As a born-again Christian with 15 years of experience in the Christian Ministry, I am thankful for the Lord’s Supper. I believe it signifies the New Covenant, where Jesus was sacrificed for our sins. I have been receiving the Holy Communion for quite some time now. I always pray for it before and after taking it to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for giving us his body and ask for his forgiveness. I have come up with a few prayers you can also use, so here are Prayers for communion.
One example of a communion prayer is, Oh Lord God, I thank and praise you for you sacrificed your Son so I can have eternal life. I also thank you for establishing the Lord’s Supper through your Son, in which we get to drink His blood and eat His body. As I take this communion, help me to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Forgive me my sins that I will be righteous before your eyes and worthy of your Heavenly Kingdom. Also, help me to grow in Faith, through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen. – Inspired by Veit Dietrich, 1506-1549. This is a prayer you can pray before taking the Holy Communion.
I invite you to join me in this article as we delve into the topic of prayers for communion. We will also learn about the message of the spiritual communion prayer and what the Bible says about the Holy Communion, so read till the end.
What does the Bible say about the Holy Communion?
The Bible’s teachings about the Holy Communion are in the Book of 1 Corinthians 11:17–34. In verses 24, 25, and 26, the Bible suggests that Jesus said we should take the Holy Communion in remembrance of Him. It suggests that we should take the Holy Communion often because it enables us to proclaim Jesus’ death until he comes back. According to Luke 22:7-38, the Bible implies that Jesus shared the Lord’s Supper with His disciples before he was crucified. Therefore, we should take the Holy Communion to remember that Jesus died for our sins. He was sacrificed for our sake, so we can be redeemed and receive eternal life in the Kingdom of God. We should always declare that Jesus died and was resurrected for the salvation of all Human beings.
From verses 27 to 32, the Bible teaches about who is to take the Holy Communion. The Bible implies that whoever takes Holy Communion in an unworthy manner will be judged by the Lord. That is why many people are ill and even die. It suggests that before taking the Holy Communion, one should judge themselves truly to prevent being judged by the Lord. Therefore, before anyone decided to take the Holy Communion, they should confess their sins to God so they can be righteous and worthy of taking the Holy Communion.
Why should we pray before taking Holy Communion?
According to the scriptures, we should pray before the Holy Communion to repent and allow God to reveal to us any sin that can make us unworthy of his love so we can repent. 1 Corinthians 11:28 reads, “Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup.” The Bible implies that we should examine ourselves before taking Holy Communion.
Therefore, by examining yourself, you should pray to ask God to reveal to you all your sins and ask for His forgiveness. Jesus died for all Human beings to be forgiven. Therefore, this is a good time to come to God for true repentance and ask for His strength so you don’t commit the same sins again.
10 Prayers for the Holy Communion
A prayer to proclaim the Death of Jesus Christ before taking the Holy Communion
Our Father in Heaven, we thank You for the salvation You gave us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. You sent Him to earth, let Him suffer, die on the cross, and raised Him for our sins to be forgiven. He is now sitting at Your right hand, and through Him, you have promised to grant us eternal life in a Kingdom He is preparing for us in Heaven. Almighty God, as I prepare to take the body and blood of Christ Jesus, make me worthy by forgiving me all my sins, which I have committed knowingly and unknowingly. Father, as Jesus instructed us, let me proclaim his death as I partake in this communion. Grow my Faith in Him as I wait for His second coming. Bless me that I may live in the salvation, O Lord Jesus. I glorify and Honor your name through Jesus Your Son. Amen. – Inspired by Apostolic Constitutions.
This prayer allows you to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus instructed that we should partake in the Holy Communion in remembrance of Him. Therefore, use this prayer to get to reminisce about the events of Jesus when he was on earth.
Prayer for the bread of the Holy Communion
Almighty God, I thank you for giving us this bread that we are to receive as the body of Jesus Christ. I ask that you may sanctify and bless it in the name of Jesus Christ. Let it be a blessing to my soul as I receive it. Let me eat it in remembrance of the body of Christ Jesus and proclaim His death and resurrection. I pray that I will always believe in your Son, remember Him, and keep all his commandments which He said all his followers should obey. Let this bread allow Jesus’ spirit to live and dwell in me as I take and believe in it. Amen. – Inspired by Faith &Wisdom
You should pray for the bread so it can signify the body of Christ Jesus. Ask God to bless the bread that, when you take it, will enable you to receive the spirit of the Lord Jesus in your heart and soul.
Prayer to have eternal life as you partake the communion
Our Father in Heaven, I have received eternal life through Your Son, Jesus Christ. I thank you for the bread, which He said is His body, and the wine, which He said is His blood. I take them in remembrance of Him. Thank you for because of this bread and wine, I get spiritual union with you, and my sins are forgiven. I have been made clean through the great sacrifice of your Son Jesus. I pray to always fellowship in your Jehovah. I praise and honor your name, for I am free of sins through the blood and body of Jesus. Amen. – Inspired by Daniel
Jesus has assured His followers they shall live forever in the Kingdom of God. Pray that you may be among those who will have eternal life.
Prayer for the wine of the Holy Communion
Holy God, I pray in the name of your Son, Jesus, to enable this wine to sanctify and bless my soul as I receive it. Bless this wine that it will wash away my sins and make me righteous before you. May I drink it in remembrance of Jesus’ blood that was shed on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins. Enable me to grow in Faith and be a witness to you, Lord Jesus. Let your spirit be in always as I wait for You to come back and take me to the Kingdom of God. Amen. Inspired by Faith & Wisdom.
Pray that God blesses the wine you are to receive so it can receive the power to cleanse you. The Blood of Jesus was shed for our forgiveness.
A prayer of repentance before receiving the Holy Communion
Our Father in Heaven, I know I am a sinner; hence I ask you may have mercy on me and forgive me. I believe in Jesus Christ, who died and was resurrected for my forgiveness. Lord, I trust in Jesus as my savior, and I am ready to receive His body and blood that was broken and poured for my forgiveness. Cleanse me and make me holy. As I receive this Holy Communion, I pray I receive the Holy Spirit to light my life and guide me to do your will. I pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pray that God forgives you of all your sins before you receive the Holy Communion. It will enable you to receive the Holy Communion worthily according to the will of God.
A Holy Communion Prayer
Lord Jesus, I come before you in humility, praying that you may examine my heart. Reveal to me anything that makes you mad and the unconfessed sin that may be separating me from you. I believe I am your child whom you love unconditionally since the day I received you into my heart. You died for my sins, and for that, I desire to live for you. As I take this bread, which represents your body which was broken for me, I am thankful for all you have done in my life. You were crucified on the cross for my redemption. You suffered with pain and died for me. Thank you, Jesus, for your love and mercies upon me. Thank you because, through this bread, I receive eternal life. As you have instructed through your Holy Book, I take this bread in remembrance of you. And in the same way, As I take the content in this cup which represents your blood that was poured on the cross, I thank you for agreeing to be sacrificed for me. Because of your shed blood, I am free from all sins and worthy to receive the Kingdom of God. Forgive my sins and make me worthy of your spirit. Enable me to receive you through this bread and blood. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. – Inspired by Rebecca Barlow Jordan
This prayer enables you to remember and celebrate the body, which was broken during the Lord’s Supper, and the blood, which Jesus shared with his disciples before he was betrayed. It enables you to connect with the events of that day so you can thank Jesus for dying for your sins and ask him to make you worthy to receive his body and blood.
A prayer for God to Examine me as I take the communion
Almighty Father, I bow before you as I reflect on my life. Help me examine myself and my Faith in You before taking the Holy Communion as You have instructed in the Bible. Forgive my sins and make me worthy to receive this Holy Table. Thank you because, through the blood and body of Jesus Christ, my sins are forgiven. You have expressed your love for me, and I pray to always be connected to you. May never be separated from you, in Jesus’ name. Amen. – Inspired by 1 Corinthians 11:28
The Bible instructs us to examine ourselves to be worthy of taking the Holy Communion. Pray that God helps you in this time of reflection and that he can forgive your sins.
A thanksgiving prayer for communion
Dear God, no one can be compared to your Son. He suffered in pain while he was nailed on the cross to pay the price for my sins, yet he was righteous. He died and resurrected for my salvation, and for that, and praise and glorify Him. Thank You, for through Him, you have promised me eternal life. Lord, thank you for as I take this Holy Communion, I get to be in a relationship with you. I also want to thank you for giving me this Holy Communion in remembrance of the sacrifice of your Son. I have fallen short; hence I pray for your forgiveness. I thank you as I take this bread and drink this cup. I love you and have Faith in your love for me, Lord. Amen.
It is because of Jesus’ sacrifice that we get to have Holy Communion. Therefore, pray this prayer to thank God for the unconditional love that He gave his Son to die for our sins.
A Prayer for the Bread and Blood of Jesus Christ
Almighty God, thank you for your Son Jesus, who died and was resurrected for my salvation. He left us this bread that represents his broken body and this cup, which represents his blood which was shed on the cross. He also instructed that we take this Holy Communion in remembrance of Him. I acknowledge Him and Honor His Holy name. I pray to eat this bread in respect of Him and drink this cup in the worship of Him. May these two elements make me worthy of your love and create a good relationship between us that no man can break. Let me always take these two elements till the day Jesus will return in remembrance of Him and His death for my sake. Through Christ Jesus, I pray. – Inspired by 1 Corinthians 11:17–34
Pray that cleanses you to take the bread and blood of Jesus Christ. Use this prayer to ask God that He strengthens your relationship with Him through the bread and blood of Jesus.
A prayer after taking communion
Our Lord Jesus, I thank you for your love and great mercy upon me. Thank you for providing me with your Holy Communion and making me part of those who celebrate it. Thank you for through this blood and bread, I am forgiven. Thank you for the gift of eternal life that I have received after taking the Holy Communion. Grow my Faith, bless me, and feel me with your Holy Spirit to guide me through my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Have Faith that you have been sanctified through the Holy Communion. Thank God for the communion through this prayer.
What is the message of the spiritual communion prayer?
The Spiritual Communion prayer communicates the desire to receive the body of Christ in the Eucharist on those times when we cannot go to church because of various reasons. It shows our will to invite Jesus to our hearts spiritually through Faith. Thomas Aquinas defined the spiritual communion prayer as a prayer one makes when they have the desire to receive the Holy Communion but cannot receive it physically. Pope John Paul II said that the spiritual communion prayer enables us to reach God, and God joins Himself to us. He also said that we should always have the desire for the sacrament of the Eucharist, which leads to the spiritual communion which enables us to connect to God.
It also communicates our love for Christ in the Eucharist even when we are unable to receive the Holy Communion Spiritually. According to Saint Teresa of Jesus, she said that we can make a spiritual communion prayer when we are unable to receive communion and cannot attend mass, which enables the love of God to be impressed in us. Through the Spiritual communion prayer, we show our Faith and love for God. He reciprocates this by showering us with much love and sanctifying us by spiritually connecting with us.
In the official Catholic Handbook, enchiridion, the Spiritual communion prayer is called the Act of Spiritual Communion and was composed by Alphonsus Liguori: The prayer says; “My Jesus, I believe You are present in the Blessed Sacrament, and most importantly, I love it and desire to have it in my soul. However, I am unable to receive communion. I request that you come spiritually into my heart. Although I know you are already there, I desire to embrace and unite myself with you wholly. Let me not be separated from you. Amen.” Therefore, the spiritual communion prayer is a prayer you make when you cannot attend the church to receive the Holy Communion. The prayer enables you to receive the Holy Communion spiritually by connecting you with God through Faith and spirituality. It is an act of Faith and love to Jesus Christ.
Can you say these prayers after taking Holy Communion?
Yes, you can say these prayers after taking Holy Communion. Most of these prayers are thanksgiving prayers to Jesus for allowing us to share the Lord’s Supper and for dying on the cross for our salvation. Also, the prayers are for asking God to forgive our sins.
Therefore, you can also pray these prayers after taking the Holy Communion to thank God now that you have taken the Body and blood of Christ Jesus and to ask Him that the blood of Jesus washes all your sins and sanctifies you to be righteous to receive eternal life in His Kingdom.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.