As a Theologian, I am interested in understanding other people’s beliefs. I was particularly interested in understanding the different beliefs about a broken blood vessel in the eye years ago.
My roommate had had an eye injury that caused a broken blood vessel in his eyes. He was hiding it from his parents, but unfortunately, his step-mum visited, and she saw it.
To our surprise, she was impressed, saying her son was finally getting a breakthrough. Her beliefs made me research more by reading the Bible and articles and consulting Theologians and spiritual people.
So, last month a lady in our online diverse beliefs forum started a conversation about divine messages, saying she knew she was getting divine messages when her eye had a broken blood vessel.
Many people asked questions about the beliefs, and she asked for any well-informed person to help her explain her beliefs. Since I had done in-depth research, I helped.
So let’s get into the spiritual meaning of Broken Blood Vessels in the eye.
Although the Bible does not mention any spiritual meanings regarding a broken blood vessel in the eye, different people believe that it means there is going to be a breakthrough. Other people suggest that it is a bad omen, and it means there is going to be death and challenges. However, many different cultures hold different beliefs about a broken blood vessel in the eye.
Join me in this article as I write about the medical causes of a broken blood vessel in the eye. I will also discuss the spiritual meanings of a broken blood vessel in the eye.
Read on to find out more.
What is the medical cause for a broken blood vessel in the eyes?
According to Doctors, a broken blood vessel in the eyes is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage, and it is caused by the following;
- Violent coughing. Although the exact cause of a broken blood vessel in the eye is yet to be discovered, doctors say that when you are caught violently, you can break the vessels.
- Powerful sneezing that strains your vessels
- Vomiting
- Rubbing your eyes roughly
- Head injuries or infections
- Eye injuries or infections
- Wearing contact lenses
- Certain prescribed medicines can also cause broken blood vessels. For example, medicine for cancer, the interferon.
Doctors further suggest that there are risk factors that can lead to one having a broken blood vessel in the eye. People who are elderly, 65 years and above, are the ones who are more likely to get broken blood vessels in their eyes.
Doctors say that if they especially have other medical conditions like diabetes and heart disease, they are more likely to suffer from it.
Also, doctors point out that people who use constant lenses are also at risk of getting their eye blood vessels broken. Contact lenses mostly cause disease that affects the conjunctiva and makes it dry, which increases friction.
The friction causes inflammation which leads to broken blood vessels. Lastly, people who have undergone eye surgery are most likely to have broken blood vessels.
What Does a Broken Blood Vessel in the Eye Mean Spiritually?
Change how you view yourself
Many believe that a broken blood vessel in the eye means that you have to change how you view yourself. It is believed that how you think and feel about yourself transmits energy to people around you.
Therefore it is suggested that when you view yourself badly, people around you will view you exactly as you view yourself.
People who hold such beliefs believe that when you have a broken blood vessel in the eye, it indicates a message from the universe for you to view yourself highly.
Challenges are coming
Other people believe that when there is a broken blood vessel in the eye, it means that there are challenges coming your way.
They suggest that the universe uses the broken blood vessel in the eye to confirm to you that you won’t be alone in the coming challenges. They believe the universe is sending a message to prepare you while it encourages you to face challenges.
Change is coming
Different people believe that when you have a broken blood vessel in your eye, it is the spirit world preparing you for positive change. They suggest that you have to have faith in the message for it to happen.
Others believe that when there is a broken blood vessel in the eye means, there is going to be a breakthrough very soon. They explain that the blood vessel had to break out for the blood stain to be seen in the eye.
In the same way, they believe you have been holding on for too long, and just like the blood vessels, the universe helps you break through your struggles, and you will see the results.
They suggest that the way the broken blood vessel is so visible in the eye is the same way the breakthrough will be so visible in your life.
Change your perspective toward others
Many believe that a broken vessel in the eye is a sign from the universe for you to change how you view the people around you.
They suggest that it is the case when you have been stereotypically treating people around you. It is believed that the universe sends a message through the broken blood vessel as a reminder that you need to know people are different and you have to treat them well.
Change your perspective towards the world at large
Different people believe that a broken blood vessel in the eye is a sign to you from the universe that you should change how you view the world around you.
They believe that this meaning resonates when you are negative about the world because of your past experiences. They suggest it is the way for the universe to prepare you for the changes you see when you stop viewing the world negatively.
Be serious about your health
Other people believe that a broken blood vessel in the eye is a sign from the universe that you need to take care of your health, especially by getting enough rest.
They explain that the broken blood vessel is often a health condition. So they believe the universe has noted that you do not take care of your health enough and uses a broken blood vessel as a warning.
Check your thoughts
Some people believe that a broken blood vessel in the eye is a sign that you need to check how you think. It is said that it means your thinking process is extremely negative, and it affects all aspects of your life.
They suggest that negative thoughts result in a broken vessel. Therefore many suggest that when you see a broken blood vessel in your eye, it is better to analyze your thinking and see how you can work on it.
Spiritual Meaning of Broken Blood Vessel in the Right Eye
Physical and Mental Stress
Some people suggest that a broken blood vessel in the right eye means that you are physically and mentally stressed.
They explain that when your body is going through stress, it can communicate spiritually to you through a broken blood vessel in your left eye.
They believe that after seeing the broken blood vessel, the best thing to do is listen to your body; it is asking for rest and health care from you.
Use your logical intuition
Different people believe that a broken blood vessel in the right eye means that you should start using your logical intuition.
It is believed that this meaning applies when you have been using your emotions to make decisions, and evidently, they are the worst decisions.
Others suggest that it is about the emotions that other people around you are making you have. They suggest that the message in your eye is that you should not listen to their opinions that make you too anxious to make logical decisions.
Spiritual exhaustion
Other people believe that a broken blood vessel in the right eye means that you are spiritually exhausted. They explain that what happens in your eye is a reflection of what you look like on the inside and spiritually.
It is believed that a broken blood vessel in the right eye is a call to your soul for you to start meditating and nurture your spirit. They also believe that the broken blood vessel is caused by an imbalance between your body, soul, and spirit.
Therefore they suggest that when you spend time with yourself and create a daily routine for the self-check, it will go a long way in helping you gain your balance.
You will receive a visitor who is a relative, or a relative will visit you
Many people believe that a broken blood vessel in the right eye means that you will receive a visitor who is a relative or you will visit a relative.
Many cultures believe that when you are in need of help, either spiritually or emotionally, and you have a broken blood vessel in your right eye, a relative is about to visit you.
In other traditions, when you get a broken blood vessel in the right year, it is a sign that you should visit a relative who is most likely in need of your help during that time.
Divine Message
Others suggest that a broken blood vessel in the right eye means that the divine world is sending a special message to you. Many believe that it is a divine confirmation that the divine beings have been watching over you and are still watching over you.
Others believe that the divine realm is trying to tell you that you are receiving spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and insight.
You are about to receive good news
Different people suggest that a broken blood vessel in the right eye means that you are about to receive good news. Many suggest that the good news can be from any aspect of your life, either job, marriage, or money.
Therefore they suggest that after experiencing a broken blood vessel in the right eye, you should stay hopeful for the news that you have.
Start being optimistic
Different cultures believe that a broken blood vessel in the right eye means that you should stop dwelling on the negative past and start being optimistic. Often it is explained that the broken blood vessel in your right eye shows that you have been holding too much inside you.
Further, it is explained that the breaking of the blood vessel shows you the possibility of letting go and starting afresh with an optimistic mindset.
Spiritual Meaning of Broken Blood Vessel in the Left Eye
Be mindful of your Actions
Many suggest that a broken blood vessel in the left eye means that you should start being mindful of what you do. They believe that it affects your whole spirituality; therefore, you should consider working on your actions.
Also, they suggest that it is a message that you should be keen on the decisions you make because your character affects a lot of things around you.
Connection to the divine
Others believe that a broken blood vessel in the left eye indicates that you are connected to a divine source. In Vedic history, it is believed that when you have a broken blood vessel in the left eye, it is a sign that you are being transformed spiritually.
They also suggest that you have attained a certain level of divine connection with the spirit world.
Acknowledge that you are blessed
Others suggest that when you have a broken blood vessel in the left eye, it is time to start acknowledging that you are blessed.
Although different people associate it with a bad omen, some cultures believe it is not just a sign of blessing but a sign to you to be thankful for the blessing.
Often it is said that this is the case when you are taking your blessings for granted. They also believe that it is a sign to be compassionate towards other people who are not fortunate enough to be blessed like you.
Find peace inside you
Different people suggest that a broken blood vessel in the left eye indicates that you lack inner peace; therefore, you should strive to look for it.
According to different cultures, a broken blood vessel is a reflection of the lack of contentment and self-reflection in an individual.
Some suggest that the broken blood vessel in the left eye is a sign from the universe for someone to re-evaluate themselves and start living in harmony from within.
Different cultures associate the broken blood vessel in the left eye with death. Many cultures associate the broken blood vessel with doom or an omen that is about to strike either the person or the clan.
You will start receiving dreams from the spirit world directly
Others believe that a broken blood vessel in the left eye means that you are about to start having prophetic dreams. Shamans believe that such a sign indicates that your sixth sense is being awakened.
They believe that spiritual senses are being awakened, and someone can tell so when they are able to interpret their dreams after seeing a broken blood vessel in the red eye.
Historic Symbolism of Broken Blood Vessel in Eye
Historically, a broken blood vessel was associated with an imbalance of sanguine energy. The broken blood vessel in the eye is found in the writings written during Pythagoras’s time.
It was found under the humoral theory in medicine. It assigns the physical and body parts to one of the many humors. Blood and air fall under a sanguine heart. From here, many believe that historically, a broken blood vessel in the eye is associated with sanguine energy.
However, the Bible does not mention a broken blood vessel in the eye, but the sciences give everyone information about this condition as a disease.
Therefore as Christians, we cannot find any history in the Bible about this condition and use it for spiritual interpretations of symbolism.
You should consider just seeing a doctor and not depending on your own understanding.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.