As a devoted Christian and an intercessor, I know how fulfilling it is to pray for a miracle and see it manifest. I am also aware that sometimes we do not get the exact thing we ask for, but God answers our prayers in a totally different way. In all this, I cannot dispute that God is a faithful God. I have prayed for miracles, waited, and watched them manifest. However, what I am curious to learn is the miracle prayers that work instantly.
One example of such a prayer is, “Dear God, I come before you with humility and absolute faith in you to ask for the “impossible” because, in you, everything is possible, as said in Mathew 19:26. You have said in your word that we ask, and it shall be given to us, and I am here to ask for an instant miracle in my life. May you hear my prayer and perform open financial doors for me. God, I believe in your word that says you are a God of impossibilities and that you display your power through us. May you display your miraculous power through me. I trust in you and pray believing in your mighty name, Amen.”
In this article, I will deeply dwell on the miracle prayers that work instantly. Some of the issues you will learn from this article include when you should pray for a miracle and examples of miracle prayers that work instantly. Keep reading to get more information on these issues.
When should you pray for a miracle?
There is no specific time that you should pray for a miracle. The book of 1st Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing.” God wants us to communicate with him consistently, and whenever we need something from him, we should ask, and he shall give it to us. However, we should always be precise and consistent when praying for a miracle. Show up to God when praying for a miracle and during the waiting season until something happens. When praying for a miracle, be persistent and allow God to do his will in your life.
Furthermore, as stated earlier, do not be afraid to tell God what you desire. Be precise and clear, and avoid filling your prayer with irrelevant points. God knows whatever you want even before you ask him, so be bold to actually ask him whatever miracle you really want, and he is faithful enough to give it to you if it aligns with his will for you.
All in all, God is our father, and just the way we have a close relationship with our heavenly father, that is how we should be intimate with God, but with fear and reverence. Therefore, because he is our father, we can count on him and go before him anytime when we want him to do a miracle in our lives.
Is it guaranteed that God will work a miracle when you pray for it?

It is not guaranteed that God will work in your life the exact miracle that you prayed for. And in other times, the miracle you prayed for might manifest in a different way. This is because God answers his prayers according to His will, not ours. The Lord’s Prayer in Mathew 6:9-13 directs us to pray according to God’s will in heaven.
However, this is not to say that God does not answer prayers. God can tell you to wait, he can answer your prayer immediately, and just like our earthly father, he can also say no. He does everything for our good since he knows the beginning and the end. Though we might feel frustrated when we get a no from God, He truly works everything for our good. Therefore, it is key to listen to God’s voice when praying for a miracle. So that when he tells you to wait, you will wait while trusting him. He says he is faithful, and he cannot go against his word.
Does God grant quick miracles through prayer?
According to the scripture, God is a God of impossibilities. Mathew 19:26, “But Jesus looked at them and said, with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Therefore, when you go to him for an instant miracle, have total trust and faith in him that he is able to grant you a quick miracle.
Additionally, it is through prayer that we present our requests to God. He says in his word that we should ask for anything we want through prayer and supplication. And while asking, know that you should not limit God because he cannot be confined. Have an abundant mentality and walk with faith, and He will work and for sure grant you a quick miracle through prayer.
Mark 11:23 says, “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, Go throw yourself into the sea, and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.” This means that whatever you ask for from God and believe that it will happen, it will happen. Be it a quick miracle or a prayer for a breakthrough, God will answer.
6 miracle prayers that work instantly

A prayer to trust God when waiting for a miracle
Dear God, thank you for loving me and reminding me that your name is above all other names. Thank you for always protecting me and providing for me in ways that I cannot even understand. Forgive me for the times I have depended on myself, other people, or even my job instead of putting my total faith and trust in you.
Dear God, during such a time when I am waiting for you to do a miracle in my life, everything might seem tough and uncomfortable. But whenever I doubt you, remind me that you provide for the birds of the air without them praying, and how much more can you do for me? Help me remember that you are a faithful God and that everything that happens in my life is for my good because you love me.
Teach me how to trust you during this waiting season. In my own flesh, it might seem quite difficult, but I know with your help and guidance, I will learn to be still and wait upon you. I believe you will meet my needs and answer my prayers. Amen. – Inspired by World Vision
When you pray for a miracle, it might not happen instantly. This prayer helps you navigate the waiting period. Trusting in God while waiting might be hard, but by using this prayer, you can ask God to teach you to trust Him.
A prayer for the impossible
Dear God, I thank you for your mercies and grace in my life. You have been faithful even when I had little faith. You remind me in your word that your thoughts are way above your thoughts and that nothing is impossible before you. Lord, may you hear my prayer for this miracle that sounds impossible to me, but I trust your word that what seems impossible to humankind is within your power.
Lord, I know when I am unable to think of a solution, you always make a way where there seems to be no way. Dear Father, teach me how to believe that nothing I go through can be compared to your mighty hand. You are God above all other gods. Not even death, angels, life, rulers, or even anything that you created can separate me from your love. I pray and trust that you have done the impossible in my life. Amen! – Inspired by BayArt Organizations
This prayer is based on Mathew 19:26, “But Jesus beheld their thoughts, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; bit if they will forsake all things for my sake, with God whatsoever things I speak are possible.” Therefore, never limit God; ask for what might seem impossible before you, and see Him work.
A miracle prayer that always works
Dear God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, I humbly come before you to thank you for your mercies and grace towards me. You have been faithful to me even in the seasons that I have been unfaithful. I pray for your forgiveness and cleansing.
Dear Holy Spirit, I pray for you to reign in my life. I pray for instant miracles in my life that will channel all the disadvantages to advantages, King of Kings, may your miraculous hand visit and touch every part of my life and perform miracles in my life for your glory. I totally trust in you and have deep faith that you are working everything for my good.
God, I offer myself to you so that you can make me a living testimony of your power, mercy, righteousness, love, and favour through Jesus Chris, your son. I have faith that you know my desires even before I mention them. Father, let your will be done in my life. Thank you for always listening to my cries and answering my prayers. Let your will be done in my life. I pray and trust in the name of Jesus; amen! – Inspired by Kristine Brown
Whenever you pray anything according to God’s will and not yours, it will be done. This miracle prayer is simply surrendering to God and not limiting Him. Letting His miraculous power to always be seen through you.
A miracle prayer for a financial breakthrough
Dear God, thank you for always providing for me and supplying me with every need according to your riches in glory. Thank you for the many blessings in my life. I cannot truly count them all because you have exceedingly and abundantly blessed me. God, as you say in your Mathew 6:34 that we should not worry about tomorrow, for if you provide for the birds of the air, how much more can you provide for us? Today I come to you with blind faith and no worry or doubt in me that you will work a financial miracle in my life. God, I call upon you to rule over my finances. I am trusting in you for this miracle, and because you always remain faithful, I know you will meet me at my needs. I pray this prayer, trusting and believing in your mighty name. Amen! – Inspired by Pastor Joram
This prayer allows you to trust God and allow Him to deliver his promises to you. It is based on Mathew 6:14 that we should not worry, for He says He will provide for us.
A healing miracle prayer
Dear God, thank you because I know you never leave me regardless of the situation I am in. Whenever I am in deep suffering, you are there by my side and comfort me. God, you say in Isaiah 53:5 that by your stripes, we are healed. I lean into your word today and trust that you have healed me. Father, when you say yes, nobody can say no. What you do, even doctors and physicians cannot understand. You are the greatest physician of all time, and I trust in you for my healing. God, please send your healing power to me. Inspect me and cast out anything that is not meant to reside in me. God, may you teach me how to have confidence in the power of your mercy and grace so that when doubt attempts to crawl in, my faith and trust in you remain unshaken. I pray and trust that I am healed in Jesus’ mighty name; amen. – Inspired by Catholic Readings
This prayer is based on Isaiah 53:5, “By his stripes, we are healed.” While praying for a healing miracle, it is best to use what God promised to us and trust that he is faithful enough to keep his word.
A prayer for a quick miracle
Dear Lord, I come before your throne just as I am. I acknowledge that I have sinned against you. I ask for your forgiveness and cleansing. Thank you, God, for your faithfulness and mercy even when I had drifted away from your ways. Thank you for your constant restoration.
Lord, I come before you asking for this quick miracle that I may rejoice in you. May you work through me, your vessel, that your power may be known to everyone on earth. Lord, you say in your word that your rescue is near those who have reverence and fear towards you. I surrender my entire life to you and pray that you may work through me.
God, I accept you as the Lord and Savior of my life. I trust and have absolute faith in you that this quick miracle has already happened. Strengthen me and help me remain thankful and faithful even when I am living this miracle. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray and believe; amen. – Inspired by Prayrs Organization
This prayer is based on Mathew 11:23. Whenever you pray for what seems impossible, Trust and have faith in God, and it will happen.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.