Biblical meaning of big waves in dreams (spiritual meanings of big waves in a dream)

As a theologian, I am interested in understanding different interpretations of dreams. I was particularly interested in understanding different interpretations of dreams about big waves in 2022.

My friend had just gotten married, and he was having recurring dreams about big waves. He was alarmed, and we had to ask some clergy members to interpret for us.

They said the dream meant that he would face challenges in his marriage, but it was also a reminder that God was powerful enough to calm all types of waves.

I was so interested in understanding more about these dreams, so I researched. I read the Bible, asked different dream interpreters, and read different articles. So, last week, we were discussing dreams in our online forum, and one man asked for an interpretation of different waves in dreams.

Many people offered their opinions, but he asked me to answer from a theological point of view. I answered with ease because I had researched the topic in detail.

So, let’s get into the biblical meaning of big waves in dreams.

Although the Bible does not give direct interpretations of big waves in dreams, different believers suggest that it means you will have trials and temptations. However, according to others, the big waves represent the power of God in dreams, and they are an assurance of overcoming your real-life challenges. Also, others interpret such dreams to mean that you are undergoing spiritual purification.

So, join me in this article as I discuss the biblical meaning of dreams about big waves. I will also discuss the psychological meaning of dreams about big waves.

Read on to find out more.

What is the symbolic meaning of waves in a dream?

spiritual meanings of big waves in a dream
What is the symbolic meaning of waves in a dream? Image source: Pixabay

Unpredictable situations

One of the famous symbols of waves in dreams is that they signify unpredictable situations. This symbolism is often said to fit whenever you dream about big waves during tough times.

Also, many explain that the dream is a reflection of your uncertainty because you are not sure what will come tomorrow—confusion.

Others suggest that the waves represent events you least expect regarding your work or business. They also believe that the waves symbolize the need to take immediate action to prevent upcoming challenges.

Feeling overwhelmed

According to different people, big waves in dreams are a symbol of how you are overwhelmed. Often, it is said that such dreams come during tough times when you are emotionally down.

Many consider the waves as a sign that you are unable to cope with the situation.


Also, it is believed that the big waves in the dream symbolize the change that you are going to have in your life. It is explained using the nature of waves to move back and forth. In the same way, things will come and go in your life, which is essentially Change.

Therefore, people who hold this belief say that dreams about big waves mean that there will be either negative or positive change.

What do waves represent in the Bible?

Power of God

Many Christians associate waves with the power of God. They explain using the Biblical story about Moses parting the Red Sea by God’s power. Believers interpret the story as a definition of how much power God has over nature, including waves.

He parted the waters, and Israelites walked through to the other side. From this story, believers have faith that God can take anyone through any waves. Therefore, they explain that dreams about waves are a reminder of God’s power.

Consequences of sin

Also, many people suggest that waves in the Bible represent the consequences of sin. It is explained using the story of Jonah. Jonah did not listen to God, and he was thrown into the storm of waves where a fish ate him.

He spent up to 3 days in the stomach of the fish—consequences of disobedience. Therefore, from this story, believers suggest that dreams about big waves are a sign that you will get punished, but you have an opportunity to repent and ask Christ for forgiveness.

Power of Faith

According to different believers, the waves represent the power of faith in the Bible. This is explained using the story of Peter drowning in the New Testament.

At the time when Jesus was walking on water, Peter asked him if he could join him, but he only made a few steps and drowned.

The story is often used to teach about the power of faith because Peter drowned due to lack of faith. Had Peter had faith, he would have had power over the waves.

Therefore, many people take waves in dreams as a reminder that faith is powerful.

What does it mean biblically if you dream about big waves?

Biblical meaning of big waves in dreams 
What does it mean biblically if you dream about big waves? Image source: Pixabay

God’s power and majesty

Many believers posit that if you dream about big waves, it is a sign of God’s power and majesty in your life . It is often seen as a reminder to the dreamer that God has the power to control everything naturally.

Others suggest that the dream is a sign of your spiritual awakening, especially if you felt a sense of wonder in the dream.


Different people associate the big waves in the dreamer with upcoming challenges for the dreamer. It is explained that the big waves’ nature of being unpredictable equals the nature of trials and hardships in life.

Also, the intimidating nature of the big waves is connected to how intimidating challenges can become. Many people say that if you manage to ride through the waves in the dream, it is a sign that you will overcome the trials that are coming.


Big waves in dreams are also interpreted to mean that the spirit world is sending a warning to the dreamer. According to many believers, the waves warn you of the coming consequences that are often due to your stubborn sins.

However, other believers consider the dream as a warning of impending danger.


One famous interpretation of the dreams about big waves is that they are a message of purification to the dreamer. Different people define the message in the dream to mean that the process of spiritual purification has begun or ended.

It is considered the case whenever you feel relieved during the dream—it indicates that you have let go of old habits.


Other believers suggest that dreaming about big waves means that God is giving you hope because He is mighty and powerful. It is taken as a reminder that you should not question if God still has you just because you have challenges.


Different people explain that dreams about waves are a reminder that you need to be courageous. It is suggested that the unpredictable nature of wavers is a reminder that in life, pain will come unexpectedly.

However, what matters is how you handle the pain—with courage.

Common Big Waves Dream scenarios and their Biblical Interpretations

Biblical meaning of big waves in dreams 
Common Big Waves Dream scenarios and their Biblical Interpretations. Image source: Pixabay

The biblical meaning of being chased by big waves

Different people interpret the dream of being chased by big waves to mean the dreamer’s mental health is deteriorating. They say that the big waves represent the heavy negative emotions that affect both the physical and mental health of the individual.

Others take the dream as a message that the dreamer’s patience is running out. Therefore, after such dreams, it is said that it is better to analyze your life to find logical reasons for your deteriorating health.

If not, it is advised that you should ask God for help and wisdom.

The biblical meaning of being dragged by big waves

Many believe that being dragged by big waves in dreams means that you are feeling powerless. It is said that this interpretation best fits when you have this dream during times when your life is so hard.

According to many people, this dram is a sign from the heavens for you to regain your power.

The biblical meaning of dark, big waves

Different people associate a dream about big dark waves performance at work or school. They believe that the dream is an indication of anxiety that is affecting the performance of believers.

The biblical meaning of dirty big waves

Many people define dreams about dirty big waves to mean that there is bad luck coming towards you. It is said that it is a message from your guardian angel to be cautious.

Also, it is often taken as a sign from the heavens for you to stay prepared for the misfortunes that are coming.

Other people consider dreams about dirty big waves as a sign that you need spiritual cleansing. It is often the case for believers who have backslide from their faith.

Others take the dream as a reminder to repent.

The biblical meaning of drowning in big waves


It is believed that a dream of drowning in big waves is a sign that you are exposed to temptations. Others interpret the dream to mean that the heavens are letting you know that you have let evil spirits in your life.

It is implied that the main message is about these spirits leading you to make bad decisions.


Other people say that the dream about drowning in big waves is a sign that you are drowning in sin. It is explained that the waves indicate how you are being pulled away from God because of your sins.

Therefore, it is implied that the dream indicates that you will be easily tempted if you do not repent.


Different people take this dream as a warning that you are about to face the consequences of your sins. Many believe that the dream is a message from God for you to repent and turn away from evil.

However, it is explained that the drowning indicates the possible forms of tragedy you will face if you ignore the message and continue living in sin.

The biblical meaning of sailing big waves

According to different dream interpreters, sailing big waves in dreams means that there are going to be challenges in your life.

However, they explain that the dream does not just scare you; it is a reminder that you should seek help from God during those hard times. According to many believers, these dreams are more of a confirmation that the challenges are part of God’s plans.

The biblical meaning of swimming in big waves

It is suggested that swimming in big waves in a dream denotes the struggle you face in your daily life. However, the dream is often considered a reminder from the spirits about your resilience.

Others interpret these dreams to mean that you are an adventurous person, and even in hard times, you see the beauty and thrill in it.

The biblical meaning of surfing in big waves

The biblical message of surfing in big waves in dreams is said to be about your ability to move through challenges and come out as a winner. Many take the dream as a sign of confidence that is needed during challenges.

The biblical meaning of watching big waves

It is believed that when you watch big waves in your dream, it is a message that you long to understand your emotions. However, the fact that you are just watching the waves in the dream is defined as your fear of engaging with your emotions directly.

The biblical meaning of big waves lashing your ship

Many people interpret dreams about big waves lashing you to mean that there will be a disaster in your life. Many suggest that a disaster will happen in your finances, relationship, and even physically, where you get injured.

The biblical meaning of the sound of big waves

It is suggested that dreaming about the sounds of big waves means that you are exhausted mentally, and you need a vacation. Others believe that the dream is a sign that the emotions that you have been hiding are about to come out.

Lastly, according to many people, the sounds of big waves in a dream mean you are having a peaceful life with people around you.

The biblical meaning of tsunami waves

Many dream interpreters suggest that a dream about a tsunami means that you are facing a crisis. Others suggest that the dream means you are about to face challenges.

They explain that the tsunami wave is a sign of the degree of damage you will face during the challenges, so you should take it as a sign to prepare.

Another famous definition is that the dream talks about your inability to control your emotions, and it will affect you.

What is the spiritual meaning of seeing big waves in your dreams?

A sign of accepting that nothing is permanent in life

Seeing big waves in dreams is often interpreted as a sign to accept that nothing is permanent. Many people say that this dream comes to people who cannot move on or let go. Therefore, many take the dream as a spiritual sign to stop holding on to the pain.


Also, big waves in dreams are said to be a sign that you will face trouble soon. It is explained that the waves act as an early indicator of the coming problems.

Therefore, many interpreters suggest that you should take the dream as a warning to stay cautious rather than be afraid.

Poor choices

Different people believe that seeing big waves in a dream is a sign that shows how much your bad decisions burden you. Many people associate this dream with the burdens that come from bad financial decisions and poor career choices.

Unavoidable challenges

According to many spiritual people, dreaming of big waves is a sign that you will experience challenges you cannot avoid.

It is said that the interpretation best fits in cases where the waves are muddy and dirty. Also, it is said that if you are drowning in tidal waves, you will receive challenges you have never expected.

You do not understand your emotions

Many interpret the dreams about big waves to mean that you cannot comprehend the strong emotions that you have. It is often the interpretation when the waves are darker than usual.

What is the psychological interpretation of dreaming about big waves?

A reflection of what is hidden in you

Many psychologists connect dreams about big waves with your hidden self. They explain that the dream indicates the emotions that are hidden both consciously and unconsciously.

Different psychologist says that you can know the hidden emotions based on your reactions in the dream.

You should move with the flow

It is also said that dreaming about waves is assigned that you need to start moving with the flow of your emotions and the circumstances. It is explained using the nature of waves to move back and forth, making them a beautiful site to see.

A sign that you should express the feelings you have been repressing

One common psychological definition of dreams about big waves is that they mean you have hidden feelings that you have to express.

It is said that if the waves in the dream keep coming after you violently, there is something important that you are missing when you repress your feelings.

What should I do if I keep dreaming about big waves?

Many people advise that you should seek guidance from your spiritual mentor if you keep dreaming about big waves. It is considered a very important dream if it keeps recurring, which is the reason why many advise professional guidance.

The interpreter will help you understand the dream as well as give you directions on how to respond to the message. Also, it is advisable that you assess your life to understand the exact message and the part of your life that the dream is targeting.

However, if you are a Christian, it is better to seek comfort from God because these dreams can be overwhelmingly scary.

Also, many Christian dream interpreters encourage believers to seek their help when such dreams recur.

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