What does the moon symbolize in the Bible (Biblical Meaning and Symbolism)?

Last night, I led a Bible discussion in which we talked about different things in the Bible. Some of these aspects have a deeper meaning.

One of the topics that had us going back and forth was the moon. Many verses mention it, but what does the moon symbolize in the Bible?

The moon symbolizes different things in the Bible. Teachers of the scripture imply that the moon symbolizes different seasons and separates day from night; Psalm 104:19. Some instances in the Bible identify certain celebrations and events with the moon, full moon, to be exact; Numbers 10:10. Also, in Psalm Psalms 19:1-4 the Bible suggests that the moon is proof of God’s supremeness in creating all that exists in the world.

In the article below, I will inform you on the symbolism of the moon in the scripture. Also, get to learn the various meanings of the moon from different cultures.

The moon may appear in your dream, we will delve into the meanings of that in the write-up below. Read on to find out about these and much more.

Is the moon mentioned in the Bible?

The moon has been mentioned in the Bible in different instances. It is one of the most significant sources of light which God created. In Genesis 1:16 the verse describes God creating two sources of light which implies is the sun and the moon: “And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.”

As you read other chapters in the scripture, you come across other mentions of the moon in Psalm 8:3, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,” and Acts 2:20, “The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.”

In most instances, the moon signified the elapse of time and the movement of the Earth. The moon through these movements seasons and day and night.

On other occasions, the moon signifies certain events or seasons. There are different phases of the moon highlighted in the scripture, which include the full, new, and blood moon.

7 symbolic meanings of the moon in the Bible

What does the moon symbolize in the Bible
Symbolic meanings of the moon in the Bible. Image source: Pixabay

Mark seasons

One of the symbolic meanings of the moon is in marking seasons. In Psalm 104:19, the Bible mentions that the moon identifies seasons together with the sun which has its time to set.

In Numbers 10:10,we read of the season marked by the moon, where Israelites were to present their sacrifices before God: “Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.”

Separate days and nights

In Genesis 1:16, the scripture talks of how God created the two lights to identify the day and the other night. Therefore, the moon separated the day from the night.

In the first verses of the scripture, the Bible mentions the sun and moon and greater and lesser lights. It goes to show the main purpose of these heavenly bodies, which is to provide lamination for these different times of day and night.

Throughout the scripture, we read of the moon’s intended purpose of providing light in the night; Isaiah 60:19; 30:26.

Mark Feasts

Different phases of the moon ushered certain feasts in the Bible. In Numbers 10:10, the scripture gives an insight on the role the moon plays during period of the feasts.

Apart from symbolizing seasons, the verse talks of the feast of gladness which implies the new moon marks it. The new moon feasts is one of the days that God set apart for the Israelites to celebrate through blowing trumpets and burnt offerings.

Another verse that implies the moon symbolizes a feast is Psalm 81:3, Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day.

God’s protection over his people

In Psalm 121:6, David uses symbolism to speak of God’s watch over his life. He talks of God’s protection which will forever be present day and night.

During the night, you may be afraid of looming danger, but this verse reminds Christians not to fear as God always has His guide and watch over our lives as He did for David’s life.

God’s ability to create all that exists

In the book of Psalms, David is in awe of God’s creation, the heavenly bodies, including the moon. No human understanding surpasses God’s, which presents through creating the moon.

To date, human beings are still in wonder about all He can do. It explains why scientists study and travel to the moon to get details of all that exists in that space.

Looming danger

Most of the symbolism, as described, represents positive aspects. However, there are texts in the Bible that use the moon as a symbol of possible danger. We get this in Joel 2:10 and Revelation 6:12, which describe the final days.

The scriptures talk of the darkening of the moon with blood or darkness in these times of approaching danger. Also, in Isaiah 30:26, the scripture implies the moon as part of the signs of when the day of the Lord arrives: “Moreover, the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day when the Lord binds up the brokenness of his people, and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow.”

Establishing covenants

As you read through scripture, you come across the moon being mentioned when God sought to strike a covenant with David.

In Psalms 89:37 the scripture informs us of the covenant God is making with David: “Like the moon it shall be established forever, a faithful witness in the skies.” Selah.”

The moon has been used to symbolize the eternity of the covenant between God and David. As we know, the moon has been present since the fourth day of creation, and its existence will be till the last day.

5 spiritual meanings of the moon

Biblical Meaning and Symbolism
Spiritual meanings of the moon. Image source: Pixabay

Object of worship

For some, the moon is more than a body that marks the different seasons. They associate the body with a source of untold power.

As there are different religious doctrines, there are those who worship heavenly bodies; the moon being specific.

The scripture warns its followers against this practice, God cautions against worshipping heavenly bodies. Deuteronomy 4:19 reads, “And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, ball the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the Lord your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.”

Instead, Christians should abide to worship God and not His creations.


According to Baha’i teachings, the moon’s brightness speaks of the enlightenment that the various prophets of God came with into the universe.

Based on the teachings of Baha’i, the heavenly bodies, stars, moon, and sun represent God’s prophets. They have shared spiritual knowledge with the world just as the moon illuminates the universe.

In this, they explain that, like how the moon fades away and the sun rises, our worldly knowledge and wisdom vanish.

Immortality and Eternity

In the Bible, Psalms 89:37 implies the moon has been used symbolically to explain the eternity in God’s creations.

When God wanted to make a covenant with David, He compared it to the longevity and eternity moon. The moon goes through various cycles which correspond with our lives.

It is always changing and moving with different seasons, just as the moon does.


Some compare the moon with a mirror. To understand this better, take the full moon. For it to exude brightness, it gets reflection from the sun. Therefore, people compare this with human understanding.

With each phase of the moon, some imply it exudes certain energies. Some imply the full moon portrays the feeling of completion and contentment.

Therefore, the Earth will likely experience contentment in different aspects when it reaches this moon phase.


Some people have come out with the insinuation that the moon gives feminine energy. Those who argue the idea claim the moon is similar to a female as it has different cycles, and with each portrays different attitudes and personalities.

They spiritually associate the moon with the ability to bring forth nurturing behaviors. Also, they say it carries beauty and sultriness, which is feminine.

There are various pieces of literature, such as poems written in awe of the moon as a feminine symbol.

The symbolism of the different phases of the moon

What does the moon symbolize in the Bible
Symbolism of the different phases of the moon. Image source: Pixabay

New moon

It is the first phase which suggests it is a new start. Just as the phase is beginning, it implies that it symbolizes the start of a new phase in life.

During this stage, one should set new goals and intentions for the new season. Setting attainable, realistic goals is better to avoid disappointments in other phases.

Also, it is a phase where it suggests for calls of presence. People should connect with their inner selves to realize new visions.

Waxing crescent

Here, the moon results from the reflection from the sun, which is a size less than the half moon. Now that one has set their intentions in the new moon, this phase gives the idea that the intent behind should be actualizing what you set in the first phase.

It gives the idea that people should act and actualize what they had committed to doing.

Waxing half moon

The moon in this phase is split in half, one side illuminated and the other dark. This phase leads to the belief that decision-making should be done, whereby one has to choose what works.

It suggests that you should analyze your current situation and make an honest conclusion. Take time to visualize whether what you are doing aligns with what you have set for the future.

Make a decision that works for what you set in the new moon.

Waxing gibbous

The waxing gibbous means the moon’s radiation is growing and has surpassed the waxing half-moon. Just like the other phase, it gives the idea that it symbolizes intent.

Suggesting people should continue in stride with all they have set to do. Ensure they align with your future vision.

Full moon

The entire moon radiates in this phase. It gives the idea that it symbolizes a time of recalling oneself and analyzing your progress up to that point.

It implies you should celebrate all the wins and allow yourself to savor all you have achieved from the previous phases. In line with the bright nature of the full moon, the phase suggests it’s time to soak in all the glory.

Release all that is working against you into the universe and call for guidance as you proceed.

Waning gibbous

Waning means reduction, and in this instance, the moon starts to lose its radiation with a part of it shadowed. As the moon is losing its shine, it implies that this signifies the act of letting go and letting be what is working.

Also, it suggests you are to practice gratitude for all that you have.

Waning half moon

A decreased moon illumination continues with one half shadowed and the other radiant. The phase gives the idea that it symbolizes a time to reflect on your decisions on the new moon.

It also talks of all that you decided to let go of.

Waning crescent

The size of the moon getting illuminated in this phase is less than half. It gradually reduces illumination size and signifies the release of anything that may deprive you of happiness.

The phase suggests releasing stress and worries you may have. Also, it gives the impression that you should savor life at the moment and enjoy what it offers.

A new moon is about to start, which implies you get another chance to start.

What does the moon mean in different cultures?

Different seasons

Like in the Bible, most cultures use the moon to identify seasons. For instance, in Islam, the moon plays a significant role in their culture. It marks the significant days in the calendar.

The new moon appears at the beginning of each new month, which signifies the start of a new season. Also, during Ramadan, the new moon commences the fasting while sighting the new moon ends the fasting period.

In the early days, the moon was used to identify months, as no calendars existed.

Human emotions

According to astrology, the moon symbolizes different emotions. With the different phases, astrologists imply they have a human emotion tied to it.

They say the moon may affect how one behaves, feels, and personality. It is a mystical belief. However, many have come out in support of this.

Based on astrological beliefs, the full moon signifies emotional contentment and heightened feelings. Along the moon cycle phases, it eludes other emotions such as frustrations, anger, and procrastination.

However, the new moon elicits positivity as the new cycle commences. The Chinese also believe in the moon being a carrier of human emotions.

Birth and death

Some associate the moon as a sign of death or birth. According to Tartars, who are in Central Asia, they refer to the moon as the ‘Queen of Life and Death.’

In essence, the start of a new moon signifies rebirth or the start of something. Islam marks their seasons with the rise of a new moon which, in other words, may be termed as birth.

The start of a new season compares to the start or rebirth of something.

Fortune or misfortune

The Chinese culture holds a lot of symbolism under the moon. According to Chinese culture, the full moon documents family reunion, prosperity, and peace, which are a fortune.

You may have heard about the blood moon, which also appears in the scripture; theories surround it. The lunar eclipse is the other name for the blood moon, which some cultures believe brings an omen.

According to the Taiwanese, pointing at the moon may bring misfortune in other cultures that show respect to the heavenly bodies.

What does it mean to see a moon in your dreams?

What does the moon symbolize in the Bible
What does it mean to see a moon in your dreams? Image source: Pixabay


There are various meanings of the moon appearing in a dream. According to dream interpreters, seeing a full moon may signify the completeness of something.

It could be completeness emotionally, physically, or financially. Also, it shows contentment with your desires.


Some beliefs link the moon with feminine energy. Therefore, when one encounters it in a dream, it may communicate a feminine aspect.

The lunar eclipse is mostly associated with femininity, which could be gentleness, and nurturing. The dream means that you need to let the feminine side emerge.


Dreaming about the moon may also mean calmness and peace. During the night, especially when there is the full moon, it eludes exudes a peaceful aura that reflects to dream, if you are going through turbulences Dreaming about the moon may reassure you of things getting resolved peacefully.


If you dream about the moon going through destruction, then it may not be well with you. There may be a looming danger in your life.

Also, a red moon may symbolize an omen, such as war. They link dreams and desires when you dream about reaching out for the moon.

However, it may be disappointing as they may be farfetched from having high expectations.

Mental state

Dreaming about the moon could symbolize what you are going through mentally. Whether it’s stress, contentment, or happiness, it will present itself in the dream.

For instance, the full moon symbolizes and reflects a state of analyzing life paths and choices. A red moon may reflect thoughts you have that are negative such as anger and frustration.

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