Why was Satan not forgiven (can God forgive Satan)?

One thing I have learned during my time in the ministry is that forgiveness is the building block of any born-again Christian. The virtue does, however, come with conflicts that go way back to the creation time. One question that many people usually ask me, and which I too am curious to know, is, Why was Satan not forgiven?

According to the scriptures, Satan did not desire God’s forgiveness. The book of Isaiah implies that Satan only has the goal of ruling over creation, and his ambitions are so deeply rooted that he has no desire for God’s forgiveness. He orchestrates all evil deeds without any remorse, nor does he yearn for divine mercy.

In this article, I am going to look into the different scenarios that could have led to the forgiveness of Satan and why that was not the case. I will uncover the reasons why theologians believe that Satan is irredeemable and whether or not God granted Satan repentance. Join me as I find answers to these and more questions.

Did God create an opportunity for Satan to ask for forgiveness?

The Bible does not address any instance where God gave Satan an opportunity to ask for forgiveness. However, from 1 Timothy 5:21, we can deduce that Satan was no longer in a position to seek repentance from God. The Bible says, ‘In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels, I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality.’ The elect angels, in this case, are those who are faithful to Him. Satan does not make it to this list because he is a fallen angel.

Furthermore, the Bible implies in 1 Peter 5:8 that, given the opportunity, Satan would still not repent because he is only seeking to devour God’s people.

Does Satan have a second chance with God?

can God forgive Satan?
Does Satan have a second chance with God? Image source: Pixabay

The Bible does not hint at the possibility that Satan has a second chance with God. Satan is a spiritual being who existed with God in the beginning. As such, the nature of his shortcomings is different from that of humans, and while we are gifted with forgiveness and redemption, the same is hard to tell in his case. 1 John 3:8 describes Satan as one who has been sinning from the beginning. This means that just as it is like God to be good and forgiving, it is like Satan to be evil. Therefore, there might not be a second chance for him with God.

If Satan genuinely repented of his sins, would he be forgiven?

According to Matthew 25:41, Satan is destined for certain doom, and the Bible does not address any chances that his fate would change if he repented. Satan is credited with all evil deeds. John 8:44: ‘…When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.’ Satan is opposed to God, and his only goal is to lead as many of God’s people as he can astray. The Bible suggests that since the beginning of time, he has rebelled against God and continues to do so.

While we can ask ourselves about this possibility, the facts, according to the Bible, are that his fate during the end times is predetermined, and all we can do is pray that we may be delivered from his evil.

Did God grant Satan repentance?

There is no instance where the Bible implies that God granted Satan repentance. For a man or an angel to repent their sins, they have to be granted repentance, which only God can do. In Acts 5:31, there is mention of God granting repentance. The Bible says, ‘He is the one whom God exalted to His right hand as a Prince and Savior, to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.’ The Bible further suggests that Gentiles were also granted repentance.

Part of the reason why Satan was denied repentance is that he is a fallen angel. According to Hebrews 2:16, God does not grant help to angels but to the descendants of Abraham.

If we are to forgive our enemies, then are we to forgive Satan?

Why was Satan not forgiven? 
Forgiving Satan. Image source: Unsplash

No. According to Matthew 6:12, God expects us to forgive one another just as he forgives us. His forgiveness and redemption are extended to humans and not to Satan, a spiritual being. Forgiveness is God’s gift to humans. We are to forgive our enemies because we relate to them on all levels. As humans, we are all sinful and hopeless, and God loves us equally. Since Satan is not human, we are not obliged to treat him as such, and so we don’t have to forgive him.

Also, the Bible implies in the Gospel Books that Jesus came to earth to atone for the sins of humans deceived by Satan. Jesus’ mission on earth was to fight Satan by saving us from his hold and not to forgive him. Mark 3:20-30. So, if Jesus did not come to forgive Satan, we also shouldn’t forgive him.

Why do Theologians believe that Satan is irredeemable?

The reason theologians believe that Satan is irredeemable is that the Bible implies that he is the chief adversary of God. They view his rebellion as a willful act to challenge God’s sovereignty. The consequences of his actions are a promised eternity under darkness (Jude 1:6). According to desiringgod.org, John Piper acknowledges the writings of Matthew 25:41 that Satan and his angels are destined for eternal fire as the reason why he is irredeemable.

Theologians also argue that Satan’s desire to acquire God’s power and authority is another reason he would never be able to accept good and be redeemed. By rejecting God, he rejected the ultimate good, which makes it impossible for him to turn to God.

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