Biblical Meaning Of Being Choked In A Dream (Spiritual Meaning Of Being Choked In A Dream)

In theology school, I was pretty fascinated by different Christian beliefs and doctrines. I was particularly interested in symbolism in the Bible, Christian anthropology, and the meaning behind dreams.

I was specifically keen to understand the meaning of being choked in dreams and what it implied biblically and spiritually. To gain deeper insights into the subject, I studied the Bible, reviewed countless texts and articles, and sat at the feet of religious leaders, soaking up all the knowledge I could.

So, when my college theology students asked me to explain why choking appears in the Bible and what it means when it appears in dreams, I was excited to share my knowledge.

Most of them hadn’t paid attention to the use of choking in the Bible and had different thoughts about the matter. Based on my research, I was able to give them detailed answers.

So, what’s the biblical meaning of being choked in a dream?

It is said that dreaming that you’re being choked may imply spiritual and even emotional suffocation. Essentially, choking is used figuratively in the Bible to mean smothering or suffocating by earthly distractions like riches or caring what people think. Choking dreams are also believed to represent the fear of seeking advice or help, reluctance, loss of freedom, or not feeling control over the situation you may have found yourself in.

Through this post, I’ll share insights into dreams about choking, the spiritual significance of these dreams, and the biblical meaning of choking dreams.

So, let’s dive right into it!

Symbolic meaning being choked in a dream

Biblical Meaning Of Being Choked In A Dream
Symbolic meaning being choked in a dream. Image source: Pixabay

Subconscious reluctance

Individuals who subscribe to this line of thinking believe that dreaming about getting choked represents a level of reluctance on the subconscious level.

It’s said that anyone with such a dream may receive good advice or even have great instincts but can still not act correctly because they are afraid subconsciously.

Additionally, such individuals are also said to suffer a great deal of opposition from their subconscious mind, and this holds them back, often as a defense mechanism that’s either self-induced or from past trauma.

Inability to express yourself effectively

It’s also suggested that dreaming about being choked in a dream symbolizes an inability to communicate or express emotions openly fully.

The dream is said to reflect the hidden consciousness or even a fear of expressing personality. It’s believed that the inexpression often leads to dreams about choking because it is a symbolic way through which your subconscious stops you from speaking your mind.

Suppose you have been struggling with expressing your thoughts or emotions. In that case, it’s said that this dream may be the universe’s way of calling you out on the same and subtly nudging you to take the necessary steps to ensure that you express yourself openly and confidently. 

Sign of hostility

If you dream about being choked, some people posit that such dreams represent a potentially hostile reaction to something someone close to you may have said.

It’s believed that this may be your subconscious making you aware of the state of disagreement and volatility around a situation you may be dealing with.

Feeling overwhelmed

It’s also said that a dream about choking symbolizes feeling overwhelmed and losing the ability to cope with the many life demands.

It suggested that the feeling of being choked, even in dreams, means that you cannot cope with the many demands of your life, so you may feel out of control.

Additionally, some people posit that a choking dream may symbolize feeling too much pressure from different or specific circumstances in your life.

Therefore, the dream may subconsciously represent feelings of suffocation and losing grip on everything in your life. 


Some people believe that dreams about being choked may symbolize the subconscious knowing of something that’s about to end.

It’s said that the choking dream may be a physical representation of what you feel about that job or relationship coming to an end.

Fear of Failure

The dream about choking is also believed to represent the deep, subconscious fear of failing. The dream is suggested to symbolize all those feelings around crippling fear, overwhelm, success, and getting things flowing in a positive direction. 

Spiritual reasons why you are dreaming about being choked 

Biblical Meaning Of Being Choked In A Dream 
Spiritual reasons why you are dreaming about being choked. Image source: Pixabay

Unresolved or Suppressed Emotions

Some people interpret choking dreams as symbols of holding back or having deep, unresolved emotions. The choking dream is interpreted as a sign of suppressed emotions and, in other cases, a feeling of suffocation about certain situations in life.

If you keep having this dream, it’s suggested that it may be a sign from the universe nudging you to find an emotional release to express or confront your emotions.

Communication Problems

Spiritual people also suggest that when someone dreams about being choked, it may be a sign of deep-seated issues with communication.

They say that this is one of the ways through which the subconscious alerts the mind of the suppressed communication abilities, not feeling heard, or lacking the ability to communicate what they may be feeling fully.

It’s also said that the dream may reflect relationships or situations where individuals feel silenced or unable to assert themselves confidently.

Traumatic Experiences

Some spiritual believers interpret dreams of getting choked with the spiritual realm or guardian angels calling your attention to the possibility that you may have gone through traumatic experiences in your past.

The dream is believed to be a sign of past emotional or physical trauma that may have been shut off or hidden deep in your subconscious, and by having such a dream, it may be time to address the past trauma. 

Stress and Anxiety

Some people believe that dreams about choking indicate that you may feel stressed and anxious. It’s believed that such dreams represent the spiritual guides’ warning you about the anxious feelings you may be harboring or even nudging you to become more aware of the impact the stresses of life are having on you.

The dream is also a reminder to manage your stress levels. 

Mental or Emotional Restraint

It’s also said that such dreams may symbolize the emotional and emotional restraints limiting growth and mental and spiritual well-being.

Some people believe that these dreams may encourage emotional healing or even point to the need to break free from one’s emotional burdens.

The dream is also said to be a spiritual guide that may symbolize the need to seek healing and cultivate emotionally healthy connections.

Spiritual Warfare

It’s also said that dreaming about choking may be the spiritual manifestation of spiritual warfare. It’s said that such dreams symbolize an existing or ensuing spiritual fight against the dark forces and that these forces could be hindering potential spiritual progress.

Additionally, it’s said that such dreams encourage people to put their faith in the heavens. 

Biblical meanings of being chocked in a dream 

Spiritual challenges

According to Luke 8:14, the seeds that fall in the thorns don’t succeed because of the thorns, and this verse is interpreted as Christians losing their way or their faith in Jesus Christ because of the pleasures of the world, worries, and riches.

All these distractions are said to affect the maturity of the believers in faith. It’s said that dreaming about choking may symbolize the challenges that a Christian may face. Some people also interpret this dream as 

warning about getting caught up and being distracted by different things in life, even as an individual tries to grow spiritually. 

Struggle with sin 

Some people also interpret the dream of being choked as a struggle with sin. It’s also said that dreaming about choking may also symbolize the fact that someone may be feeling guilty or a sense of condemnation for the sins that they have committed.

However, the dream may also be a sign to let go of the guilt and to lead a righteous life. 

Freedom from spiritual bondage

Choking dreams may also be interpreted as a sign from heaven encouraging you to seek spiritual freedom. Since choking is associated with suppression or restraint, the dream may be interpreted as a sign of liberation and freedom. John 8:36, Luke 8:7

Different scenarios of being choked in a dream and their biblical meanings 

Biblical Meaning Of Being Choked In A Dream
Being choked in a dream and their biblical meanings. Image source: Pixabay

Dream of being choked by a child

It’s said that if you dream about being choked by a child, it may symbolize the emotional pressure you feel while parenting. It’s believed that this dream may symbolize emotional distress or feelings of not being enough because you may be struggling with parenting.

It’s also said that this dream may be warning you against being over-reliant on others for solutions to your problems. On the other hand, a dream where you are choking a child is said to be a sign from the universe about the possibility of a loved one disappointing you.

The dream is also believed to be a sign that you aren’t taking your responsibilities seriously. 

Dream of being choked by a colleague

Some people interpret dreams of being choked by colleagues as manifestations of the possibility of colleagues being envious of your progress in life, especially if your life is going smoothly and work performance is at its peak.

It’s also believed that the dream points to the possibility of using your power to influence your colleagues and friends positively.

Dream of being choked by a man 

If you dream about being choked by a man like your partner, for example, some people say that this dream may be a warning about the trajectory of your romantic life.

It’s also said that the dream may be a sign of things not going as envisioned.

Dream of being choked by a stranger

Some people posit that if you dream of being choked by a stranger, it may be a sign from the universe asking you to slow down since you may have taken on more responsibilities than you can handle comfortably.

It’s also said that such dreams may symbolize the possibility of being taken advantage of or having too many duties and no time for rest or leisure. 

Dream of being choked by an animal

If you dream about being choked by an animal, some people suggest that this dream may symbolize the possibility of successfully removing yourself from a problematic situation or finally distancing yourself from someone toxic. 

Dream of being choked by someone you know 

It’s believed that if you dream about someone close to you choking you, it may be a sign that the person you dreamt about is causing you a great deal of emotional stress.

The dream is said to be a warning about distancing yourself from that person. 

Dream of being choked by your pet

It’s also said that people who often dream of being choked by their pets are driven by the desire to create a just society and that these individuals may be involved in causes like environmental and human rights protection. 

Dream of being choked to death

Dreaming about being choked to death is posited to symbolize the possibility of life factors that may make it impossible to see your life path. It’s said that this dream may signal that you are in an environment where you are surrounded by toxic or fake friends.

Also, some people believe that such a dream may be a sign from the universe asking you to remove yourself from such situations to see your dreams and hopes more clearly. 

Dream of being choked to death by a gang

It’s believed that if you dream about being choked to death by gangs, it may symbolize that you are hostile to someone or something in your life. This dream is said to be a sign for you to address your negativity or toxicity and to live well and enjoy life. 

Dream of choking someone 

If you dream of choking on someone, it may be a sign from the universe warning you against putting your hopes and aspirations on one person or depending on luck.

It’s also said that the dream may symbolize worry about the trajectory of your life. Some people interpret this dream as a sign of deep-seated hatred.

Meaning of being choked in a dream in different cultures

In most cultures, dreams about choking are associated with the suppression of the throat chakra. The throat chakra is considered the center of self-expression, creativity, and communication, and a blocked throat manifests as tightness or choking in the throat.

Most cultures interpret choking as a sign of spiritual restraint, spiritual obstacles, or even surrendering to higher powers/ releasing negativity. 

Other cultures, like the shamanic, believe that choking symbolizes purification, emotional, and negative energy release. Therefore, it’s said that such dreams point to the possible release of negative energies.

Native Americans spiritually associate choking and dreams of choking with disconnection from one’s roots or cultural heritage, while Hindus and Buddhists associate choking with attachment to material possessions. 

Should I be concerned when I dream about being choked?

Yes, it’s said that you should be concerned if you dream about being choked because such dreams are often seen as manifestations of what happens in the subconscious.

In most cultures, it’s said that such dreams call individuals to work on their inner transformation and healing while also encouraging spiritual growth or freedom.

Some people suggest that these dreams may represent the potential existence of spiritual warfare or bondage. 

Some of the appropriate responses to such dreams are said to include asking for support from either spiritual mentors or counselors, working on building one’s state of spiritual freedom, self-reflection, prayer, as well as spiritual discernment. 

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