As a devout Christian and theologian, I have always been intrigued by the rainbow and what it symbolizes. Yesterday afternoon, I was taking my usual walk. The weather was quite gloomy, and I could see a double rainbow.
I adjusted my spectacles, but then it was right there again. I thought I must be seeing a double rainbow, but what could it mean?
I was sure my eyes or lenses had betrayed me, and I embarked on detailed research into the spiritual Meaning of seeing a double rainbow. I took out my Bible and also did a literature review of books written about Noah, the Ark, and the covenant God made.
My Internet search also revealed a lot of information. I felt quite equipped to share my findings with someone, which I did with my wife that evening over dinner.
I told her about some of the unbelievable interpretations people had for the spiritual Meaning of seeing a double rainbow.
Many people believe that seeing a double rainbow spiritually signifies a turning point in an individual’s life. A life-changing event is about to occur; it can be positive or negative. A lot of people believe it is a sign of good fortune and prosperity for the one who sees it. This, however, is not a belief shared among Christians; although mentioned in the Bible, the rainbow is only seen as a covenant between God and Noah. Scientists have also explained what makes it possible for a double rainbow to occur.
In this article, I encourage you to join me as I explain the symbolic Meaning of a double rainbow, the spiritual messages behind seeing a double rainbow, the various beliefs of different cultures about seeing a double rainbow, the Meaning of seeing a double rainbow in your dream, and much more!
What does it mean when You See a Double Rainbow?
Seeing a double rainbow is believed to be a sign from the Universe that indicates good luck, progress, and a better future for the person who sees it. A double rainbow is also believed by some to be a special bridge between the Earth and the heavens.
Another belief is that a double rainbow may be a doorway linking the Earth with the spiritual world. Seeing a double rainbow is believed to be a sign of incoming bundles of blessings and good tidings for a person who lays eyes on it.
Many people believe that seeing a double rainbow signifies wealth; others believe seeing a double rainbow indicates joy and happiness coming their way. Another group of people implies that seeing a double rainbow may be a sign that they have made the right choice in whatever decisions they have made.
Additionally, seeing a double rainbow can have different meanings according to people who have different beliefs and opinions on this matter.
What is the symbolic Meaning of a double rainbow?

The double rainbow has a lot of different symbolic meanings for different people. It cannot be tied down to one particular symbolic Meaning. Here are some of the symbolic meanings of a double rainbow across the board.
A link between the spiritual realm and Earth
A double rainbow is believed to symbolize a connection between heaven and Earth. It is said that the first rainbow symbolizes the physical world which we live in. It represents Mother Earth.
The second rainbow, on the other hand, is believed to symbolize the spiritual realm. This is believed to be the world of spirits, where the spirits of human beings are suggested to go after physical death.
A better future
Seeing a double rainbow is believed to symbolize a better future for the person who sees it. Some people believe that seeing a double rainbow means that they are about to experience a positive, life-changing event.
This is from a future perspective about whatever is going on in their lives. Seeing a double rainbow is believed to symbolize progress and growth in one’s life.
Some people believe a double rainbow signifies wealth. It is believed that the person who has seen the double rainbow will obtain a lot of wealth. This may result from an investment or a business deal that the person is involved in.
Spiritual development
Some people suggest a double rainbow signifies some sort of spiritual development and growth. This is because they believe the double rainbow could be a sign that one is experiencing spiritual modification.
It is believed to be a message so that one can look deep within to find the answers they are searching for. This may mean that one might be more enlightened about their spiritual needs.
A double rainbow is believed to signify happiness. This could be future happiness for a person experiencing a rough time or happiness for those in a relationship. It is also believed to signify joy. This is implied to be concerning the life experience of the person who sees it.
A change
Many people believe that a double rainbow could signify a transformation in their lives. This ignites them to look at their lives and make themselves ready for whatever change might come. This change is believed by many to be either positive or negative.
A relief
A double rainbow is believed to symbolize that one may be relieved of a great burden. Many people believe that the challenges they are facing and the difficulties they are experiencing may come to an end if they see a double rainbow.
Biblical Meaning of a Double Rainbow?
According to the Bible, the rainbow signifies the covenant that God made with all of Mother Earth to never use floods to destroy the Earth again. God made this promise to all living creatures of the Earth and used the rainbow as a sign of the everlasting agreement that He made with the Earth.
However, it is not mentioned if the rainbow was a double rainbow. As mentioned in the Bible, the rainbow is an emblem of the covenant made between God and all living creatures on Earth. This information is recorded in the Bible verse Genesis 9:11–15.
This is the first time a rainbow has been mentioned in the Bible. This was the time of Noah, a righteous man that God instructed to build an ark to save Noah, his family, and some animals.
Noah was instructed to only let his family and some animals of the opposite sex into the Ark. God intended to destroy the Earth and only spared Noah and his family, as Noah was a righteous and faithful man.
God was not pleased by what became of his creation. People forgot about God and started living according to their ways. Sin and wickedness became the norm as people became very corrupt and led unlawful lives.
God looked at the Earth and was angry and dissatisfied with what mankind had done to his creation. God ended up destroying the Earth with floods from the rain, which lasted for forty days and forty nights. The Bible mentions this in Genesis 7:1–4.
10 Spiritual messages of a double rainbow

The double rainbow has a lot of different spiritual messages and meanings for different people. Here are some of the common spiritual messages of a double rainbow across the board:
Good tidings
It is believed that seeing a double rainbow may hold a spiritual message of good tidings behind it. Many people believe that a double rainbow is a sign that they might be in luck.
Others believe this to be a favor on their side, as it could be a sign that they will achieve and accomplish whatever they desire.
A double rainbow is suggested to carry the spiritual message of achievements and success. Many people hold the view that a double rainbow could mean a message from the Universe. They believe that they are to expect prosperity and progress in their lives.
New Journey
Seeing a double rainbow is insinuated to hold a spiritual message regarding a new journey. It is believed that one could encounter a new experience in life.
A new beginning and a new chapter of life may come your way. It is also believed that a double rainbow means that one should prepare themselves for transformational events that might happen.
Spiritual enlightenment
A double rainbow is implied to have a spiritual message of spiritual changes. Some claim that it is a sign from the Universe that you will be spiritually enlightened.
This is believed to mean that the Universe will let you in, and everything will start making sense.
A double rainbow is suggested to carry the spiritual message of reassurance. This is believed to mean that the Universe might be speaking to you and assuring you that you are on the right path.
It is said to be a sign that you made the right choice, and you should not worry about the outcome, for all is well.
Self- awareness
A double rainbow is said to convey the message of self-awareness. This is believed to be a message from your inner self, telling you to look within and tap into your higher self. Many people insinuate that this will help you understand your journey and find your purpose and way in life.
Have hope
The spiritual message behind a double rainbow is said to be one of hope. It is believed to be a sign from the Universe that all your sorrows will not last long, and a brighter future awaits you.
This is believed to be a good luck sign and a token of the Universe showing you that things might take a turn for the better.
Keep on persevering
This is believed to be a spiritual message behind a double rainbow. It is said that the Universe has seen your struggles and is telling you to keep going no matter what.
This is believed to mean that the Universe wants you to fight and hold your ground as better things are coming your way.
A safe journey to the spirit world
This is said to be the spiritual message conveyed behind a double rainbow. This is said to come from the spiritual world, notifying you that a deceased loved one is safe and has successfully arrived in the spirit world.
This message is also believed to mean that you should not be sad because a deceased loved one is in a better place.
Adoration and Care
A double rainbow is believed to convey a spiritual message of love. Sometimes we feel unloved and not well taken care of. A double rainbow is said to be a direct message from the Universe, telling us we are deeply loved and cared for by someone. We may not feel it or see it, but it is true as much as we want it to be.
Seeing a double rainbow is insinuated to be a spiritual message from the Universe telling us we are adored and should not be sad anymore.
Spiritual Meaning of Seeing a Double Rainbow in Love and Relationships
Regarding love and relationships, it is believed that seeing a double rainbow spiritually means that you have found the right partner. It is said that the relationship is complete when you and your partner truly belong to each other.
It is also believed that you are going to learn something new regarding your relationship or love life.
A double rainbow is suggested to be good luck for someone who is searching for a partner, as they will come across one soon. It is also said to be a sign of forgiveness and reconciliation among people having a hard time in a relationship.
What does a double rainbow mean in death?
A double rainbow concerning death is said to signify that the deceased loved one has journeyed safely to heaven. It is further believed that a double rainbow signifies that a deceased loved one is watching over us from the spiritual realm.
A double rainbow concerning death is suggested to mean that there is still a connection between the deceased and their family or friends.
The Meaning of a double rainbow regarding death is insinuated to be a message of hope telling you that you are not alone. At a funeral or a memorial, seeing a double rainbow is interpreted that the spirit of the deceased loved one is present with you.
What does it mean when you see a double rainbow in your dream?

Seeing a double rainbow in your dream is believed to mean that you’re headed in the right direction. This is seen as a sign of encouragement to keep doing what you have been doing, as it will pay off.
A double rainbow appearing in your dream is also believed to be a sign of a happy ending. This is implied to be good news meaning all will be well ahead for a person undergoing various life challenges. Just as the rainbow appears after a storm, challenges will end, and a better future awaits.
Superstitions about the double rainbow in different cultures
There are many different cultures all over the world, each one having varying superstitions about the double rainbow. For example, In Indian culture, it is believed that the double rainbow is the bow of the God of thunder known as Indra. It is said the God of thunder uses it to shoot lightning arrows at the ground.
In Roman culture, it is said that the lord mercury used double rainbows to send messages and give answers to the people.
In Norse culture, it is believed that the double rainbow is a bridge connecting Earth and Heaven. It is said to be created by their God known as Odin. They believe it was a god’s bridge and they could reach heaven and the gods through it.
In Celtic culture, it is said that the double rainbows are two large snakes with blazing eyes. It is believed that these snakes drink water from pools found at the foot of the rainbows on the ground.
Are double rainbows a sign of good or bad luck?
Double rainbows are believed to be a sign of good luck by most cultures. It is said that double rainbows convey various meanings, which include good luck, wealth, success, hope, love, and happiness. These truly are signs of good luck.
However, some cultures believe a double rainbow indicates bad luck and a bad omen. For example, In Japan, double rainbows are believed to be undesirable and a bad omen because rainbows were seen to resemble snakes.
In summary, all these beliefs about the Meaning of a double rainbow are just myths. Although they are fascinating, these beliefs are not true.
It is important to keep in mind that all these myths are unfounded beliefs, and there is no evidence to support these claims. However, Christians also believe that the rainbow has a meaning.
The rainbow is an emblem showing the existence of a covenant between God and all living creatures to never destroy Earth with floods again. This belief is recorded in the Bible Genesis 9:11-15.
Furthermore, the Bible strongly condemns and is against mythologies and superstition as sources of information. Christians are instructed to avoid controversial information about God’s creation and have faith in the Bible which has all we need to know about God’s creation 1 Timothy 1:4.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.