is a message from the universe. They speculate that a wet dream passes the message of alertness.

They believe that if hormonal changes caused the wet dream, it denotes spiritual transition.

You need to bring your sexuality back to life

Some people speculate that having a wet dream is a reminder to bring back your sexuality and start working on it. They believe this does not only mean facing sexual problems but also reclaiming your sexuality.

Those with this school of thought imply that the wet dream is reminding you to find a way to express your sexuality again.

What are the spiritual causes of a wet dream

Subconscious desires

Some cultures believe that if you repress your sexual emotions or desires, they manifest in dreams and cause nocturnal emissions. They speculate that wet dreams are a way for the body to release those desires.

Releasing sexual energy

Other people suggest that when you dream of someone you are attracted to or think about sex, you may have a wet dream. This is believed to be caused by the release of sexual energy.

People also believe that the release of sexual energy causes wet dreams in young boys and girls going through puberty.

Soul Journey

According to Ancient Egyptians, people have wet dreams because they are on a soul journey to other dimensions. Other cultures also have this perspective since they speculate that a wet dream can happen when a person travels to the underworld.

When should you be worried about a wet dream?

Though some people feel embarrassed about having wet dreams, scientists believe that they should not be a cause of concern since they are normal and common.

People also believe that you should not be worried about wet dreams since they are not a sign of any health condition and are not known to cause any harm.

Contrary to popular belief, wet dreams indicate healthy sexual functions. Having wet dreams is also not believed to have any impact on your fertility and, therefore, not considered a cause for alarm.

With that said, different religious and cultural beliefs sometimes influence how people perceive wet dreams. Therefore, it is believed that the best thing to do if you feel anxious about experiencing wet dreams is to talk to a counselor or doctor.

Others suggest that it is good to consult a doctor when experiencing too many wet dreams.

People believe that working with a therapist can also help one discover what wet dreams mean and why they may occur frequently.

Additionally, if the wet dreams are negatively affecting your ability to function or sleep or affect your mental health, it is believed that talking to a healthcare professional can help.

What can you do spiritually to stop a wet dream?

Meanings of wet dreams
What can you do spiritually to stop a wet dream? Image source: Pixabay

Some scientists suggest that you cannot do anything to control wet dreams. Others imply that when you start having sex or releasing sperm through masturbation, you can reduce the frequency of experiencing wet dreams.

On the other hand, some spiritual people speculate that you can stop a wet dream in the following ways.

Yoga and meditation

Some people believe practicing yoga and meditation is an effective spiritual solution to nocturnal emissions. They imply that meditation helps since it makes you more aware of your body and gives you more control over sexual arousal.

On the other hand, practicing yoga is believed to help since it increases body awareness and improves circulation in the body.


Other spiritual people believe that praying to God can help stop wet dreams since it enhances your relationship with Him.

It is believed that focusing on God helps one not have lustful thoughts that lead to wet dreams when they sleep. Engaging in other godly activities, such as going to a place of worship and reading religious books, is also believed to strengthen the relationship with God and prevent lustful thoughts.

Pay attention to the spiritual message

According to some people, wet dreams have spiritual messages. They believe that if a warning comes with the wet dream, one should heed the instructions.

Those with this school of thought speculate that paying attention to this spiritual message stops the wet dream.

Redirecting your thoughts

Some people imply that thoughts of love or anxiety can cause wet dreams. They speculate that taking your mind off such thoughts helps you stop experiencing wet dreams.

Others believe that materials that promote sex, such as pornography, cause wet dreams. Therefore, they speculate that redirecting your thoughts from anything that promotes sex can stop wet dreams.

Visit a spiritual leader

Others suggest that if you are experiencing frequent wet dreams, you can stop them by talking to a spiritual leader. They believe that someone like a seer may give you a lasting solution.

With that said, we should also remember what the Bible says about believing in superstitions. Leviticus 19:31 warns us against turning to necromancers or mediums since this makes us unclean.

It also reminds us to only rely on God. Additionally, 1st Timothy 4:7 reminds us not to have anything to do with silly myths but to train ourselves for godliness.

Therefore, we should not pay too much attention to the spiritual meanings of wet dreams.

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