I have always considered the Church of Christ my second home since I am a pastor that was
raised in it. The church has always been vital in my spiritual nourishment, and it guides my life.
Having been in the Christian ministry for over a decade, I discovered a recent worrying trend of
people leaving the church of Christ in large numbers. This is a matter of concern since Jesus
Christ expects to find a packed church during his second coming. As a born-again Christian, I
keep asking myself, why do people leave the church of Christ?
In this article, I will discuss why Christians leave the church of Christ. Join me in this exploration
and discover what the Bible says about the church of Christ. Read on to learn more!
Reasons why people are leaving the church of Christ.
Different reasons have been mentioned as the inspiration behind their decision to leave the church of Christ. Some reasons are general and have influenced large crowds to exit the church, but some are personal and have only influenced individuals.
False Doctrines
False and misleading doctrines are part of why people have given up and left the church of Christ. Most of them claim that things were okay at the beginning, but slowly they have noticed a change in doctrines that have drifted entirely away from the teachings of the Bible. Jesus himself warned against false teachers and their misleading doctrines.
This group of people has proven to be vigilant and conservative about the Gospel of Christ, and as soon as they realized it was being changed, they departed from the church. This is a valid reason why they left the church since God warns about blindly following the false teachers and its repercussions. Instead of being led toward doom, they have left the church of Christ.
Science has also played a significant role in making people leave the church of Christ. Information that contradicts the teachings of the Bible is spread all over, with some information being taught in schools. Theories of evolution that try to discredit the theory of creation have been discussion topics among believers.
Some have questioned the creation theory and started believing in the scientific ones. This questioning and doubts have acted as catalysts in killing the faith of believers, with some feeling like the evolution theories make more sense than the creative ones. This has led to some members leaving the church of Christ as they feel more knowledgeable, especially after being exposed to scientific theories.
Absconding for no reason
Some people have left the church of Christ after forming habits of missing some of the services. Christianity is a religion run on utmost discipline with massive expectations. Some believers started by absconding from one service, which soon became a habit. They then graduated to maybe two monthly services as the habit grew stronger. This has finally graduated to total absconding from attending the church of Christ, and people are now leaving the church permanently.
Church Scandals
Church leaders being found in scandals is one of the primary reasons that have led Christians to depart from the church of Christ. These are the spiritual leaders tasked with leading the congregants on this journey. These leaders have always tried to portray a perfect life to the followers of Christ, who have always held them in high regard. These people have always tried to emulate the life portrayed by these leaders, hoping it is the godly way.
Unfortunately, some of these leaders have low-key been leading scandalous lives away from the eyes of their church members. These scandals have been exposed, leaving some church members with a sour mouth. Some who have been unable to bear the embarrassment of their church leaders being exposed have ended up leaving the church of Christ.
Exploitation of members by church leaders
Some members have claimed to have left the church due to exploitation by some rogue leaders. Despite the Bible being open to giving back to God, some leaders have reportedly asked for more, even milking the congregants dry. This has discouraged several people who have felt more than exploited despite knowing the teachings of Christ on giving.
Some people have left the church of Christ because it could not cater to their needs. Some of them had joined the church hoping that all their problems would be sorted out but have faced the same challenges while still in the church. They have ended up feeling discouraged by the lack of change in their lives, thus leaving the church of Christ altogether.
Hostility among members
Some people have felt hurt by different happenings in the church of Christ. Since the church is described as an assembly of believers of Christ, it hosts different kinds of people. Human nature has sometimes played a role in creating a rift between some congregants. Wrangles in the praise and worship teams and sometimes comments from other church members have hurt some congregants.
Relocation and change of leadership
Some reportedly left the church of Christ after moving to other areas due to unavoidable circumstances like work transfer. When they got to these new areas, they failed to find churches similar to theirs and thus got used to the new lifestyle without attending the church.
A favorite pastor or church leader leaving a particular church has also massively contributed to people leaving the church. Some congregants tend to connect more with certain ministers of the word and claim they understand them better. When a transfer occurs of particular ministers, some congregants lack the motivation to continue attending the church and leave the church of Christ.
The reasons why some people have left the church of Christ are not limited to the ones discussed above; we have more. Some have even attributed their misfortunes to the church. Leaving the church is a personal decision and should not be influenced by individuals. Since Jesus Christ is the church’s owner, He should be consulted through prayers before leaving the church.

Do you have to go to church to be a Christian?
While it is essential for a Christian to go to church, it is not compulsory. The church is just a community of believers, but a Christian is a person who has made a personal decision in their heart to follow Jesus Christ and his doctrines. A Christian is not judged by going to church but through the actions that they always show.
We also have Christians who cannot attend church due to unavoidable circumstances. Some believers of Jesus Christ are bedridden, and some could be severely disabled, making it hard for them to attend church. Does this make them lesser Christians? Of course not. As long as in their hearts they have genuinely accepted Jesus Christ, then they are still considered true Christians.
However, this does not downplay the vital role the church plays in the life of Christians. In Hebrews 10:25, God commands Christians to attend church together and worship Him in unity. The church is also the perfect place to fellowship with other Christians as well as receive the teachings from Christ. For one to be considered a Christian, it is not a must that you attend church, but there are many benefits of attending the church that should make a Christian want to go there.
What does the Bible say about the church of Christ?
The Bible says that the church of Christ is the body of Jesus Christ and consists of the living stones from which the house is built. This is found in 1st Peter 2:5, which says, “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
The Bible also says that the church of Christ should not give up on meeting and encouraging each other as the day of the coming of Christ approaches. You can find this in Hebrew 10:25. This verse says, “Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the day approaching.”
The church of Christ is built on the solid rock that even hell cannot prevail against. This is found in Matthew 16:18, it says, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
The church of Christ is unified, with everybody paying attention to each other while guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is read in Acts 20:28. “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the Church of God, which he bought with his blood.”`
Jesus Christ himself greatly loves the church of Christ, and Christ is considered its head, body, and Saviour as seen in Ephesians 5:23-25 which says, “For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Saviour. Now, as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”
The church of Christ belongs to Jesus Christ as the patron and should be run according to his teachings. Christians are also encouraged to be unified in the church of Christ and hold each other’s hands as we wait for the rapture. A church that does not condescend to the doctrines of Jesus Christ is not a real church of Christ.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.