I’m a firm believer in numbers that carry Biblical significance. On the 8th Sunday of this year, I had intended to preach about the importance of the number 28 because I had so many encounters with it, and I felt like it was communication from God.
Although the number is not mentioned so many times in the Bible, what got me is how it has been used. For example, the word lamb has been mentioned 28 times in the Bible, meaning it is a significant number for Christians.
So let’s get into the meaning of Number 28.
It is believed that the angel number 28 means optimism and positivity. It could be optimism because the Lamb is mentioned 28 times, and to us Christians, it symbolizes all positive things that happen in our lives. For example, it is mentioned in the books of John 1:29, Revelations 12:11, 17:4, 21:7, and 6:16. Looking at the Lamb refers to Christ, whose death brought reconciliation and positivity between humanity and God.
So, join me in this article as I talk about the Biblical and spiritual meaning of the number 28. I will also talk about the possible spiritual messages of the number as well as its meaning in different cultures.
Read on to find out.
What is the biblical meaning of the number 28?

The number 28 in the Bible could symbolize the Lamb of God
It has been suggested that the word lamb appears 28 times in the Bible. Lamb is the name used to refer to Jesus Christ because he sacrificed His life for us to be reunited with God.
It is believed that because 28 is the number of times that the word lamb appears in the Bible, it could imply several reconciliations.
In the book of John 1:29, it is implied that Jesus was the Lamb who died on the cross as a sacrifice for us, it was a way to reconcile us with God—hence 28 could mean reconciliation with God and others: “The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'”
It could also mean praise to God
The 28 could mean that all praise and glory should return to God. It is often explained so by the word Hallelujah appearing in the Bible 28 times.
For example, the word Hallelujah in Revelations 19:6 is used to describe how all praises belong to God, who reigns. The verse reads, “Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out, ‘Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.'”
Also, the number 28 is believed to be a prophetic number
28 is also believed to be a prophetic number that carries messages about the future. Most people associate this meaning with the idea that the minor prophet, Hosea, comes at number 28 regarding book orders in the Old Testament.
It could mean a repentant King
Some people say that angel 28 could mean King because King David’s name is mentioned in 28 books in the Bible.
King David was a significant person in the Bible because he is always said to be in the lineage of Christ, as implied in Jeremiah 23:5, “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.”
He was repentant and humble before God, despite his shortcomings. Therefore the connection is that when his name is mentioned 28 times in the Bible, it is a reminder of his positive attributes like a repentant king.
Also, the number 28 could be a reference number
Some people believe that angel number 28 is a reference number of emphasis because the book of Mark uses 28 quotes from the Old Testament.
Logically, direct quotes create a logos argument that makes people trust the work. The 28 direct quotes from the Old Testament in the book of Mark could remind preachers and teachers to use Biblical passages in their preaching as it enhances understanding.
Also, it is believed that 28 is a special number of God that carries specificity
It is believed that the number 28 is a specific number that God considered special because He instructed that the curtains that made His wilderness tabernacle had to be 28 cubits long and four cubits wide.
In the book of Exodus 26:2, there are specific instructions about the number 28: “The length of each curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits, and the breadth of each curtain four cubits; all the curtains shall be the same size.”
It is also believed to be a bloody number
Also, the number 28 is often considered the number of the blood in the Bible. It is suggested in the scripture that evil King Jehu served for 28 years in his reign, which was full of bloodshed.
The reign of King Jehu is believed to have started with much more bloodshed than in any other king’s reign. Prophet Elisha told him to destroy every person in King Ahab’s house.
According to 2nd Kings 10:1-11, King Jehu killed all the 70 sons of Ahab and put their heads in two piles out at Jezreel. Later he killed all leaders of pagan worship at Jezreel that were connected to asking Ahab.
In addition, there was more bloodshed as he ordered Jezebel to be thrown out of the tower’s window to get killed.
Lastly, it is believed to be the number of the Holy Spirit
Number 28 is believed to be the number of the Holy Spirit because it is suggested that the day of Pentecost was on the 28th day of the month.
On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out to believers of Christ; it is believed to have happened ten days after Christ’s ascension.
What is the meaning of the number 28 in numerology?
The angel number 28 in numerology is often associated with power and high vibrations. It is a number that encourages ambitions, success, and determination. It can inspire you to take action and execute your plans, which could lead to immense success.
In essence, it is a numerical number that keeps your mind open to imagine big things and take risks that might be necessary for your success.
Also, the angel number 28 in numerology is often interpreted to mean that abundance and wealth are trying to locate you. This could mean that you might start amassing wealth and expand financially.
Also, it could imply that your teamwork and partnerships could be the key to your wealth and abundance.
The prophetic meaning of the number 28
It could mean doors will close so that new, better ones will open
The prophetic meaning of the number 28 could be that you need to trust that the closed doors had to be closed because new doors could be opened for you in the future. It could be the closure of financial doors.
For example, you get fired, but the prophecy could lead you to start your own business independently.
It could mean that you will experience prosperity in the future
The number 28 could carry a prophecy of prosperity in your life in the near future. Prosperity is usually possible if you have been putting in enough effort and are confident in yourself.
Spiritual meanings of the angel number 28

Angel number 28 could mean Karma
The angel number 28 is often associated with Karma; it could serve as a reminder of our actions. It is often thought of as a number that urges you to be accountable for your actions because they always have consequences.
It could also mean strength
Seeing the number 28 is often associated with resilience and strength spiritually. It could be that your Guardian angels are reminding you to stay strong in your spirituality even in tough times.
For instance, if you have spiritual attacks that discourage you and you keep spotting angel number 28 in your day-to-day activities, it could be a reminder that you need to be resilient in your spirituality.
It could also mean that you need to make your faith and trust stronger in spiritual timing
It is also believed that angel number 28 could represent divine timing to remind you to have faith and trust in the timing. This calls for patience and a lot of prayers because you need to wait on spiritual answers and actions.
It could imply that you need to stay on your highest spiritual path and remain faithful because when the time is right, God will make it happen.
What is the symbolism of the angel number 28?
It is believed that angel number 28 could symbolize encouragement from your Guardian angel. Your Guardian angel could be watching you and noticing your attitude and hard work and sending a symbolic number 28 as a form of encouragement to you to keep up the hard work.
It is a reminder to keep positive affirmations about yourself and your work so that you stay encouraged. It could symbolize the hope that you need to carry on in your work.
Also, the number 28 could symbolize major changes in your life that would change your life entirely. It could be a change in your social status or career-wise, but the changes would often bring positive results.
Reasons why you keep seeing the angel number 28: Spiritual Messages of Angel Number 28

The message could be about optimism and positivity
Angel number 28 is believed to be a number of optimism and positivity. When you see the number 28; it could be on your shopping list, at the grocery, and it constantly keeps coming up, then it could mean there is optimism and positivity coming your way.
The message could also be that you are about to experience financial freedom
When you keep coming across or seeing the number 28, it is believed that it is a spiritual confirmation that your hard work could be rewarded any time soon. As mentioned above, the key connection to the number 28 has always been believed to be optimism and positivity.
This implies that as you have been working hard towards financial freedom, the universe was watching, and it is believed that it could keep number 28 popping up to remind you about the positive results of hard work.
The message could be that you might be about to experience abundance in most aspects of your life
It is believed that the angels could be sending you a message of abundance through number 28. It is implied that when you have a positive attitude, confidence, and self-belief, the angels can notice that your attempts are headed toward gaining abundance.
Therefore it is believed that the number comes as a sign to make you keep up with confidence and attitude because you might soon reap from it.
It could be a message to you from the angels telling you to stay grateful
One of the important messages of number 28 is that it could be acting as a reminder that you need to be grateful and appreciate all the blessings that you have. Furthermore, it is suggested that the angels could be reminding you to share your blessings with others.
It could be a message to you that a phase or something in your life could intentionally end
It is believed that angel number 28 could also mean the end of a phase or something in your life. However, it is believed that the end signals a new necessary, and better beginning.
It implies that the angels are aware that you are about to experience a transition stage that requires you to be calm and focused.
It is suggested that angel number 28 appears to you during this period as a confirmation that the angels are present and will help you go through the transition phase.
It could also be carrying a message that reminds you to create bonds with the people in your life
The angel number 28 is also believed to be a spiritual number that could remind you of the need to create a stronger bond with the people around you. This is often associated with the optimism that you require to execute your plans.
If you have a strong bond with relatives and friends, they would more likely support your goals which could increase your optimism and chances of success.
However, if a person you relate with is more negative than positive about you, then it could be a reminder that you need to weaken your bond with them.
It could be a message of change in your life
It is believed that angel number 28 signify that there are going to be changes in your life. In this case, you could see the number often to get you prepared with patience to handle the coming changes.
It could be carrying a message of encouragement
Also, because angel number 28 is a number of optimism and positivity, it could be carrying a message of encouragement.
If you have been working on something and can barely see the fruits or experience success, then it is believed that if you see number 28 at this particular time, it could be the guardian angel trying to tell you to be hopeful and stay the course.
It could be a reminder that you need to stay confident and keep working because you could receive your success anytime.
What does the number 28 mean in different cultures?

Very few cultures consider the number 28 as a significant number. For example, in Jewish Culture, the number 28 is significant in pregnancy.
The 28th week of pregnancy is a special week for protecting the fetus against evil spirits.
In Chinese culture, the number 28 is connected to financial prosperity. It is considered an auspicious number for huge purchases or business expansions. In Feng shui houses, it is used to bring energies of abundance.
What Should I Do if I Keep Seeing Angel Number 28?
It is advised that if you keep seeing Angel number 28, you should stay confident and optimistic. You have to start being brave with the decisions you make.
This is often associated with the message that the number could be carrying. If you are more generous with your wealth, then you should be confident enough to start sharing.
Also, it could be a persistent message regarding apologies. If you keep seeing it, you should assess your past days to figure out who you wronged or who wronged you.
You are then advised to prepare to forgive people who wronged you or ask for forgiveness. All in all, you should assess all areas of your life then, determine the message of the number according to spiritual interpretation then act upon it.
Will the angel number 28 bring you good luck?
There is no angel number that brings bad luck, so yes, angel number 28 could bring you good luck. The good luck that comes with the number 28 is often connected to the idea that you might experience financial prosperity.
It is implied that the angels would send you number 28 to confirm to you that you would achieve the financial goals that you have set.
This is a form of luck because often, when you are financially prosperous, you also experience freedom and can venture into things that grow you spiritually and mentally.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.