As a born-again Christian with 15 years of experience in the Christian Ministry, I believe in the power of prayer and that God grants our needs when we ask Him through prayers. Last year, I remember being worried about a job interview because I didn’t want to fail and not get the job. It made me so anxious, and I decided that God was the only one who could help me. I prayed a lot for the interview to be successful, and I glorify the Lord for answering my prayers. You could also pray for your interview by saying these Prayers for a Job Interview.
One example of a prayer for a job interview is, Our Father in Heaven, I come to you, humbly requesting that you help me give my best during my job interview. Give me favor in the eyes of the interviewers and strength when I feel insecure. Enable me to understand all the questions and give the correct answers honestly and inspired by your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. This is a prayer you can use to pray for your interview. It will help you tell God to be with you and help you during the interview.
In this article, I invite you as we delve deeper into prayers for a successful interview. We will also learn answers, per the Bible, to questions such as whether these prayers will work instantly, whether you can use these prayers for other people interview’s, the best time you can pray for your interview, and how many prayers you can say for your interview to succeed. We will also learn more prayers you can say and Bible verses you can read before your interview, so read till the end.
5 Prayers for Job Interview

Prayer for Guidance during a Job Interview
Generous Heavenly Father, Your word said that You, Lord, will not withhold any good thing from us. You have also told us to trust in you always and not lean on our understanding. This is why I come to you praying for my job interview. I am grateful for making this interview come my way and happy that you have enabled me to learn all the skills needed for the job. Lord Jesus, straighten my path as you have promised in your word. Let me showcase my best skills during the interview. I pray that you will help me not be nervous and give me the strength to answer the questions correctly. I pray that I will leave a good impression on the interviewers and that they will get to contact me again, giving the good news that I have received this job. May you hold my hand and give me your Holy Spirit to lead me in everything I do. Let the interviews find me the most skilled person for this job and the perfect fit to employ. Jehovah, I trust in and lean on your understanding. Through Christ Jesus, I pray. Amen. – Inspired by Proverbs 3:5-6
Use this prayer to ask God to be in control of your interview. Let him be the lead, and believe He will help you through the interview process.
Prayer for peace of mind before and During the Job Interview
Heavenly Father, as I wait for the day of my job interview, help me so that I may have peace of mind and not get too anxious. You have said in your word that we should not be anxious because if we make our requests known to you through prayers, you will give us peace of mind, which is beyond human understanding in Christ Jesus. Lord, I pray that you may fulfill this promise to me through this prayer. I pray that you may help me be calm as I await this interview. I also pray that during the interview, you may help me not be nervous to answer the questions correctly. Lord, give me your wisdom while I answer the questions that the interviewers will have for me. Give me your understanding and help me be eloquent while speaking Jehovah. Hold my hand during this interview and be by my side. Lord, I trust you and know you always grant my prayers. Bless me with your Holy Spirit to keep my mind and body calm and find peace. Jehovah, help me be the perfect fit for this job. But, most importantly, let you will be done in my life. I pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen. – Inspired by Philippians 4:6-7
Interviews can make a person experience a lot of anxiety or even panic leading to the person not having the right state of mind to answer the interview questions correctly. However, God can calm your thoughts and give you peace of mind when you pray. Therefore, use this prayer to ask God to help you be calm before and even during the interview.
A prayer for Confidence during a Job Interview
All-powerful Lord, I pray that you remember me as I go for my interview today. Grant me the confidence to answer all the questions with wisdom and correctly. Jehovah, you are my confidence and strength in all things. I know that you are always by my side. That is why I hope to go to this interview with confidence from you. Make me strong and bold as I speak to the interviewers. You are my hope, and all I need is in you, Jehovah. Grant me a successful interview and help me be satisfied with the outcome. I pray through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. – Inspired by Connect Us
You need to be composed during the interview for you to answer all the questions fluently. This needs you to be assertive, and God can grant you the confidence you need. Therefore, use this prayer to ask God to give you confidence during the interview.
A Prayer against the Spirit of Confusion during the Job Interview
Dear God, I want to dedicate my job interview session to you. Lord, be with the interviewers and me. Let the whole interview process be successful. Jehovah, fill the atmosphere in the interview room with your Holy Spirit to drive out all forms of confusion and distractions. I pray against any spirit of confusion sent by the devil and pray I will be in my right mindset. Lord, your word tells me that You are not a God of confusion but peace. Therefore, grant me peace during this interview and help me get this job since it is my dream job. I pray you may be in our presence in Jesus’ name. Amen. – Inspired by 1 Corinthians 14:33
This is a prayer to ask God to drive all spirits of confusion during the interview. Sometimes you can get distracted and not answer the questions accordingly. However, Lord can give you peace during the interview when you pray for it.
Prayer for After a Job Interview
Thank you, Jehovah for being with me during my interview and giving me your strength. I don’t take it for granted that I was among the many people that got to be interviewed. Lord, now that my interview is over, I pray that you take control. I offer you the answers I gave to the interviewers and pray that they may be wise and resound in their minds. Lord, be with them as they make the judgments and help them find me fit for this job. I also pray that I am satisfied with the results and continue trusting in you even when I don’t get the job. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. – Inspired by Lord’s Prayer Words
While you wait for the interview’s outcome, pray that God helps you get the job. It does not matter how your interview went, God answers prayers and can make the job yours. Just believe and pray this prayer.
What Bible verses should you read before your job interview?

There are many verses that you can read before your job interview. This verse will enable you to trust God and assure you that God is with you and can make the interview successful. They will build your confidence for your interview since they will strengthen your belief that God is by your side. Some of these verses are;
Mathew 7:7-8 reads, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” These two verses are the best to read as they help you ask God to open the doors for the interview you will be doing. They also assure you that whatever you ask God to do for you, he will answer you and grant you your wish.
Psalm 90:17 reads, “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!” This is another good verse to read before your interview since it teaches that when God’s favor is on you, He will bless and platform the work of your hand to those around you. Therefore, God can showcase you are very skilled and fit for the job to your interviewers. This verse gives you this assurance and confidence in God.
Do prayers for interviews work instantly?
When faith is at work while you pray for your interview, the prayers can work instantly. According to Mark 11:24, the Bible implies that whatever we ask, we should believe that we have received it and God will make it ours. God wants us to have faith in Him while we pray for him to answer our prayers. Therefore, first, have faith in your prayer for your job interview and God will answer the prayer instantly. Do not doubt because God has great powers and listens to his children. He is the only one who can help you for our interview to be a success, so pray and have faith and God will work through for you instantly.
We also learn that prayers offered in Faith work instantly from the Story of the bleeding woman in Luke 8:43-48. The Bible implies that there was a woman who bled for twelve years and no one could heal her. However, she went behind Jesus and touched a piece of his cloth and the bleeding stopped immediately. Jesus noticed his power leaving him, but when he saw the woman, He told her that her faith had healed her. Therefore, with faith, you can pray for a successful interview and the prayer gets granted instantly. God’s will is we offer our prayers in Faith, so he will instantly answer all these prayers.
However, God can take a while to answer prayers. But that does not mean he will not answer them. Just keep on praying until your prayers work.
What is the best time to pray for an interview?
There is no specific time set for you to pray for an interview, you can pray at any time of the day and God will listen to you. God will never be too tired to hear his children pray. According to Psalms 121:4, the Bible implies that God never sleeps or slumbers. He is always awake and ready to listen to you pray. Therefore, don’t feel like it is too late or too early to pray for your interview, it does not matter the time of the day, night, or the place you are, God will hear your prayer and if you believe, He will grant your wish.
Additionally, according to Ephesians 6:17–18, The Bible implies that we should all the time and make our supplications to God with perseverance. It is the will of God that we get to pray every time to make our petitions known to Him. Therefore, pray every time for your job interview and God will help you.
Can you say these prayers for someone’s interview?
Yes, you can say these prayers for someone else’s interview. According to 1 Timothy 2:1, the Bible suggests that God urges prayers be made for all people. God has instructed that we pray for others for them, to receive His blessings. Therefore, you can say these prayers as a petition for other people to also have a successful interview.
Also, according to James 5:16, the Bible speculates that we confess our sins to one another and pray for one another so we may be healed because the prayer of a righteous person possesses great power while they are at work. Therefore, we also learn from this verse, it is okay to pray for others. God has blessed you and been merciful to you and made you His righteous child. Therefore, your prayer has great power because God listens to his children; hence you can pray for someone else’s interview, and through your faith, God will answer the prayer and help the person you pray for.
How many prayers can you say for a successful interview?
You can say as many prayers as possible for a successful interview. You are not limited to a certain number of prayers while praying for your interview. According to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, the Bible implies that we should pray continually without giving up in all situations for this is the will of God. Therefore, it does not matter how many prayers you say per hour, day, or week. God wants to hear you pray a lot. God’s will is for you to trust that he can make your interview successful as you be persistent with your prayers.
Also, in Luke 18:1-18 Jesus taught about the parable of the persistent widow to teach that we should pray with persistence. The widow kept going to the judge for justice against her enemies but the judge always refused to grant her justice. She did not give up and after a while, the judge decided to grant her justice so she can stop bothering Him. Though this judge did not believe in God or care what people thought, he decided to grant her justice because she was persistent. Jesus taught that we should be like the widow in this parable while praying. We should not give up and pray as many times as possible for God to answer our prayers. Therefore, pray without giving up on your interview until God answers you. Be persistent and God will see your desperation and answer you.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.