Why do Mennonites have green roofs? (What’s the purpose of the green roofs?)

As a theologian, I am keen on every aspect of the lifestyle associated with Christians across the globe. I have developed an interest in the various cultural consistencies among Christian communities. Among the most intriguing I found recently is the dominant pattern of green roofs and touches of green around the residential structures of the Mennonite Christian neighborhoods. I decided to tour the Mennonite community and conduct research to establish the significance of the green shade among the Mennonites. Coincidentally, in one of the youth overnight meetings at my local church, we discussed the symbolism of different colors among various Christian denominations. The Bible study coordinator asked me to explain what I thought was the essence of the green shade among the Mennonites. Having been there not so long ago, I had all the answers. So, why do Mennonites have green roofs?

Being a conservative lot, most Mennonites love connecting with nature and hence oppose modernization. To them, the green environment is one of the most natural things God created, and they are, therefore, keen on emphasizing and promoting its existence in every possible way while using it to create a better life. The green shading is one of the icons that highlight their simplistic existence and appreciation of what God created and gave to them.

In this article, I expose some reasons for the unique connection with the green shade amongst the Mennonite Christians. Read on to discover some interesting beliefs surrounding the green shade that make them hold onto it.

What’s the significance of green roofs in the Mennonite community?

According to the Mennonites, they are conservative people who oppose most modern technological innovations and insist on preserving the ancient state as created by God. They believe in creating a better atmosphere by conserving nature. To them, the green environment is one of the most natural things God created, and they are, therefore, keen on emphasizing and promoting its existence in every possible way while using it to create a better life. The green shading is one of the icons that highlight their simplistic existence and appreciation of what God created and gave to them.

What’s the purpose of green roofs for Mennonites?

Why do Mennonites have green roofs?
What’s the purpose of green roofs for Mennonites? Image source: Pinterest

The Mennonites believe green shade has a big role in the heat energy cycle. Aside from cooling the atmosphere through its evaporative effect, it also provides perfect insulation for houses by intercepting direct heat from the atmosphere and utilizing it for its physiological processes. This consequently lowers the cost of air-conditioning by reducing the energy needed for the same.

What is the origin of green roofs in the Mennonite community?

Most of the Mennonites are believed to have been part of communities such as the Amish, who traditionally, apart from farming, treasured the preservation of the green environment and worked around using it to solve common problems experienced, such as much heat during summer. While resorting to the Mennonite religion, they preserved most of these important beliefs and treasures. For instance, they resorted to using green shades to solve heat and cold challenges instead of modern appliances, which they often oppose.

How do green roofs reduce heat?

Those with scientific knowledge among the Mennonites believe that there are two major ways in which green plants reduce heat:

  • Shading effect
  • Evapotranspiration

The shading effect is a way of intercepting the direct heat reaching the house’s interior and checking its intensity. These make the homes much cooler compared to places exposed to direct heat.

Evapotranspiration is a process that uses a lot of heat energy. The direct heat to the housing structures is utilized for evapotranspiration before it can be transferred to the interior of the house. This consequently leaves the interiors cool and comfortable, free from direct heat.

What are the other benefits of the green shade to the Mennonites?

Why do Mennonites have green roofs?
Benefits of the green shade to the Mennonites. Image source: Pinterest

Apart from enhancing the connection between humans and the green environment, in the Mennonite community, plants have been thought to play a big role in boosting mental health by reducing echoes, reducing contemporary environmental pollution, and checking climate change. Green roofs also provide good waterproofing as well as good water retention. The green shade also enhances organic life by providing a habitat for microorganisms, insects, and other living things.

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